WELL MR.PRESIDENT,ON THE FIRST SUBJECT I'M ALL FOR THE NAME CHANGE..I'M 1/45TH CHEROKEE MY SELF..[we may be from the same tribe]NOW AS FOR THE SECOND-I'M WITH YOU ABOUT THE KID NOT STARTING YET BUT I SAY EASE HIM IN SLOWLY AND BY NEXT SEASON HE SHOULD BE READY TO TAKE THE REINS AND SHOULD HAVE SOME OFFENSIVE WEAPONS..NOW SIR IF I MAY SUGGEST SOMETHING NEW FOR YOU TO CONSIDER,WHY NOT HAVE YOU AS OUR COMMANDER AN CHIEF HAND OFF THE BALL AT THE START OF THE NFL SEASON-JUST HAVE THE TEAM'S RUNNING BACK COME OVER TO YOUR BOX AND YOU HAND HIM THE BALL...[now of course in return he hands you an envelope stuffed with shall we say campaine contributions from the owner,cash only and tax free and of course your aide takes the envelope so it never actually touches your hands sir..and if there's an investigation the replay will show you hands free]JUST A SMALL IDEA TO HELP YOU GET THIS COUNTRY MOVING AGAIN!!