I need to give Twitter a break like I've been giving Facebook. Maybe check in once or twice a week. I've already had one account suspended. I got a day for referring to Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron as a coon after his sham investigation into Breonna Taylor's murder. I deserved that one.

Then, after tweeting that although I didn't wish ill on anyone, hopefully the COVID protesters from last summer had the decency to die at home instead of flooding into hospitals and clogging up resources. I got an undeserved week off because they said it was against Twitter rules to wish harm on others. I didn't do that, but there's no appeal process.

Finally, they suspended me permanently after Candace Owens tweeted that it was time for us to return to 1776 and have a revolution. I reminded her that in 1776, she wouldn't be tweeting because she'd be too busy suckling massa's children. Twitter cancelled my account. I don't think I deserved it, but whatever.

I've already been suspended for a week with my new account after tweeting that it was convenient for the NFL to fire John Gruden, not because he a massive [slur], but because he was a massive [slur] to Roger Goodell.

Since then, I hardly reply on Twitter and I try not to reply if I'm upset about something I read or anything else. I'm a different man since Trump became president and I don't seem to be as decent in the face of indecency as I used to be.