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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by chestersong View Post
    originally the "ship date" was 4/29, on friday. now it's been moved to monday, 5/2. seems like another delay?
    Perhaps it's due to the Royal Wedding?

  2. #202
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Very Funny
    Hip-O's clocks are most likely 1/2 hour behind the fans, too!

  3. #203
    Anyone get a shipped confirmation yet?

  4. #204
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    not yet. they better not be drinking.

  5. #205
    Hmmmmm, maybe another delay? Or are they just now getting everyone's orders together?

  6. #206
    Ramone Verona Guest
    It's quite disappointing that it's past release day and there is absolutely no buzz over this release. Since Hip-O does not advertise then it's up to fans and internet communications. After so many delays, I'm not surprised this package is DOA.
    A few may have gone to a lot of work but this kind of service just snubs it's nose at any creative effort. In the past I've purchased multiple copies of "limited editions". Now I'm "limiting" the purchase to ONE.

  7. #207
    RossHolloway Guest
    Well Hipposelect has May 2 as the ship date. Cost of 69.98.
    Amazon.com has the release date of May 17, cost of 55.55... I guess it pays to be patient.

  8. #208
    Ah, the site ship date has now been moved to Friday May 6th for Hipo.

  9. #209
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    this just came in my e-mail:

    Dear Hip O Customer:

    We regret to inform you that there has been a small delay in getting The Supremes, "Let Yourself Go: The '70s Albums, Vol 2 - 1974-1977: The Final Sessions" to our warehouse for shipping.

    We are expecting the product in the next 1-2 days and will begin shipping the product as soon as it arrives.

    Thank you for you understanding and for supporting Hip O Select.
    Online Customer Support

  10. #210
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    I dont think it's time to get hysterical. The CD has already been on Amazon's charts!!

  11. #211
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    i got the same lame message. exactly one week from their original message which means that nothing will get done until the following monday. and with Amazon at $53.50 last night, plus free shipping, that's a twenty spot that Hip-O doesn't need. if every release with this "business" is handled at a by-the-seat-of-your-pants type planning, then no wonder the discs can have flaws and the booklets can have spelling errors. amazon has the best price so it's no wonder "their" charts are the way they are. it happened with the Anthology on the supremes 70s and it's STILL for sale! hip-o may find out this could be "their" final sessions
    they have two days, then i'm amazon bound. twenty dollars is worth it since we're this close to the 17th and this release, as others pointed out in reviews, is mostly alternate sessions.

  12. #212
    I haven't seen the 70's Anthology for sale anywhere. So if you've seen it for sale, please tell me where, because I've been looking for another copy [[and I want new)!

  13. #213
    Ramone Verona Guest
    Amazon US has them. Last I saw, there were 14 new ones in stock from 3rd sellers. That means you will pay shipping for sure and it won't ship as fast. The quantities change up and down depending on where stock comes from. They are on e-bay all the time. I'm sure the same fans bought them to turn a profit later on. Didn't the Anthology get delayed excessively, also? The Supremes got shafted and delayed and cancelled in the 1970's so maybe this is Hip-O's way of being nostalgic.
    I just paid $66 for a tank of gas and I'll most likely need another tank before LET YOURSELF GO arrives. I took a gaze at the track listing again and only 8.5% is new music. The rest is alternates and what fans already have. I read somewhere that Vol 2 of the Marvelettes is only in the planning stages. What will gas be a gallon in another 6 years?

  14. #214
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    i know just what you mean. i like discussing what future cds we would like to see but when i realize it took 6 years and counting for these last albums to appear from first mention; that sours the fun. these alternate versions better be amazing.

  15. #215
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    I'll admit I was initially disappointed that there wasn't more in the can by Mary, Scherie and Susaye, yet to be discovered. But I imagine if this were a 2-CD set with just the "new" tracks added, we would speculate as to what alternate versions might have been left behind. For example, it is intriguing to know that the "High Energy" album, which I always loved, has an alternate mix of the whole LP, included on the new set.

    Also, as much of a completist as I am, if the stuff all came out together, well how could we buy it all? And these CDs are really marketed to a limited group of collectors. I mean, back in the 80s, how could anyone convince a record company to market a limited edition of 5,000, copies of anything? They were all trying to come up with the next "Thriller."

    Anyway, I'm anxious to have this and love the fact that these releases are becoming more and more interesting all the time, what with the less well known artists and the rare stuff from the artists we thought we knew really well.

  16. #216
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    i was thinking about those 5000 copies a while back when my daughter was doing her girl scout troop cookie thing. it's a long story but 5000 people didn't even cover the folks in my part of a neighborhood in the town! let alone all the towns contained in a city, a state, a country. so you are quite right that this cd set is aimed at a teeny, tiny niche of people.
    last summer my daughter and her friends set up a lemonade stand and it was all set to go. except she didn't have the lemonade or goods to make it with! reminds me of Hip-O posting this set to their web-site, checking the box that it's "in stock" and you can order, and they set a ship date; then realize they have no product to sell! seems backwards. my daughter was more disappointed though.

  17. #217
    Ramone Verona Guest
    One of those 5000 copies might have gone to Susaye. She's sporting the set in her hands on Facebook. Many have congratulated her on it; a very few have actually stated that they are ordering it. So it must be real! I wonder if every Supreme received a copy? This set has four, count them "4", versions of "I'm Gonna Let My Heart Do The Walking". I wonder who's favorite supreme's song this was?? Diana should record this.

  18. #218
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    do the girls get any royalties from a release like this? seems like it would be a good idea for Susaye and Scherrie and Mary to promote this to encourage attendance to their shows and various recordings for sale. with these girls living in California and Mary in nevada, maybe they can have a small get together and fans can get their cds signed?

  19. #219
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    I can't stop dancing. or smiling. LOL! It's been a long road, but it is almost here for you all! The wait is worth it, I promise you. Summer just around the corner, we will be dancing in the KLUBS! Lots of fresh surprises to come. hope you all will continue to support this project cause it just too hot! Today, on Amazon.com it is #39 in Bestselling R&B chart. has been in the top 100 for 20 days. love to all, S.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastsupreme View Post
    I can't stop dancing. or smiling. LOL! It's been a long road, but it is almost here for you all! The wait is worth it, I promise you. Summer just around the corner, we will be dancing in the KLUBS! Lots of fresh surprises to come. hope you all will continue to support this project cause it just too hot! Today, on Amazon.com it is #39 in Bestselling R&B chart. has been in the top 100 for 20 days. love to all, S.
    Congrats, Ms. Greene!

  21. #221
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    I believe everyone will really enjoy The Final Sessions. I think it's the finest packaging so far! And never has there been more participation from a grouping of Supremes. These ladies have been angels!

    I know some complain about a lot of alternates. I personally love alternate versions, maybe even more than completely unreleased recordings. I love hearing alternate vocal takes of songs I'm very familiar with. And sometimes a different instrumental mix can make a big difference in the song. Could we have used less of them? Sure, but would you rather have the alternate or less tracks on the CD?

    I know Andy touched on this but we really did use everything we could find in the way of unreleased material. As frustrating as the delays have been they actually allowed us to find other gems we had yet to uncover. And there were things we wanted to include but just couldn't for clearance reasons. Believe me, we're big fans, too and we know what we wanted on this set as much as all the other fans! Andy and I both have scabs on our knees from pleading for a few things we ultimately just couldn't get :-)

    I love this set. When I listen to this music and stare endlessly at all these photographs, I'm a kid again remembering the thrill of holding those albums for the first time. I really hope everyone enjoys this collection and feels the love and [[high) energy that went into getting it out there. Thank you!

  22. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    I love this set. When I listen to this music and stare endlessly at all these photographs, I'm a kid again remembering the thrill of holding those albums for the first time. I really hope everyone enjoys this collection and feels the love and [[high) energy that went into getting it out there. Thank you!
    Yes, I understand completely... I was in university when these albums came out and play them until the sound was nearly unbearable, then I went out and bought another copy. I know that I will enjoy this set. Thank you all for getting this out to the fans before we get too old to care.

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Solomon View Post
    I believe everyone will really enjoy The Final Sessions. I think it's the finest packaging so far! And never has there been more participation from a grouping of Supremes. These ladies have been angels!

    I know some complain about a lot of alternates. I personally love alternate versions, maybe even more than completely unreleased recordings. I love hearing alternate vocal takes of songs I'm very familiar with. And sometimes a different instrumental mix can make a big difference in the song. Could we have used less of them? Sure, but would you rather have the alternate or less tracks on the CD?

    I know Andy touched on this but we really did use everything we could find in the way of unreleased material. As frustrating as the delays have been they actually allowed us to find other gems we had yet to uncover. And there were things we wanted to include but just couldn't for clearance reasons. Believe me, we're big fans, too and we know what we wanted on this set as much as all the other fans! Andy and I both have scabs on our knees from pleading for a few things we ultimately just couldn't get :-)

    I love this set. When I listen to this music and stare endlessly at all these photographs, I'm a kid again remembering the thrill of holding those albums for the first time. I really hope everyone enjoys this collection and feels the love and [[high) energy that went into getting it out there. Thank you!
    Hey George first congrats on the Final Session Cd I am so looking forward to this release. I would like to know, what did you want to use but could not get clearance for? Also is there anything else left in the vault for this grouping that might see the light of day in the future

  24. #224
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    how about "Partners" and the solo Mary Wilson "Red Hot" album?

  25. #225
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    George, I can't begin to thank you for all you guys did to put this together; it's just fabulous. I'm like a kid in a candy store. My family are so tired of me under the headphones, dancing through the room, but wow! And it's only been 24 hrs. I just talked to Scherrie and she's delighted too. It's like falling in love all over again.
    My friend, composer Yukifumi Noda, twittered me this link for the cd in Japan! So fun;
    http://amzn.to/jNMhPg My friends in Paris, China, England, so many places around the world are excited about this release.
    Thank you, thank you, for pushing through, and thanks to all who championed it here, to all who are looking forward to it.
    We're going to dance through this summer!

  26. #226
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    I have received an e-mail from Hip-O indicating that my order was shipped on May 4th. I will soon be joining Susaye in celebrating! Go Susaye, go Susaye, go Susaye! :-)

  27. #227
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    I received notice too. I'm sure the set will be more than worth the wait. The first thing I want to check out are the Russ Terrana mixes of "Hight Energy". I loved the snippets of his mixes played on Nighflight recently!
    Last edited by sophisticated_soul; 05-06-2011 at 03:00 AM.

  28. #228
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    i agree Sophisticated Soul, i want to hear the Russ mix's of High Energy.they sounded great.
    i thought there was an out take from the MSS album??? but guess not. always thought the MSS album was a kick butt album. the vocals are outstanding by all three ladies. even Mary seems to come into her own here. wish we could get a remix of LET YOURSELF GO.
    i have to say i also love the alternate mixs . after listening to a song for 20-40 years we get to familiar with them but a new mixs seems to freshen them up but i always fall back in love with the original which was the case with the ALMIGHTY remixs a few years ago.
    btw, check out the ALMIGHTY WE LOVE DIANA cds. there are some great mixs on it.

  29. #229
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    also got the same ship message. for me, and as Susaye has mentioned above, the stand out track will be "Dance Fever". the radio preview of this song was great and with some different lyrics. if the set really did go out on the 4th, then i may have it this weekend! there are only a few alternates that i prefer. if between more songs or less for the same price, i'll take the alternates, of course. but i'd much prefer more new songs than any alternates for the same price. this is an expensive set for doubling, tripling and quadrupling of the same song. maybe in the future, the fans could be treated to straight forward releases [[say Funny Girl; since it has yet to be on cd) within a short time-frame [[less than one year), and then use the 4 to 6 years to release a "part two" of new songs and alternates. the number of sales from a straight forward re-release for an easier to afford price might surprise the company. Funny Girl, G.I.T., Disney.
    i am happy all the principal players, the singers & the vault finders, are happy with this set. we will be, too! us at home have only heard about it.

  30. #230
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    Susaye, I still crack up every time I listen to you and Scherrie at the end of the "Sweet Dream Machine" alternate! xoxo

  31. #231
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    Was it ever mentioned why there is a Russ Terrana mix of High Energy and a released mix? Why would Russ' not have been used?

  32. #232
    Ramone Verona Guest
    The answer to that is probably in the booklet; we'll hope. Good question. Seems to me that volume 1 gave a better bang for the buck just based on the number of albums showcased and then all the unreleased material. Nothing was repeated. But with four years between the two volumes, they might have had to take a different approach. Alternate versions don't get played more than once or twice in my system as I enjoy keeping the music fresh; especially if I play this during a party. There have been a few along the way that I prefer over the original release. Since there is so much more material left on Jean, I would have preferred another disc on her grouping for this expensive price. I enjoy the "new" music as that is what turned me on to the Supremes all along in their career.
    Sounds like George is getting us ready for lyric gems on both Sweet Dream Machine and High Energy! I am wondering just how Volume 2 will deal with Cindy's departure. Will it be the real deal or some sweet cover up? I guess the booklet will have to deal with Jean & Lynda's disappearance, too. "Wanted to spend more time with family" will not satisfy fan's hungers!

  33. #233
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    Thommg - yes, the answer will be found in the booklet!
    Ramone -both sets are 3 CDs long and filled with music. The songs on Volume 1 are much shorter. The songs on Volume 2 are so long, there's fewer titles that fit on each disc.
    Chester - regarding repeating a song, it was only repeated if it was worth it to repeat. Some songs have no alternate vocals, some have several. We could have easily made this collection 4 or 5 CDs filled with alternates!

    Wait and see friends...

  34. #234
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    Thanks Andy. I wait patiently for my discs to arrive from Amazon. And for the record, I like the alternates. It's like finding new spices in something you already tasted.

  35. #235
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    another cd of unreleased Jean-Mary-Cindy-Lynda would have been nice. never thought of that as i was focused on Scherrie and hoped there was a slew of canned tracks. a future "lost & found" could be a nice companion to either of these sets. past liner readings have fessed up that Flo had troubles, as so many artists do, so it couldn't hurt for Cindy to tell what really went down. she's far too popular for anything not to be understandable. this group is no different than any other music group in the rock era; people leave for real reasons that we all can understand nowadays. i didn't even think about that the liner author would have to deal with some tough issues and lets hope we get a straight answer from the girls.
    does anyone else feel that the "Partners" tracks sounded very much as though what the "next" supremes album might have sounded like? i do. a future supremes project would be a welcomed collection of a few solo tracks from each member. that might also help to spark interest in more complete sets from each member. Susaye has said that "Partners" has some outtakes and didn't Joyce Vincent help sing background on that record? and to think she is with the former ladies now is so cool. Partners would make for an interesting collector item for any supremes fan; and the timing is perfect with Joyce in the line-up.
    i wanted to say a big thank you to Susaye and George and Andy for commenting here and truly helping to promote this set which they obviously have said that they worked so hard on. as my boss at work always says: "sell, sell, sell"!! it doesn't cost anything to promote by word of mouth [[or keyboard)

  36. #236
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    It's no secret that we would love this to be a big success. It's important to show that the 70's Supremes will sell. It's the only way to get more projects approved. Thanks for all the support!

  37. #237
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    Cool Dancing to the musics!

    "and as Susaye has mentioned above, the stand out track will be "Dance Fever"."

    I said I can't stop dancing, and we'll we dancing in the clubs, didn't mention "the standout track" or Dance Fever, chestersong.

    I will be sure to say what my standouts are soon, though. At the moment, i'm dancing and listening and having a ball! happy weekend, all.

  38. #238
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    actually i stated or meant it was the stand out track for me. and that you had mentioned the lyrics here and on facebook. the song is cool but i won't be dancing in any clubs this summer. that's for you kids!

  39. #239
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by thelastsupreme View Post
    "and as Susaye has mentioned above, the stand out track will be "Dance Fever"."

    I said I can't stop dancing, and we'll we dancing in the clubs, didn't mention "the standout track" or Dance Fever, chestersong.

    I will be sure to say what my standouts are soon, though. At the moment, i'm dancing and listening and having a ball! happy weekend, all.
    Susaye when you listen to the High Energy and Mary, Scherrie and Susaye songs, does it take you right back [[in your memories) to the studio when you were working on these songs as well as bring back things you might have forgotten?

  40. #240
    Ramone Verona Guest
    It's a complicated dynamic. The fans keep wanting more and are frustrated by the company, the companies keep wanting the fans to understand the way it works. But it's that dynamic that keeps us all on our toes in honoring the music we love.
    Would love to know what Berry Gordy thinks of his "hand washing" today?

  41. #241
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    I've gotta say something - I've been eagerly anticipating this set for years as have the rest of you!

    I was lucky enough to see Mary, Cindy and Sherrie perform at the Venetian Room at the Fairmount Hotel in San Francisco.

    To me, these are the most musical, exciting, and energetic sessions! HDH did some wonderful work on many songs and all three vocalists were superb. Then Susaye, truly the icing on the cake..... I remember thinking "Wow, where did THAT VOICE come from?" at the time, back in the mid-70's. Amazing stuff. The few videos I have seen of MSS are wonderful too.

    Thanks to everyone for all their hard work, Andy I enjoyed your interview on Nightflight so much! And George your comments on here are so welcome and informative.

    My set has shipped, maybe tomorrow or Monday!

    I have grown to love these albums in recent years, they truly were ahead of their time and have stood the test of time as well.

  42. #242
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    One of the tracks I always loved from the MS&S album was 'Come Into My Life.' It has that great weird intro and offbeat background vocals...has to be Susaye on the high parts...and a great lead vocal which I think was shared by Mary and Sherrie. Although I never thought of it at the time, it almost has a George Clinton "Parlet" type vibe. If you've ever heard Parlet's first album, "Pleasure Principle," there was an outstanding track called "Are You Dreaming?" which I think really has a lot of the same qualities. Now I'll have to go figure out which one came first, to see if maybe one influenced the other. I think the two LPs came out roughly around the same time, as I recall. Can't wait to hear 'Come Into My Life' on CD...!

  43. #243
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    you can now go to amazon mp3 downloads and hear samples of all the songs. the group-lead version of "give out, but don't give up" sounds like a choir from Lawrence Welk!

  44. #244
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    Thumbs up Come Into My Life.

    OOOH! come on come on baby, come on!
    The high parts on "Come Into My Life" are certainly me, Kenneth. And the lead is sung by me and me! ha!
    I love this cd. I'm still dancing.
    and grinning...........a lot.
    "Come on come on baby, come on!"

  45. #245
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    Got mine in the mail today - the mail delivery was early today 1PM versus 4 PM.

    It is really beautifully done!

    Thank you Andrew, Harry and George and the 'girls'!

  46. #246
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    My set arrived today, also. It is extremely attractive with rare pictures, including many alternate poses from well-know sessions. As an example, this is the first time that I ever saw another "pose" from the session that produced the cover shot for The Supremes [[1975).

    The graphic arts are of the highest quality. The paper is glossy [[as opposed to matte) thus making pictures clearer. The narrative is very well written and is actually interesting -- even to those longtime fans! Plus, there are many smaller explanatory notes sprinkled through the track listings. LOTS of details!

    Two "fun" notes:

    1. Don't be scared if you think your actual CDs are missing. I was at first! They each blend into their respective page so well you may think there are not there at initially. :-)

    2. And guess what?? This will get a new ball rolling. In a listing of other Supremes' CDs that can be found at Hip-O is More Hits by The Supremes Expanded 2-CD Edition!!!!!!! LOL LOL Now we are off and running.............

    Once again, a huge thanks to Andy, Harry and George for seeing this project though for the fans. NOW ... I will go and listen [[smile)!!! We know that Susaye is still dancing to her new CDs! xxoooxx

  47. #247
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    Wow, you guys have to see this set in person!

    Susaye was right, it is just extremely beautiful! I have to say that the website images do not do it justice at all!

    It is absolutely gorgeous, just like the ladies inside, and you guys will not be disappointed.

    You can tell that two of the biggest fans had a hand in assembling it......it shows all over.

    Totally worth the very long wait.

    Now on to listen to the music!

  48. #248
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    Fabulous! Received my copy today. The booklet is great, beautiful photos, and the music is outstanding. Oh, how I love "Sweet Dream Machine".

  49. #249
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    I can't wait to receive my copy. Thanks for taking your time to chat with the fans, Susaye!

  50. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastsupreme View Post
    OOOH! come on come on baby, come on!
    The high parts on "Come Into My Life" are certainly me, Kenneth. And the lead is sung by me and me! ha!
    I love this cd. I'm still dancing.
    and grinning...........a lot.
    "Come on come on baby, come on!"
    Well, I am gratified and embarrassed at the same time! I should have known that, but it's been a long time since I've heard it. But not much longer for me, fortunately. Don't worry, Ms. Greene, I will not make that mistake again! Thank you for your graciousness, of course Supremes always are, aren't they? Thanks again!


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