StuBass, I don't disagree with your viewpoint at all. But I'll make note of the following wherein I think we see things differently:
My question would you feel if you waited years, spent tens of thousands of dollars to come here legally, and then just watched as people walked across the border at will and even being given taxpayer resources for their law breaking efforts???...
There is a reason why the couple you referenced aren't working in the fields. That reason is also why they went the right way about coming to the States. The problem isn't with the workers, by the way. It's with the employers willing to exploit them and the system that is willing to look the other way. They wouldn't go through that effort to pick oranges one month, apples the next, and cabbage in a state 500 miles away after that.

I've read that ICE schedules its raids on factories in such a way that they never impact the operation of those facilities. They give the managers advance notice and won't hit the same place again for years. The company might receive a token fine. The government and private industry are complicit in the crime, but it's the worker on whom we focus our enforcement efforts. It's like the drug war. Arresting the druggies isn't slowing down use, so maybe it should be reevaluated.
That said...we have a serious problem going back decades...I don't believe that calling for defined borders is racism...although some people would call anyone who wants our borders protected "racist"...I've come to the conclusion that when people just use the "racism"'s like a quarterback throwing the ball out of bounds in the closing seconds of a close game...It stops the clock for any rational and intelligent discussion on the topic, usually because the accuser has run out of logical arguments...
Closing the borders is not, in and of itself, racism. Racism is what you call it when instead of focusing your reasons on the truth, you describe an entire class of people as murderers and rapists as your reason for wanting to do so. The problem is not how many Mexican criminals we have to contend with; we have a ridiculous amount of Americans doing much more and worse. It's not the jobs that they take; Americans don't want the jobs that they have. The "problem" is that politicians need to stoke the flames to get voters excited and whether they are racist or not, race plays a HUGE role in politics.

By the way, it'll cost a lot of money to maintain the wall [[forget trying to get Mexico to pay for it). You might want to evaluate how much of your tax dollars are being spent on services for illegal immigrants compared to how much will be spent to keep them out. By the way, the vast majority of them actually work for a living, so whether they are paying taxes or not, their employers are. Consequently, they are actually footing the bill for a lot of those services in Los Angeles and elsewhere.