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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #1801
    LOL. I'm still waiting for my team to resemble who they were a year ago. Personally, I think last year's Falcons and Cowboys would blow your Boyz current iteration out. But what do I know?

    About 20 years ago, my brother-in-law was killed in a police confrontation. They said that he reached for the cop's gun, which is BS as a reason to shoot somebody. But I wasn't there, so who is to say that he didn't? His girlfriend [[who called the cops) was beat into a coma by the cops, ostensibly because she attacked them after they shot him. She never woke up, so the "investigation" was conducted by cops toward their union brothers and only had their side of what happened. I am just tired of the same cut-and-paste excuse being used ad nauseam since then.

    Ask for an independent review of deadly police encounters? You just hate the police. Protest peacefully downtown? You're a terrorist because only Blue Lives Matter. Take a knee during the national anthem? You hate the military and America. Whatever. Clemson's head coach, Dabo Swinney, actually said "I don't understand why they're unhappy. They have a Black president!" Yeah, asshole. We should not complain about cops killing our loved ones because Obama makes it better.

    My eyes are on everything but the game, these days. I see the people in the stands, hear the commentators' distort the protest, and read the general narrative about these ungrateful and entitled athletes and all that is missing is the Word. You know which one I'm talking about. Who do you suppose Bob McNair was referring to when he said "we can't let the inmates run the prison"? Not the players, I surmise, but the rest of the unwashed rabble who might want a better world.

    They can all go to hell. I wish that every sack of crap that boos the players has a story just like mine soon. Maybe their kids can be killed instead of ours. Just to switch things up for once. Yeah, I'm bitter. I'm pissed that it took me this long to give up hope that I'd see a color blind America before I die.

    I know, it's just a game. But it reflects life in a lot of ways. Tommy Smith and John Carlos were two of my early heroes, by the way. And you're wrong about them changing things. Every person that was inspired by them laid down one more brick to the eventual victory, so in my mind, they changed a lot by empowering others. Just like Kaep. Before I die, I'm going to do so as well.

    Probably on a Sunday afternoon or a Monday night when I would otherwise have been watching football.

    But I digress. Unlike Jai, I don't kick people when their teams get beat, especially when my team gets them. So I won't be talking smack after the game. Don't hate me for saying "I told you so" so far in advance

  2. #1802
    This [[I hope and pray) will be the last time I speak politics in a thread I created as my safe zone.

    In a few short months and if the lawd's willing and the creek don't rise, I will be 65 years old. I didn't just read about the Jim Crow south, I lived it. Physically I came out unscathed but mentally, the experience will be with me until I take my last breath.

    I've seen progress in my lifetime but victories? Sorry, not feeling you on that one. If we have been so damn victorious why in hells bells are we still dealing with the same rhetoric and hate? Why are we going backwards and loosing ground?

    My heart goes out to your brother, his girlfriend and all of our people that have been persecuted, killed, raped, beaten, hung from trees, bitten by dogs....and the list goes on but....I've reached a point in my life that I know [[and I'm speaking for me and no one else) that there is a HIGHER POWER and that power doesn't reside in the White House or some fool with a gun or BS rhetoric.

    I also know that a real change will only come about when we start being honest with ourselves, take a long hard look in the mirror and start making a change to do better and be better. I take that journey alone because I can only change ME.

    I fought the good fight MY WAY...it didn't work... but now I've got a POWER that is leading me and guiding me in a different direction and in that power I will put my trust and salvation.

    NOW, about smack talk. Child please, you smack talk with the best of them so don't go all psychological warfare on me now. Don't try to guilt me into giving you any mercy after we pluck the feathers off those birds.

    DAMN, I'm going to enjoy THIS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [[insert hysterical laughter here)
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-09-2017 at 07:14 AM.

  3. #1803
    When I probably had a black & gold diaper on when born who do you think I would root for ALWAYS?? Win or lose!!
    Now......what about ole Jerry suing the 6 owners??
    Will Roger Dodger go down??

    GO STEELERS!!!!!

  4. #1804
    Be honest Moe, I don't have any love for Jones or Goodell so really don't care what happens one way or the other.

    Team pride no matter what is a heck of a thang Moe but maybe we should be a little more compassionate to those that have never experienced a super bowl win or two or five or six. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    I gotta go make the doughnuts. Have a great day!

  5. #1805

  6. #1806
    You are correct Jai.

    It was started as a sports page and my plan and purpose is to get back to that.....smack talk and all....LOL... Besides after Sunday Birds whipping I'll be back in their corner [[until we meet again)

  7. #1807
    Attachment 13739
    Attachment 13740

    awww man, my pics went away but that's ok, I'll re-post later
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-09-2017 at 04:24 PM.

  8. #1808
    WOW. They are back....LOL

  9. #1809
    LOL. I'm done with the heavy stuff. Still less of a fan of the NFL, though. And I'm not trying to get anybody else to be. I'm in a real bad place right now and my misery does not love company. Anyway, I'm glad to get Jai's endorsement of certain defeat. That's a guarantee for not just a win, but a turnaround for the season. Thanks, bruh!! I knew there was a reason that I missed you!

    Politics aside, Jerry Jones needs a new first name. Threatening to sue the league because he can't convince them to fire Goodell is a new low. What, is Ezekiel Elliott his long lost love child or something? Rumor has it that the real dirt on Zeke hasn't leaked out and that he absolutely deserves his six game suspension. I'll withhold judging him, but ms_m, your dude is a piece of work! I stopped rooting against the Cowboys years ago, but I might be reconsidering. Sorry, Moe, but Dad is a Clowns fan [[not auto-corrected, BTW), so I'm required to root against the Squealers. And Jai, Daniel Stern... Nuff said about the Rednecks.

    Besides all of the No Fun League discussion, I'm happy that both the NBA and college basketball seasons are back. Go Sixers, go Nuggets, and above all and before all, HEELS UP!

    This is the best time of the sports calendar. Enjoy, everybody.

  10. #1810
    Welcome back jerry[we need you here]now although the nba season is just starting,my[gizzards]have managed to put their foots in their mouths again[we're the best in the east-labron is scared of us,blah,blah,blah]yeah labron is so shook up he dropped 57 on ya'll and didn't break a sweat,just shut the eff yuu cee kay up and play..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Hey moe,try this one on for size..if big ben retires and cousins don't sign here,guess who could be your qb next season,hmmmm??

  11. #1811
    Cousins will sign with Miami. They are going to let Ndamakong Suh and Ryan Tannehill go and use the money they save on him. Your team will be in full rebuild mode for at least two seasons, which is ridiculous. That's what happens when you don't have a strong GM and you play games with your key players. Good luck, but thanks for your QB.

  12. #1812
    I've been saying this for years. People REALLY don't read.

    I've written abut Zeke and how I feel about his situation and I don't give a rat's patootie about JJ. Goodell isn't on my people I like list either but carry on...you need a distraction from this up and coming, Boyz beat down on Sunday. No worries, I understand

  13. #1813
    ??! Actually, in light of a pending court decision regarding his eligibility in the next 24 hours, I thought you'd be interested in discussing the most serious issue facing your team, but I'll take my lack of cognition elsewhere. Really wasn't trying to step on any nerves, but since I can't seem to avoid it, I'll step away. Enjoy the game.

  14. #1814
    Anyone see the report about Aaron Hernandez's brain?
    Stage 3 CTE.......surprised everyone at the young age!

  15. #1815
    Ms m,my sweet,don't fret pretty one,you all will still beat the burds without your running back,but the boyz are in trouble.

  16. #1816
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    anyone see the report about aaron hernandez's brain?
    Stage 3 cte.......surprised everyone at the young age!
    yeah i saw it..sad!!

  17. #1817
    **Welp** No Zeke on Sunday. Now, I'm out.


  18. #1818
    Hey,let's have some fun..pick your personal alltime nfl team-defense-offense-coach....i'll give it a shot-coach[vince lombardi-no non sense]..quarterback[sonny jurgenson-best pure passer ever]..recievers-lynn swan-randy moss..offensive line-the hogs..running backs-jim brown-barry saunders..tight end-jerry smith...defense-defensive line-ends-reggie white-bob lily..tackles-dave butz-mean joe green..linebackers-jack lambert-wilbert marshall-lawrence taylor..safeties-jack tatum-sean taylor..cornerbacks-dion sanders-darrell green..kick returner-billy whiteshoes johnson-punt returner-brian mitchell-punter-ray guy-kicker-mark mosley[only kicker ever named-mvp].

  19. #1819
    Just a list of my favorites, not who I consider to be the best.
    QB: Kurt Warner
    RB: Walter Payton and Terrell Davis
    WR: Jerry Rice and Julio
    TE: Tony Gonzalez
    C: Dwight Stephenson
    G: Mike Kenn and Nate Newton
    T: Orlando Pace and Bob Whitfield

    That's my offense, anyway.

  20. #1820
    Quote Originally Posted by jerry oz View Post
    cousins will sign with miami. They are going to let ndamakong suh and ryan tannehill go and use the money they save on him. Your team will be in full rebuild mode for at least two seasons, which is ridiculous. That's what happens when you don't have a strong gm and you play games with your key players. Good luck, but thanks for your qb.
    hey jerry,it could happen because the dumbskins are playing[chicken]with kirk and when they blink[and they will]he'll be gone,and perhaps within three years be playing in a superbowl while we'll be playing in the[stupidbowl],nothing surprises me while george allen is in charge he might sign tannehill and suh and have a parade snyder is so enchanted because of who his father was..[coach allen would've signed cousins before the season started]i like colt mccoy but he ain't a franchise qb and they aren't gonna win anything big with him,if kirk winds up in steeltown with their talent,watch out,he could wind up in arizona also,who knows?

  21. #1821
    I'm not shaking in my boots about it but can't wait to see Jerry Oz's excuse when we kick their butts anyhoo?

    I'll have to think about my list but I can tell ya right off the bat Bob Hayes is my WR, and a player very few know or ever discuss, Tony Lorick is my RB... and full disclosure and no shame in my game when I say, it's a girl thang 'cause I had a serious crush on him back in the day....LOL.

    I'll get back to ya on the others.

  22. #1822
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    hey jerry,it could happen because the dumbskins are playing[chicken]with kirk and when they blink[and they will]he'll be gone,and perhaps within three years be playing in a superbowl while we'll be playing in the[stupidbowl],nothing surprises me while george allen is in charge he might sign tannehill and suh and have a parade snyder is so enchanted because of who his father was..[coach allen would've signed cousins before the season started]i like colt mccoy but he ain't a franchise qb and they aren't gonna win anything big with him,if kirk winds up in steeltown with their talent,watch out,he could wind up in arizona also,who knows?
    They backed themselves into a corner by franchising him two years in a row. It's going to cost too much to keep him again. The logic escapes me.

  23. #1823
    I'm just going with fave players so I'd also like to stick Gayle Sayers [[HB) in the mix some where and Johnny Unitas in a QB slot. I agree with Gonzales, and will add Jason Witten and Emmett Smith is a MUST!

    Oh and almost forgot Franco Harris [[fb).

    It's a hodge podge of players but I'm just sticking with players I've enjoyed watching over the years.

  24. #1824
    I will always have the 70's Steelers as my faves BUT I'll try to keep it
    so unbiased.
    QB:Brady [[ooh, that pains me)
    RB: Emmitt Smith & Walter Payton
    WR: Jerry Rice
    C: Mike Webster
    DE: Joe Greene
    LB: Lambert, Lambert, Lambert
    Secondary: I'll have to think this one out

  25. #1825
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I'm surprised you watched it. If I had your viewpoint, I'd either grab the nuts of a great team and organization or stop watching football. But thanks for offering your opinion. I look forward to sweeping the Panties again next season and getting my hopes up, even though it is futile to think that one team can beat another. LOL.
    Haven't been around these forums in a long time. I came back to discuss soul music and wandered over here and completely forgot this thread! Looks like "Panties" got 1-0 right now and on their way to a sweep and the playoffs! Matty Ryan still choking! Too bad the damn 'Aints fans can take their paper bags off now, can't believe they have actually looked good recently.

  26. #1826
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    The hits, they keep on coming. Glad I'm taking this season off.
    Even I didn't even take last season off! Enjoy a high draft pick like us next year! Maybe you guys won't waste it on a slot receiver who averages less than 10 yards per receptions... You can root for us to top the 'Aints now, I'm sure you hate them more than us!

  27. #1827
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Even I didn't even take last season off! Enjoy a high draft pick like us next year! Maybe you guys won't waste it on a slot receiver who averages less than 10 yards per receptions... You can root for us to top the 'Aints now, I'm sure you hate them more than us!
    Screw the Stains. I'll root for the Panties to beat them 100 times out of 100 chances. Never hated Carolina and I puke looking at New Orleans. With that said, the division is wide open with Carolina and Atlanta yet to play their best ball. And McCaffery is going to be the face of your team when [[s)Cam quits in a year or so. I like Samuel too but I don't understand why they drafted him. Can they play both of them at the time? They know more than I ever will, but I'd never use a first and second pick on such similar players.

    With that said, I'm sure they will prove why I'm not a GM soon enough.

  28. #1828
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Haven't been around these forums in a long time. I came back to discuss soul music and wandered over here and completely forgot this thread! Looks like "Panties" got 1-0 right now and on their way to a sweep and the playoffs! Matty Ryan still choking! Too bad the damn 'Aints fans can take their paper bags off now, can't believe they have actually looked good recently.
    Congrats on last week's win, Cowboy. We can't get out of our own way this year, but it was a good win for your team. The better team finds a way to win. We'll get you next time.

  29. #1829
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Congrats on last week's win, Cowboy. We can't get out of our own way this year, but it was a good win for your team. The better team finds a way to win. We'll get you next time.
    You may get us next time in ATL, but unfortunately for you guys that happens week 17... When you'll be mathematically eliminated and we'll have clinched the division. You may be able to move us from 1 seed down to 2 seed though!

  30. #1830
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Screw the Stains. I'll root for the Panties to beat them 100 times out of 100 chances. Never hated Carolina and I puke looking at New Orleans. With that said, the division is wide open with Carolina and Atlanta yet to play their best ball. And McCaffery is going to be the face of your team when [[s)Cam quits in a year or so. I like Samuel too but I don't understand why they drafted him. Can they play both of them at the time? They know more than I ever will, but I'd never use a first and second pick on such similar players.

    With that said, I'm sure they will prove why I'm not a GM soon enough.
    McCaffrey has disappointed since the hype of training camp. Last game was by far his best game as a runner, and it wasn't even all that special. I'm still hoping he can turn into a threat like Le'Veon Bell with patience and vision, and he also struggled his rookie year and stepped up big sophomore year, but we'll see. McCaffrey can't really break tackles or make guys miss at this level so far. He's sure handed and runs routes well though for a RB. Not worth a top 10 pick so far but obviously it's still early. Cam will win 5 straight then retire.

    Samuel is a pure WR and will be our deep threat to replace Ginn when he gets up to speed. Not very similar to McC at all. Samuel and McCaffrey both played over 75% of the snaps against you. Samuel has a ways to go but he did have a few nice catches against you guys.

  31. #1831
    thomas96 Guest
    Samuel is a pure outside WR. McCaffrey is a HB and slot receiver. They play very different roles. Both expected to be explosive and shifty players and I honestly would've preferred to take a DE [[Barnett) over McCaffrey, or even Lattimore who the 'Aints got, but I can understand taking both these guys.

  32. #1832
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    McCaffrey has disappointed since the hype of training camp. Last game was by far his best game as a runner, and it wasn't even all that special. I'm still hoping he can turn into a threat like Le'Veon Bell with patience and vision, and he also struggled his rookie year and stepped up big sophomore year, but we'll see. McCaffrey can't really break tackles or make guys miss at this level so far. He's sure handed and runs routes well though for a RB. Not worth a top 10 pick so far but obviously it's still early. Cam will win 5 straight then retire.

    Samuel is a pure WR and will be our deep threat to replace Ginn when he gets up to speed. Not very similar to McC at all. Samuel and McCaffrey both played over 75% of the snaps against you. Samuel has a ways to go but he did have a few nice catches against you guys.
    Interesting. Samuel played multiple roles in Columbus, so I expected him to play H in the pros. I saw preseason videos of him making awkward body catches in camp and didn't know if they were reflective of his ability. I'm not an Ohio State fan, but I root for a lot of their players in the pros, do I hated seeing you draft Samuel. Still, he's kind of a small guy for sub-60% [[s)Cam to be lobbing his 50/50 balls to. Unlike that thick sucker you traded to the Bills last week.

  33. #1833
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Interesting. Samuel played multiple roles in Columbus, so I expected him to play H in the pros. I saw preseason videos of him making awkward body catches in camp and didn't know if they were reflective of his ability. I'm not an Ohio State fan, but I root for a lot of their players in the pros, do I hated seeing you draft Samuel. Still, he's kind of a small guy for sub-60% [[s)Cam to be lobbing his 50/50 balls to. Unlike that thick sucker you traded to the Bills last week.
    Samuel's downfield speed fits Cam's skillset way better than Benjamin ever did. It's no surprise Cam had his best season when Benjamin was hurt in 2015 and Ginn was the number 1 receiver. Cam has the best deep ball in the NFL and is getting better with the short-intermediate range throws--although those are still weak too.

    Yes Samuel in college was very similar to McCaffrey but the Panthers drafted him to make him strictly a WR for whatever reason--they must've seen something from him in college when lined up out wide. Although they do throw in a couple reverses for him. Samuel hasn't shown much so far in these games but I think the coaching staff is very high on him, and it was partly because he'd been hampered by a hamstring injury early in the year. He has the intangibles to be a very good receiver, like a TY Hilton or even a Beckham or Brown -- obviously not a their levels this early in his career, or possibly even ever, but he has a similar skillset to them.

    Benjamin never got open, he only had success by out muscling guys on contested throws. That was an issue. Funchess is better than him at getting open, and he's starting to use his size as well like Benjamin can. It didn't make sense to keep both of them. Samuel and Funchess should compliment each other well. I just wish we could've gotten more for Benjamin than we did. We would've got the same pick essentially just letting him walk and getting a comp. pick.

    I will say though Keanu Neal looks much better this season than I thought he looked last year. Still don't think much of Beasley [[Peppers is outplaying him this year) but Neal looks great. Julio is still dominating aside from that uncharacteristic drop on Sunday. Matt Ryan reverted back to his normal sucky self. The RBs are good for you guys as well as the OL, but the new coordinator ain't so great. Defense looks solid overall--those LBs are decent, and the guy you picked up from KC in the middle of the DL is great, but overall I'm not sure you guys will pick it up to playoffs level this year. We shall see.

  34. #1834
    Welcome back. Ryan is having an odd season. Half of his interceptions were off the receivers' hands. They all have the dropsies. My biggest problem is that the passion that he displayed last year is missing. Dude needs to crawl up in somebody; everybody. You know, make them know that he cares. Maybe he can whine after a bad game and sulk out of a press conference like a petulant 5-year old. You know, show emotion, even if it's by being immature.

    Nah, I suppose that would get old after awhile. And embarrassing for your fans. At least he hasn't sunk to that level.

  35. #1835
    Name:  morn.jpg
Views: 4857
Size:  10.7 KB

    Looking forward to a great game Jerry Oz!
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  36. #1836
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Name:  morn.jpg
Views: 4857
Size:  10.7 KB

    Looking forward to a great game Jerry Oz!
    GO COWGIRLS! And Bills at 1:00pm

  37. #1837
    Way to hustle Steelers. Congrats Moe!

  38. #1838

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. #1839
    Name:  63674154a4c34197dc3d70b422baf5f4--cowboys-football-football-team.jpg
Views: 4982
Size:  27.1 KB

    go boyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. #1840
    thomas96 Guest
    That one was on Ryan. A lot of his picks have been tipped but that's because he's forcing bad throws and making tons of bad decisions. He's been terrible this year, back to his usual self.

  41. #1841
    Name:  1td.jpg
Views: 4797
Size:  18.7 KB

  42. #1842
    Well, I'm willing to give credit where credit is do. THANKS Ryan.

  43. #1843
    Name:  2llhym8 - Copy.jpg
Views: 4873
Size:  26.5 KB

  44. #1844
    son of a #@@%#%$#%#&%#&%#&

  45. #1845
    Good Game Birds. Congrats Jerry Oz!

  46. #1846
    Thanks. I've been waiting for that team to show up this season.

  47. #1847
    I would have preferred they showed up in a different game....LOL ... but hope they continue to press on... I'm still and always will be ... DC4 Life

    Until we meet again!

  48. #1848
    By the seat of our pants, Ms M..........thanks!
    Awful about Joe Haden, though.

  49. #1849
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    By the seat of our pants, Ms M..........thanks!
    Awful about Joe Haden, though.
    I read he may only miss 3 weeks which seems rather optimistic to me but these guys [[and the doctors) tend to push things to the extreme.

  50. #1850
    Wow,didn't see that coming[hi ms m]the dirty burds laid the smacketh down on them boyz,hey jerry we did it didn't we[hehe]...now for the unplesant news-those nodefenseplayinnoncoachincan'tscoreinsidetheredzon enodefenseplayincan'tstopathirdstringbumquarterbac kratfacedratfinks..agggggggggggggggghhhhhh#@!$$%$^ &^&*&&^%???^^%$#@!!@#@#$%???agggggggggggggg!!!!tho se no good bumskins!!!


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