Hi Stu!

In majority of the matters during the past twenty years we have followed closely Germany, especially in issues with certain Mediterranean countries, who are not so particular about their economy. But we were very close to the U.K. too and this concern some issues, when Germany and France joined forces and tried t rule over smaller member countries, and that's why it's a pity we're losing the U.K. Especially free trade was important for both of us.

Preserving the peace between all the member countries has been an important principle and in that EU has succeeded - I mean within EU countries - especially keeping in mind all the turbulence till the last mid-century. This is the thing I try to keep in mind, when these troubling incidents occur.

Everything may turn out good in EU after all. Now the leaders understand that they must listen more closely to people and avoid the elite impression, and perhaps the good sides of this union are highlighted as well. Perhaps the rest of the union will just grow stronger in the end. Perhaps? Meanwhile populists are on the loose for a couple of years.

Best regards
Still one happy EU citizen,