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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #5551
    Just found this video. It not definitive that this is what actually happened but although it's rare it seems to happen to athletes that have been hit in the chest during a particular electrical cycle in their heart.

  2. #5552
    Ms M, I knew someone with the very same scenario. He was skiing. His chest hit a pole. Awake, then collapsed. He passed away at age 39 with a wife & 4 children.

  3. #5553
    Such a frightening situation. Should remind us to be happy for another day, forget all of the things we're looking forward to. Let's hope the young man makes a full recovery.

  4. #5554
    In a few months I will hit 70 so trust and believe I am always grateful to see another day!!!

    I've been watching the game for many, many years and I've seen my share of frightening things in football but THIS ONE is high on the list of one of the most frightening.

    I truly pray he makes a full recovery!!!!

  5. #5555
    Some really interesting games today….

  6. #5556
    Thankfully the young man is recovering, i think that we as football fans in our zeal forget just how dangerous the game actually is!

  7. #5557
    There’s a pic of him on Twitter from his hospital bed.
    God Bless that kid!

  8. #5558
    God's work was definitely at play for Mr. Hamlin. I'm really happy for him!!!!!!

    Jai I agree football can be a dangerous game but keep in mind this sort of thing can happen to anyone if they get a blow to the chest at a certain point during their heart cycle.

    Today has been an interesting day for football so far. Congrats on your win Moe but it has to feel ironic that is was Jerry's Dolphins that took the wind out of your sails....and speaking of Jerry, his Birds creamed the Bucs...yeah...and the Bill's won over the Pats, another yeah!

    Next up, you and me Jai....go Cowboys!!!!!!

  9. #5559
    I was hopeful, but yep, the Dolphins got in the way…all the way to the playoffs. Good for them! I’m just happy the Patriots lost so I don’t have to listen to the friend from Boston [thank you Jesus!]

    Now on to more football !
    Congratulations Jerry!

  10. #5560
    Your team is playing extremely well Jai and I'm not even mad. I'm ready to sit the starters and let this one go. The momentum going forward should come from getting their arse kicked!!!!!

  11. #5561
    Great way to end a day/night of football. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Welcome to the party Seattle!

  12. #5562
    Someone made a point that the most important play of Miami's season was that late interception in the Sunday Night game against the Steelers. Had it not occurred, Pittsburgh looked like they were going to win that contest. It was the difference between us and them making the tournament.

    Now, folks are wondering about Tua playing next week. Personally, medical clearances aside, I don't want him to play. One good hit and it could end his career and although he gives us a chance against anybody, it's not worth the risk right now. If he does play, I'll bet they yank him after the first hit he takes, whether he's hurt or not because nobody knew he was concussed in his last game. It only became apparent when he and Coach McDaniel were reviewing his odd choices [which led to a career high three interceptions to Packers defenders who were the only players in the area] and Tua admitted he couldn't remember any of the plays.

    What do you do with a guy who doesn't know he's suffering a concussion? I think he should stay out and undergo a full battery of neurological tests to make sure he's not at risk. I remember Troy Aikman was having concussions on plays where he was simply tackled with no contact to his head from the opponent or the turf. And I'll never forget the Vikings' Tommy Kramer going through a seizure on the field in the '80s. There's more to life than football. Just ask Damar Hamlin.

  13. #5563
    Hi gang, ms m, your boyz may not survive tom brady and co. Your coach didn't have em ready last night, play like that against the[g.o.a.t]and ya'll go home!!

  14. #5564
    Agree with there is more to life than football and I'm really impressed with how this young man is able to understand that.

    Jai, I will admit I'm worried about Brady since he tends to come back stronger after a loss but we shall see how it plays out. Remember, Any Given Sunday!

    As far as McCarthy not having them prepared, well I 'm not sold on him yet and it came across to me that Dak's head just wasn't in the game. I was more pissed with McCarthy keeping the starters in as long as he did. Hell it was over early and everyone but apparently McCarthy saw that!!!!!!

  15. #5565
    Since we can now bet in my state, my money's on Dallas. Brady is hot garbage this year. I saw a graphic that showed that his protection and Rodgers' were both top-10, so that indicates the problem was not with the offensive lines, but with the quarterbacks. Tampa made it in with a sub .500 record because they're a sub .500 team. I'll be surprised if it's interesting until halftime.

    Meanwhile, Tua's been ruled out and we're starting our third string late round rookie QB against the team that **checks notes** is a Super Bowl favorite and now cresting on a wave of positive karma since America needs a feel good story after Damar Hamlin nearly died two weeks ago. On any given Sunday, any team is capable of beating another. But I'll be surprised if this one's not out of control by the time I get home from church.

    I normally get home from church at 1:20 PM.😔

  16. #5566
    Hey jerry,while you're prayin say one for the boyz[hehe] cause brady is gonna pick em apart, you do know that he's[7-0] when playing em ? Make it [8-0] brady to evans...tampa bay 24- dallas 21 and mccarthy gets the ax shortly after!!

  17. #5567
    “Any given Sunday” is correct, Jerry. I believe in that whole heartedly.
    Anything can happen…..as long as Ms M’s Boyz beat the pants off of Brady!

  18. #5568
    We shall see what happens on Monday Night. I think it will be interesting.

    I heard the Dolphins have been talking to Tua AND his family. He's a heck of a QB but considering his injury history I honestly don't feel particular comfortable with his continuing with the game, and even if they keep him I don't see a 200 mil extension in his future. I'm also hearing Garoppolo's name as a possible replacement. Lawd Love a Duck and heaven help ya Jerry if that happens.

  19. #5569
    Tua will return next season and he'll be fine. A concussion expert discussed his situation and said that in his opinion, Tua's current injury is likely related to the first concussion. He said that he may have been able to pass concussion protocol to return but still had lingering symptoms, which could be aggravated by aggressive contact. If the expert is correct, Tua should be able to recover before the season begins and be fine.

    To put it into perspective, Joe Burrow was on record earlier this season saying that he's had times when he took hits and couldn't remember plays that happened after it. And his teammate Tee Higgins suffered a concussion in week 2 against the Jests, returned less than a week later and then suffered another concussion about a month later. Higgins is a wide receiver who takes much more contact than a quarterback, yet there's no discussion about whether he should have sat longer before returning or considered quitting.

    Heck, Bills center Mitch Morse has been diagnosed with six concussions in his professional career and three in the past three seasons and he's suiting up and starting on Sunday. Tua's my favorite player right now and I really don't want him to suffer serious injury, but for some reason, he's a lightning rod for discussion while injuries for other players are considered just part of the game.

    Did you see the video where DeVante Parker was obviously showing signs of a concussion and nobody - coach or NFL concussion "spotter" - noticed or seemed to care? One of Parker's offensive linemen even helped him get up and get ready for the next play. Nelson Agholor had to literally wave his hands and interrupt the play because he saw it and cared about his teammate. Parker's had several concussion in his career with Miami and New England, yet nobody seems to care when he got this one.

    Again, I love Tua and care about his health. But let's pump the brakes on talk that he might want to quit until we have the same discussion about other players who've had a more extensive history with concussions.

  20. #5570
    I hear you Jerry and it's not that I don't care about the other players but I'm familiar with him and not the others. I'm guessing Tua is the one that gets the most media attention with this issue which makes him more of a story. It sucks but until that changes, that's the way things will play out!

  21. #5571
    Tua became a punching bag after being drafted before Justin Herbert. Herbert got off to a hot start while Tua played for a coach who neither respected him nor thought he was worth developing. Different coordinators in his first two seasons while playing for a rebuilding team didn't put him in position to succeed. Then, the national talking heads took aim at him [Colin Cowherd, Mina Kimes, Skip Bayless, almost everybody at ESPN, etc.] and the narrative was that he was a bust.

    Fast forward to a year later and he has a coach and a team that fit him and halfway through the season, he led the league in passer rating, QBR, completion percentage, yards per attempt, and a few other categories. He finished top three in all of those and had he played in 13+ games, would likely be in the MVP conversation.

    Those people who literally laughed at him last season couldn't admit they were wrong, so most just ignored him to act like they hadn't gone on record with knee jerking hot takes and now looked foolish. Those are the folks who are now talking about him quitting the game after three seasons. Those are the folks who ignore others with more concussions than he had like the aforementioned Tee Higgins, Mike Marsh, and DeVante Parker. Tua's a lightning rod for all of the wrong reasons. If the doctors clear him to play, he should do what makes him comfortable. If not, then he should accept the diagnosis and move on.

    But it's very premature to suggest that what he's experiencing now is more significant or concerning than it is for the 30% or so other NFL players who sustain multiple concussions in their seasons, and the many more who have several in their careers.

    This might come off like I'm a wishful fan, but I'd feel this way about any player in a similar situation. This is less about his injury than it is about how many conversations and phone calls he can generate for sports media.

  22. #5572
    That Jag/Chargers game was something else.

  23. #5573
    I actually spaced out the games yesterday Moe. OOps

    Jerry Oz, I've got your back today but I'm glad they showed that catch several times. LOL

    You're still in it to win it though. B R E A T H E!!!!!!

  24. #5574
    Talk about a controversial call!!!!!!
    Damn Sam, I really was going against the grain on this one Jerry and pulling for the Dolphins.

  25. #5575
    That was a better game than was supposed…meaning so many said Buffalo would steamroll Miami. That last call was debatable. Sorry Jerry, but they played their hearts out…and with a rookie QB. Plenty to look forward to next year!!!
    Ms M, because of my limitations there’s not a whole lot I can do/go until I get clearance, so football it was last night. Gotta wonder what’s gonna happen to Staley.

  26. #5576
    It takes time Moe, keep hanging in there!!!!!

    The momentum is and will continue to be with the Bills but I agree it was a debatable {sketchy} call.

    However, when it comes to the AFC I'm a Chiefs fan so we shall see how it plays out.

  27. #5577
    Well, I hate losing but losing a game we could have/should have won by 3 after being 14 point underdogs is as close to a moral victory as I could ask. Some Dolfans are knocking the 7th round rookie QB in his third start of the year for missing plays, but I think he played well considering Waddle dropped three deep passes, Hill dropped two passes, three other receivers/tight ends accounted for dropped passes and *oh, did I mention?* he was a seventh round rookie QB in his third start. If Tua plays that game, we win it easily. Maybe even with Teddy Bridgewater. If we had any of Byron Jones, Nik Needham, Brandon Jones, half of our starting offensive line or most of our starting defensive front, we would have won that game. With that being said, it's football and *surprise, surprise* players get injured.

    Props to the Bills for taking our best shot and coming out on top. They deserve it. And those game officials seem to agree [I'm not going there today]. I'm probably not as mad as I'm going to be tomorrow, but I'm geeked out for what the future holds for both Miami and Atlanta. Both will be in the playoffs next season.

  28. #5578
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    That was a better game than was supposed…meaning so many said Buffalo would steamroll Miami. That last call was debatable. Sorry Jerry, but they played their hearts out…and with a rookie QB. Plenty to look forward to next year!!!
    Ms M, because of my limitations there’s not a whole lot I can do/go until I get clearance, so football it was last night. Gotta wonder what’s gonna happen to Staley.
    I was looking at the yard marker on that last play, not the yellow line and the yard marker was clearly a foot behind the line, so I'm okay with the spot. With that being said, letting a guy gain 8 yards on 3rd and 8 when you know they're going to run is probably not the recipe for success. Proud of the fellas and deciding if I'm going to root for anybody else [or even watch any more games] in these playoffs. I might be done for the year, including the Super Bowl.

  29. #5579
    So the Bengals advance, even with that beat up OLine.
    I would love to see Buffalo in the Super Bowl because of Damar Hamlin [[my school Pitt).

    So now, Ms M I’m rooting for your Boyz to beat Brady & the Bucs.

  30. #5580
    Most PPL want to see the Bills in it and I understand why but on the other side of the NFC aisle I'm a Chiefs fan...until my Boyz come up against them and then, all bets are off!!!!!

    And thanks for the support tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. #5581
    My plan is to stay low key tonight but come on, we intercepted a Brady ball in the end zone.....tee hee

    and I think I'll add a yippee..but that darn kicker....geeze!
    Last edited by ms_m; 01-16-2023 at 10:10 PM.

  32. #5582
    My brother gave me the side eye on Friday when I told him Dallas was going to win this game easily. He said Tompa Boo was finally healthy and playing at home. I told him that I'd jump at the chance if somebody wanted to give me Dallas minus four points. I probably would have taken six. Sadly, I have a 100% record of losing actual bets, so it's a good thing I didn't have the opportunity to jinx your Boyx, ms_m.

    By the way: My state just legalized gambling and they should be ashamed of themselves. It's going to wreck a lot of lives in no time flat. They governor and other ghouls who signed the legislation legalizing it are complaining about it already and they're running hour long infomercials to tease simple minds into betting their paycheck and then, realizing they really should have won, to bet the next one to get that loot back.


  33. #5583
    how bout dem boyz

  34. #5584
    As a general rule I don't believe in being jinxed and all that stuff but I'm not too proud to admit, I stayed quiet tonight for just that reason. LOL

    Sorry about the gambling thing but sadly the people that will jump all over it probably gamble anyway...now it 's just more convenient.

  35. #5585
    LOL. I don't believe in jinxes, either. But I'm so remarkably consistent when it comes to betting that it's a good excuse. I could probably pick 80% of winners on most NFL weekends but as soon as I shake a hand on a bet, I'm pretty sure that number falls to 10% or less. And it's always the oddest thing like a player stretching before the game and pulling a hamstring or somebody fumbling as they're going into the end zone [like in last night's game].

    And the gambling thing bugs me because there's a certain number of idiots who are going to bet regardless of whether it's legal. Maybe 3-5% of guys were doing it. I'd be willing to believe that's going to shoot up to 15-20% now that it's legal. And half of those will be problem gamblers. I'll bet you I'm right.

  36. #5586
    Jerry, I’m right with ya on the legalized gambling. I was barraged with it consistently on Twitter! Not a fan….I think it takes advantage of people.

    On the other hand, beating Brady gave me great joy!!!! Congratulations Ms M & now on to the 49’ers. All of those games will be interesting!!!

  37. #5587
    Jerry Oz said, " I'll bet you I'm right." LOL, that was funny.

    Thanks Moe, woke up this morning to check the score to make sure I didn't dream that game.

    The irony though, as MUCH as I enjoyed the win it was actually one of the most boring of all the playoff games so far. But hey, I ain't mad!

  38. #5588
    But what about the kicker meltdown? That was something!

    Oh I missed Jerry’s comment…..haha!

  39. #5589
    At first I was pissed and then all I could do was laugh. Dude had one job and couldn't do that one job on MULTPLE tries....he even broke a record. LOL

    Dak was visibly frustrated and was like heck to the naw we're going for the two points. Sit down dude. We got this. LOL...Okay my words but during his press conference when they asked him about it, he said {and I paraphrase} yeah I was upset, I'm human but I spoke with Maher after the game and told him, everyone has bad days, hell I played like sht last week. Get over it and move on!.

  40. #5590
    I was trying to post a video but it doesn't show up. Sorry
    Last edited by ms_m; 01-17-2023 at 07:28 PM.

  41. #5591
    The irritating thing with gambling being new the state is the ads. Kevin Garnett, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Hart, JB Smoove all pitching about how much fun gambling is to their fans. Most of whom are **checks notes** BLACK. Shame on the bookmakers for marketing it to us and shame on those personalities for not caring.

    And it's going to be interesting to see if Dallas goes for an extra point in the next game before a 2-point conversion. And more interesting to see if they kick a field goal on 4th and 5 from the 30-yard line. ms_m, the kicker's struggles makes McCarthy's much maligned decision to go for it against the Packers seem to make sense. I'd guess your guy was already having problems and it wasn't reported.

  42. #5592
    Jerry I THINK he was somewhere in the low 60% range in completed attempts until last Sunday. Not great but okay and if I'm not mistaken, his troubles did start to show in the Packers game and obviously went down hill from there. I understand the Boyz will continue to use him for now but they have signed another kicker just in case.

    All I know for NOW, we're still in it to win it!!!

  43. #5593
    Jerry, I couldn’t agree with more about your comments about the betting! On Twitter I was bombarded with it. And yes, I took notice with Foxx & everyone.

    And….are we ready for some football this weekend?

  44. #5594
    I had to dump Twitter after Elon bought it. It was a hard decision because I got probably 90% of my actual news [real news and sports] there, but he's too much for me to want to deal with. Especially bringing Deplorable Don and a bunch of other traitors and miscreants back to the platform. I haven't canceled either of my two accounts, but I don't plan to return.

    And it's too bad, because Twitter was probably the first site I visited every day when I got on line and I stayed logged in until it was time to shut down my laptop. I cut back on Facebook a year or so ago and only login these days to check my notifications. If I found out Trump or one of his kids bought Soulful Detroit, I'd just throw my laptop and PC out with the trash.

  45. #5595
    I have cut my Twitter viewing drastically because the Steelers are done for the season. Some of the stuff I’ve been seeing on there makes me shake my head.

    At least the Dallas/SF game is close.
    C’mon Ms M!!

  46. #5596
    We couldn't get the job done. Goodnight!

  47. #5597
    Sorry, ms_m. I had no dog in the fight but I was hoping you'd be happy for at least another week. A Dallas vs Philly game would have been must-see TV.

  48. #5598
    Sorry Ms M, I too was hoping for a Philly/Dallas game!

    But both games should be interesting. Another KC/Cincinnati. Wonder if KC will get sent home again.

  49. #5599
    Thanks guys. I'm disappointed but it was a wild ride and I actually enjoyed our season. BUT... I'm still and will always be a Boyz fan!!!!

    I'm concerned about Mahomes and his ankle but if KC falls I definitely will not be pulling for the Niners!!!

  50. #5600
    And neither will I! They've won 5 Super Bowls & I don't want them to win a sixth!
    Yes, very self-serving since the Steelers have won 6
    Their QB [Purdy] showed signs of inexperience. Hopefully teams will focus on that.


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