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  1. #151
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by supremester View Post
    Actually, I'm not wrong. Most of these women were not initially seeking money until being called liars. They did not come forward asking for money. Many remain anonymous.

    You are wrong about polygraph. see below.

    He'd lose because he's guilty and people would sense it and because he admitted in court that he bought ludes to give to women for sex. If it was consensual, why would ludes be needed? I'm not trying to sway your opinion - just informing you that the evidence so far points to quilty without much thought at all. I still say all Cos has to do is go on TV and take a polygraph - he knows this.
    Polygraph can only be submitted to the court in certain states and only if both parties agree to it--and in many states is completely inadmissible. Even if Cosby is guilty [[or innocent and wouldn't want to take it because they're based on pulse and breathing rates which can change--indicating lies--when one is nervous about something even if they're not lying) he could not be forced to take it for use in court, therefore there is no way a polygraph could be used against him in court.

    It would be illegal for people in a jury to base their opinions in a new case off of his testimony from a previous case that was settled. He said he acquired the drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with. That's not rape. He never said they were needed. Maybe that's just what he enjoys and with the woman's consent there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn't matter though because that testimony has nothing to do with any of the other accusations and couldn't be used against him in any other case.

    You saying "he'd lose because he's guilty and people would sense it" is completely outrageous and I hope to God that you never serve on a jury, because that would be a breach of justice in and of itself.

    You're not informing me of any "evidence" at all as you so claim because none of what you said is factual evidence that he raped anybody.

    Taking a polygraph on TV would not help Cosby at all. They vary so much that he could be asked 100 questions and tell the absolute 100% truth on all of them and it would show that he was likely lying on at least 5-10 of them just based on changes in pulse and breathing rate, which would occur when one is in the spotlight on national television. Even if it showed 1 out of 100 he was lying, he would get destroyed my the media and general public based on that 1. He'd have nothing to gain at all by doing that. Even if he did it and it said he was telling the truth, the media would be writing about how he's a master manipulator or a sociopath who believes he isn't lying even when he is. The media is after him because this is selling and making headlines, and I don't blame them because the general public is stupid enough to eat it up, so they'd spin that into a negative story any way they could. He's smart to just keep his mouth shut and not say anything. Whether he's guilty or not.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Roberta, do you listen to Ike Turner ever, or to James Brown ever? Simple yes or no question.
    Yes I do listen to both.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post

    That article's from January, I'm pretty sure there have been more since then. Add on the ones that have already been settled, including the one that the most recent testimony of Cosby's was unsealed from. So to say that none of them are looking for money or that they would have nothing to gain, as was stated earlier, is ridiculous. Maybe what they have to gain is to ruin his reputation and his image because he promised them help with starting their acting careers in exchange for consensual sex and they're upset that their career never took off or that he didn't follow through on his promise. Not saying that happened, but it's a possibility. Just like it's a possibility that he raped them. But none of us know, and there is no evidence. So there's really no point in discussing it.

    Polygraph is inadmissible in civil and criminal court, so you're wrong. And there is no "evidence" at all that rape occurred at any point so the cases wouldn't be easy wins. Right now it's strictly a "he-said she-said" situation, which wouldn't go anywhere in court. If it went to a jury though I'm sure he'd lose because 99% of the country believes that multiple accusations equal guilt even without any factual evidence. But that would be a breach of justice because pretty much everybody in the country has been swayed by the media on this for probably a year now, and would have prior knowledge of the case and a bias. Unfortunately for everybody who believes Cosby to automatically be guilty, he's unlikely to face any legal consequences.
    Well ill hes ruined his own legacy and hes pretty much a leper in society so this must be eating him up inside. He drugged and raped darned near 40 ladies and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

    hes no Cliff Huxtable thats for darned sure and his wife is his greatest enabler IMO. Smh at both of them and they few defenders.

  4. #154
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Yes I do listen to both.
    Why would you listen to such horrible people yet also believe that the Cosby Show should not be aired because a horrible person acted in it? Even if he's guilty I really don't understand how anybody can support not airing movies or shows that Cosby has acted in. Hundreds of other actors and actresses and writers and directors, etc. were all involved in those, why punish them? They were entertaining and funny with a lot of values in them as well. Why does 1 actor's personal life change anything? Yes he's a PoS. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the show, or give reason to punishing everybody else involved.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Why would you listen to such horrible people yet also believe that the Cosby Show should not be aired because a horrible person acted in it? Even if he's guilty I really don't understand how anybody can support not airing movies or shows that Cosby has acted in. Hundreds of other actors and actresses and writers and directors, etc. were all involved in those, why punish them? They were entertaining and funny with a lot of values in them as well. Why does 1 actor's personal life change anything? Yes he's a PoS. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the show, or give reason to punishing everybody else involved.
    I listen to Ike Turner cause I like Ike and Tina music but I don't have to look at Ike's evil face when listening to CDs and I paid for the CDs. I really like James brown music. I will watch the Cosby show once hes paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to the women he drug and raped and when hes donated money to rape shelters and abused women shelters. Thats showing me hes trying to making it right with God and taking responsibility for his actions.

  6. #156
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    Barack & Whoopi are now against him!

    As soon as Diana drops the axe, I'm convinced!

    Relax, I was convinced before. He's a loser.

  7. #157
    thomas96 Guest
    Oh how I'd love the ensuing meltdown here if Diane Ross came out publicly in support of Bill Cosby.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Oh how I'd love the ensuing meltdown here if Diane Ross came out publicly in support of Bill Cosby.
    I don't think that will happen. She seems to be a private person who does few interviews, and does not do the red carpet scene. So, if she has an opinion, one way or the other, she likely will not share it.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Why would you listen to such horrible people yet also believe that the Cosby Show should not be aired because a horrible person acted in it? Even if he's guilty I really don't understand how anybody can support not airing movies or shows that Cosby has acted in. Hundreds of other actors and actresses and writers and directors, etc. were all involved in those, why punish them? They were entertaining and funny with a lot of values in them as well. Why does 1 actor's personal life change anything? Yes he's a PoS. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the show, or give reason to punishing everybody else involved.

    Yeah like Stephen Collins who admitted to molesting children.

  10. #160
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I listen to Ike Turner cause I like Ike and Tina music but I don't have to look at Ike's evil face when listening to CDs and I paid for the CDs. I really like James brown music. I will watch the Cosby show once hes paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to the women he drug and raped and when hes donated money to rape shelters and abused women shelters. Thats showing me hes trying to making it right with God and taking responsibility for his actions.
    I can absolutely understand you personally not wanting to see Cosby's face, but why should they take the show off? Others enjoy watching it regardless of Bill's personal life. The other actors and actresses are all tremendous and it's an entertaining and funny show. I understand you already have the Ike and JB CDs [[similarly I have Cosby Show dvds) but pretend that you didn't. How would you feel if they stopped selling all of the CDs and records and took them off of the internet too--just because some people didn't want to hear a wife-beater's voice--so you wouldn't be able to hear these singers that you enjoy listening to? My point is, there is nothing wrong with the show being aired and there's no reason to take it off. If some don't want to watch it then they don't have to. Don't stop others from watching it and the other actors and actresses, producers and directors from making money from it that they've earned and deserve. Did James Brown and Ike Turner pay out hundreds of millions of dollars or try to make it right?

  11. #161
    supremester Guest
    What a spiteful little k_________ you are! Why do you delight in other's unhappiness? Are you so bothered by Diana Ross fans that you actually daydream of their folly??????

    There is a Facebook group for you! Would you like the link?

    QUOTE=thomas96;292574]Oh how I'd love the ensuing meltdown here if Diane Ross came out publicly in support of Bill Cosby.[/QUOTE]

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    I can absolutely understand you personally not wanting to see Cosby's face, but why should they take the show off? Others enjoy watching it regardless of Bill's personal life. The other actors and actresses are all tremendous and it's an entertaining and funny show. I understand you already have the Ike and JB CDs [[similarly I have Cosby Show dvds) but pretend that you didn't. How would you feel if they stopped selling all of the CDs and records and took them off of the internet too--just because some people didn't want to hear a wife-beater's voice--so you wouldn't be able to hear these singers that you enjoy listening to? My point is, there is nothing wrong with the show being aired and there's no reason to take it off. If some don't want to watch it then they don't have to. Don't stop others from watching it and the other actors and actresses, producers and directors from making money from it that they've earned and deserve. Did James Brown and Ike Turner pay out hundreds of millions of dollars or try to make it right?
    I dont have to buy any more Ike Turner CDs Ive got the ones I need and karma paid Ike Turner back real bad. Tina Turner went on to make hundreds of millions of dollars and Ike ended up a leper in society and spent time in jail. Cosby has lost of of his endorsementts and networks are dropping him like hot cake. The Duggars 19 and Counting just got canceled for harboring a molester and thats the right thing to do IMO. Cosbys chickens are coming home to roost. Universities dropped him and Disney dropped him and Netflix dropped him. Oh hes feeling this.now he needs to donate money to rape centers and abused women's shelters.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Oh how I'd love the ensuing meltdown here if Diane Ross came out publicly in support of Bill Cosby.
    Switch sides!

    I can't wait.

    Trouble is DianA never says anything about the antics of others.

  14. #164
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    Why do you guys have to turn every thread into a diana ross thread?

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    I can absolutely understand you personally not wanting to see Cosby's face, but why should they take the show off? Others enjoy watching it regardless of Bill's personal life.
    Bill Cosby is a serial rapist, and it was his show. That's why it should be removed. The 19 Kids ans Counting show was also cancelled. These criminals have to be shown that violence against women and children should never be tolerated. The collateral damage is Cosby's fault.

    And, if anyone does find a way to criminally charge Mr. Cosby, they should go after anyone complicit in his crimes.

  16. #166
    supremester Guest
    Are you call this a "Diana Ross Thread"?????????? She was MENTIONED. Like Tina, Ike and others. It's not an Ike Thread. Or a Tina Thread. OR a Ross Thread. YOU have Ross Paranoia. I can't wait for YOUR autubiography, "Supreme Indignation - My Life After Diana Ross Is Even Mentioned."

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by supremester View Post
    Are you call this a "Diana Ross Thread"?????????? She was MENTIONED. Like Tina, Ike and others. It's not an Ike Thread. Or a Tina Thread. OR a Ross Thread. YOU have Ross Paranoia. I can't wait for YOUR autubiography, "Supreme Indignation - My Life After Diana Ross Is Even Mentioned."

    In a sense I understand it. It is about her omnipresence, how she ended every show, did every finale in her heyday, how Whoopi just had to stand there at Motown 40 with her hands up and her back to the audience and everyone KNEW what it was all about. It's about Bill Cosby and Harry Belafonte calling her the most important black artist of her time.

    And more than anything, she left the other Supremes in the dirt - that's the real issue.

    And there really isn't much to discuss about Bill Cosby other than an academic discussion for the sake of discussion. He has become of those pariahs - Sandusky, OJ Simpson etc. Thank goodness for us Motown Fans that Michael Jackson doesn't seem to have his name included in that group - at least not all the time.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Bill Cosby is a serial rapist, and it was his show. That's why it should be removed. The 19 Kids ans Counting show was also cancelled. These criminals have to be shown that violence against women and children should never be tolerated. The collateral damage is Cosby's fault.

    And, if anyone does find a way to criminally charge Mr. Cosby, they should go after anyone complicit in his crimes.
    I fully agree with you.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by supremester View Post
    What a spiteful little k_________ you are! Why do you delight in other's unhappiness? Are you so bothered by Diana Ross fans that you actually daydream of their folly??????

    There is a Facebook group for you! Would you like the link?

    QUOTE=thomas96;292574]Oh how I'd love the ensuing meltdown here if Diane Ross came out publicly in support of Bill Cosby.
    As a person of Jewish ancestry I really, really hope you are not using the "K-word" I think you are using.

  20. #170
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    [QUOTE=soulster;292607]Why do you guys have to turn every thread into a diana ross thread?[/QUOTE

    Honestly, I have NO idea why Ms. Ross was dragged into this thread.

  21. #171
    supremester Guest
    LOL......oh, dear Moses - some of your kin are enough to give a Saint the conniptions!

    How the hell would I possibly know ANYTHING about your ancestry? Is your last name Zion? Give me a f'n break please. I hadn't even heard the K word until college - and it was used in a list of bad words I had to have explained. Geez, some people are quick to play their particular card. How sad.

    PS: In and out Of Love was the current DR&TS 45 during my Bar Mitzvah - what was yours?

    As a person of Jewish ancestry I really, really hope you are not using the "K-word" I think you are using.[/QUOTE]

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by supremester View Post
    LOL......oh, dear Moses - some of your kin are enough to give a Saint the conniptions!

    How the hell would I possibly know ANYTHING about your ancestry? Is your last name Zion? Give me a f'n break please. I hadn't even heard the K word until college - and it was used in a list of bad words I had to have explained. Geez, some people are quick to play their particular card. How sad.

    PS: In and out Of Love was the current DR&TS 45 during my Bar Mitzvah - what was yours?

    As a person of Jewish ancestry I really, really hope you are not using the "K-word" I think you are using.

    What word did you mean?

  23. #173
    supremester Guest
    I'll tell you when you answer my previous questions.

  24. #174
    thomas96 Guest
    Alright I'm done with this discussion. Carry on.

  25. #175
    supremester Guest
    2 K's & 2 vowels

  26. #176
    supremester Guest


  27. #177
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    Alright now, guys...

  28. #178
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    Motown is old, the artists are aging and leaving us

    To entertain the rabble, the behaviour of Bill Cosby took over.

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Motown is old, the artists are aging and leaving us

    To entertain the rabble, the behaviour of Bill Cosby took over.
    "The rabble"? Well, I NEVER! I didn't come here to be insulted!
    [[Everyone: Where do you usually go? )
    To continue:
    I have heard/read that though the statute of limitations would nullify an accuser's ability to sue Cosby, he could still be sued for perjury during deposition and/or defamation of character [[of a few of the women he has made statements about).

  30. #180
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    ps: Have we heard anything about the judge who released the 'lude confession part of the deposition? Is is thinking of releasing the entire deposition?

  31. #181
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    Not yet. But more have said more of the deposition should be released to the public.

  32. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertZ View Post
    "The rabble"? Well, I NEVER! I didn't come here to be insulted!
    [[Everyone: Where do you usually go? )
    To continue:
    I have heard/read that though the statute of limitations would nullify an accuser's ability to sue Cosby, he could still be sued for perjury during deposition and/or defamation of character [[of a few of the women he has made statements about).
    Ya mostly we are just average Robs, certainly we do have some very special people though

  33. #183
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    Bill Cosby is a disgusting pig. This desposition is real real disturbing. Hes a sick and dangerous man imo.


  34. #184
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    Bizarro! If this doesn't convince anyone that Cosby is a sexual predator, nothing will:

    [[CNN)Bill Cosby said he had sexual relationships with at least five women and tried to hide the affairs from his wife, the New York Times reported Saturday.

    The paper told CNN it obtained a copy of the deposition where Cosby said he obtained seven prescriptions for the sedative Quaaludes from a Los Angeles doctor, ostensibly for a bad back, but really to give to young women he partied with. He said the sex and drug-taking were consensual, the Times reported.
    The deposition was taken 10 years ago and stems from a civil lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand -- one of the dozens of women who have publicly accused the comedian of sexual assault.

    Cosby, 78, has never been criminally charged and has vehemently denied wrongdoing.

    CNN has not yet obtained the full deposition and cannot independently confirm the veracity of the Times story. When reached for comment Saturday night, Cosby publicist Andrew Wyatt said, "We're not making any comments right now. Thank you." Constand attorney Dolores Troiani had no comment when reached by CNN.

    Earlier this month, documents relating to the Constand lawsuit were released in which Cosby has admitted to getting prescription Quaaludes to young women he wanted to have sex with.
    In those earlier documents, Cosby says he gave Constand one and a half tablets of Benadryl to relieve stress.

    Bill Cosby admitted to getting Quaaludes to give to women
    In the deposition, Cosby mostly discusses his years-long relationship with Constand but described sexual relationships with at least five women in different cities across the nation, in hotels and in one of his homes, the Times reported.

    Constand was a staffer for the women's basketball team at Cosby's alma mater, Temple University, when she visited Cosby's Pennsylvania home in 2004. According to Constand, Cosby gave her medication that made her dizzy. She said she later woke up to find her bra undone and her clothes in disarray.

    Cosby eventually settled the legal suit, which claimed that 13 "Jane Does" had similar stories of sexual abuse. The suit was settled under confidential terms. Since then, more than 25 women have publicly accused Cosby of raping or assaulting them over the past 40 years, often alleging he gave them some sort of drug without their knowledge.

    In the deposition, Cosby said he tried to keep his wife, Camille Cosby, in the dark, at one point funneling money to a woman so his wife wouldn't find out, the Times reported. He said he offered to pay for Constand's further education, the Times reported. Cosby said he imagined his wife would have known he was helping pay for Constand's education but not because they'd had sex and Constand was now upset, the Times quotes him as saying in the deposition.

    Cosby said in the deposition that he was a mentor to Constand, the Time reported. He said he deepened his relationship with her by inviting her to his house to talk about "personal situations dealing with her life, growth, education," the Times reported, quoting the deposition.
    The Times said Cosby talked about his philosophy of sex in the deposition, saying he tried to avoid sexual intercourse because he didn't want women falling in love with him. The Times said: "To him, he said, the act of sexual intercourse 'is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it's deeper than a playful situation.' As far as he and Ms. Constand went, he said, they were 'playing sex, we're playing, petting, we're playing.' "

    The entertainer described his seduction strategy, saying he asked one woman about her father's cancer because he wanted to have sex with her, the Times reported. He said he was good at reading nonverbal clues that showed a woman was consenting to sex, the Times said. "I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them," he said, according to the Times story.
    Last edited by soulster; 07-19-2015 at 03:03 AM.

  35. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Bizarro! If this doesn't convince anyone that Cosby is a sexual predator, nothing will:

    [[CNN)Bill Cosby said he had sexual relationships with at least five women and tried to hide the affairs from his wife, the New York Times reported Saturday.

    The paper told CNN it obtained a copy of the deposition where Cosby said he obtained seven prescriptions for the sedative Quaaludes from a Los Angeles doctor, ostensibly for a bad back, but really to give to young women he partied with. He said the sex and drug-taking were consensual, the Times reported.
    The deposition was taken 10 years ago and stems from a civil lawsuit filed by Andrea Constand -- one of the dozens of women who have publicly accused the comedian of sexual assault.

    Cosby, 78, has never been criminally charged and has vehemently denied wrongdoing.

    CNN has not yet obtained the full deposition and cannot independently confirm the veracity of the Times story. When reached for comment Saturday night, Cosby publicist Andrew Wyatt said, "We're not making any comments right now. Thank you." Constand attorney Dolores Troiani had no comment when reached by CNN.

    Earlier this month, documents relating to the Constand lawsuit were released in which Cosby has admitted to getting prescription Quaaludes to young women he wanted to have sex with.
    In those earlier documents, Cosby says he gave Constand one and a half tablets of Benadryl to relieve stress.

    Bill Cosby admitted to getting Quaaludes to give to women
    In the deposition, Cosby mostly discusses his years-long relationship with Constand but described sexual relationships with at least five women in different cities across the nation, in hotels and in one of his homes, the Times reported.

    Constand was a staffer for the women's basketball team at Cosby's alma mater, Temple University, when she visited Cosby's Pennsylvania home in 2004. According to Constand, Cosby gave her medication that made her dizzy. She said she later woke up to find her bra undone and her clothes in disarray.

    Cosby eventually settled the legal suit, which claimed that 13 "Jane Does" had similar stories of sexual abuse. The suit was settled under confidential terms. Since then, more than 25 women have publicly accused Cosby of raping or assaulting them over the past 40 years, often alleging he gave them some sort of drug without their knowledge.

    In the deposition, Cosby said he tried to keep his wife, Camille Cosby, in the dark, at one point funneling money to a woman so his wife wouldn't find out, the Times reported. He said he offered to pay for Constand's further education, the Times reported. Cosby said he imagined his wife would have known he was helping pay for Constand's education but not because they'd had sex and Constand was now upset, the Times quotes him as saying in the deposition.

    Cosby said in the deposition that he was a mentor to Constand, the Time reported. He said he deepened his relationship with her by inviting her to his house to talk about "personal situations dealing with her life, growth, education," the Times reported, quoting the deposition.
    The Times said Cosby talked about his philosophy of sex in the deposition, saying he tried to avoid sexual intercourse because he didn't want women falling in love with him. The Times said: "To him, he said, the act of sexual intercourse 'is something that I feel the woman will succumb to more of a romance and more of a feeling, not love, but it's deeper than a playful situation.' As far as he and Ms. Constand went, he said, they were 'playing sex, we're playing, petting, we're playing.' "

    The entertainer described his seduction strategy, saying he asked one woman about her father's cancer because he wanted to have sex with her, the Times reported. He said he was good at reading nonverbal clues that showed a woman was consenting to sex, the Times said. "I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them," he said, according to the Times story.
    Yeah the woman will have sexual intercourse when shes been drugged and asleep. This man is a chronic rapist. May God forgive him.

  36. #186
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    Ok,so he's been crucufied,vilified,his show has been pulled,and i can't find a[jello pudding pop]in the stores,i hear that the census folks are taking his name off the census reports so he won't officially exist oh and his family tree is gonna be dug up too and every stage that he ever appeared on will be burned...did i leave out anything?

  37. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Ok,so he's been crucufied,vilified,his show has been pulled,and i can't find a[jello pudding pop]in the stores,i hear that the census folks are taking his name off the census reports so he won't officially exist oh and his family tree is gonna be dug up too and every stage that he ever appeared on will be burned...did i leave out anything?
    And if all that was true it would be his own doin. 40 women FORTY and you think its all a joke. SMH just smh.

  38. #188
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    Ignoring arr & bee's sarcasm...

    The following bit is very telling of a sexual predator:

    He [Bill Cosby] said he was good at reading nonverbal clues that showed a woman was consenting to sex, the Times said. "I think I'm a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them," he said, according to the Times story.
    What makes me even more angry about what he has done is that he's Black, and this just reinforces the stereotype that Black men are obsessed with sex and are rapists.
    Last edited by soulster; 07-19-2015 at 05:49 PM.

  39. #189
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    To be honest, soulster, the stories of Bill being a pig in Hollywood was actually commonplace going back to his initial '60s stand up heyday... what makes Bill stand out is he acted like he was so moral, that's what hurt him: his hypocrisy.

  40. #190
    supremester Guest
    A) I can honestly say I've never even heard of that stereotype. Most men, I believe, are obsessed with sex at some point in their lives. I don't think it has anything to do with color but instead something to do with testicles.

    B) Not one person, anywhere, not one I've talked to about this has even mentioned or hinted to race. I think if it ever was a stereotype - it isn't anymore. I think that the days of equating bad behavior with minority stereotypes are waning or are gone except for the few loons that will always be hiding under their rocks. Anyway, I'm guessing that the heinousnosity of Mr Cosby is so great that no one can even think past what groups he might belong to - he's in a class by himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Ignoring arr & bee's sarcasm...

    The following bit is very telling of a sexual predator:

    What makes me even more angry about what he has done is that he's Black, and this just reinforces the stereotype that Black men are obsessed with sex and are rapists.

  41. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by supremester View Post
    Anyway, I'm guessing that the heinousnosity of Mr Cosby is so great that no one can even think past what groups he might belong to - he's in a class by himself.
    Nah, I can think of two immediately that were much, much worse:

    John Wayne Gacey and Jeffrey Dahmer! Bill didn't kill and eat his partners after having sex.......

  42. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    To be honest, soulster, the stories of Bill being a pig in Hollywood was actually commonplace going back to his initial '60s stand up heyday... what makes Bill stand out is he acted like he was so moral, that's what hurt him: his hypocrisy.
    And that's why the judge released transcripts from the deposition. If Mr. Cosby had kept his mouth shut about certain matters, he would have gotten away clean.

  43. #193
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    A) I can honestly say I've never even heard of that stereotype. Most men, I believe, are obsessed with sex at some point in their lives. I don't think it has anything to do with color but instead something to do with testicles.
    The stereotype of Black people, both male and female, that we are hyper-sexual and aggressive, is very real, and one I had heard of all my life. It grew out of the fear White men had that goes all the way back to slavery. The rumor was created to cause fear of mainly Black men, and to dehumanize the women.

    B) Not one person, anywhere, not one I've talked to about this has even mentioned or hinted to race. I think if it ever was a stereotype - it isn't anymore.
    You can be sure that if it is some White people, they're thinking about it! Men of all races can be sexual predators, but it is Black men who get tagged with it because of the history of race in our country.

    I think that the days of equating bad behavior with minority stereotypes are waning or are gone except for the few loons that will always be hiding under their rocks.
    You may not think so or see it, but, trust me: the myth of the hyper-sexual Black man, with the larger-than-"normal" junk still thrives. And, it's not just White people that think this, it's across all races and ethnicities. I don't know where you live, but here is still tons of ignorance out there. I meet these people all the time!

  44. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Bill didn't kill and eat his partners after having sex.......
    Maybe he ate them while having sex.

  45. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    Maybe he ate them while having sex.
    I know this isn't a laughing matter, but that was funny!

  46. #196
    supremester Guest
    You left out Hitler, Stalin and Bush/Cheney whose body count is still not, unfortunately, finished mounting up. Yes, there's worse, but that makes Cosby only a few cuts above the worst killers history has ever heard of.
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Nah, I can think of two immediately that were much, much worse:

    John Wayne Gacey and Jeffrey Dahmer! Bill didn't kill and eat his partners after having sex.......

  47. #197
    supremester Guest
    OK Please see below:

    You said:
    The stereotype of Black people, both male and female, that we are hyper-sexual and aggressive, is very real, and one I had heard of all my life. It grew out of the fear White men had that goes all the way back to slavery. The rumor was created to cause fear of mainly Black men, and to dehumanize the women.

    I say:
    I believe you, but please believe me that I've never heard anything of the sort - and I'm 60 and fascinated by social cancers such as racism, homophobia, classism etc. so I've done some reading and brain picking on the subjects. Also, my mixed daughter minored in it at St Marys College and we discuss it a lot. I'm not arguing - just sending another perspective.

    You said:

    You can be sure that if it is some White people, they're thinking about it! Men of all races can be sexual predators, but it is Black men who get tagged with it because of the history of race in our country.

    I say:
    ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I'M white - I'M not thinking about it and I don't believe any of my social circle is - no one has even hinted at such. Do you see how you are part of the problem? [["ALL white people are thinking this???") ALL white people are only one thing: white. We don't all think alike, eat alike, screw alike or anything else alike. When my oldest was in 7th grade she asked her friends to stop using the phrase "that's gay" and told them that I am gay and it hurts her to hear it. It did not affect my relationship with any of the kids - half of them jocks - one bit. Although a few did say, "wow - he doesn't ACT gay" but none felt threatened because they weren't taught that. They no more thought I'd be after them than they would think Tina's mom would be. My point: not everyone is into stereotypes - most of those holding those thoughts are dying off. I live in Portlandia - yes, we are a notch to the left of center, but you need to cease painting groups all the same with wide strokes. Throw that wide brush away!!!

  48. #198
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    I say:
    I believe you, but please believe me that I've never heard anything of the sort - and I'm 60 and fascinated by social cancers such as racism, homophobia, classism etc. so I've done some reading and brain picking on the subjects. Also, my mixed daughter minored in it at St Marys College and we discuss it a lot. I'm not arguing - just sending another perspective.

    I say:
    ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I'M white - I'M not thinking about it and I don't believe any of my social circle is - no one has even hinted at such. Do you see how you are part of the problem? [["ALL white people are thinking this???")
    First of all, I am not part of a problem if I just point out the issue. I realize that some people believe it it best not to say anything and maybe it will quietly go away. Well, it doesn't go away.

    ALL white people are only one thing: white. We don't all think alike, eat alike, screw alike or anything else alike. When my oldest was in 7th grade she asked her friends to stop using the phrase "that's gay" and told them that I am gay and it hurts her to hear it. It did not affect my relationship with any of the kids - half of them jocks - one bit. Although a few did say, "wow - he doesn't ACT gay" but none felt threatened because they weren't taught that. They no more thought I'd be after them than they would think Tina's mom would be. My point: not everyone is into stereotypes - most of those holding those thoughts are dying off. I live in Portlandia - yes, we are a notch to the left of center, but you need to cease painting groups all the same with wide strokes. Throw that wide brush away!!!
    I didn't say ALL white people. I grew up around almost all white people, so I know better. Yeah, that "acting gay" is as bad as the "acting black" or acting White" accusation I hear all the time, or whatever have you.

    You don't have to be into stereotypes to have heard them or have been affected by them. You are a gay man, so you know all about stereotypes. Just because they don't affect you doesn't mean they aren't there. Granted, I live in a more "backward" type of area, so I hear it more.

  49. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    And that's why the judge released transcripts from the deposition. If Mr. Cosby had kept his mouth shut about certain matters, he would have gotten away clean.
    Yep. Don't preach about values when you don't have any... that was where Bill messed up.

  50. #200
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    Yup. The lesson is don't be a hypocrite! It makes people suspicious when you go overboard with a goody-goody-two-shoes image. How many politicians and preachers have been caught? If you're gonna be a perv, don't be preachin' to people about how to behave or raise your kids.

    All this kind of makes you wonder what he's thinking when he looks at his daughters.


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