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  1. #1
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    Diane Ross talks about being in Hawaii when the misile warning went of.

    Worthless President Cheeto hasnt said diddly squat about it yet.


  2. #2
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    So sad Roberta. I can not imagine the fear and panic.
    [[I wrote a blistering political rant then remembered this is SDF).

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    So sad Roberta. I can not imagine the fear and panic.
    [[I wrote a blistering political rant then remembered this is SDF).
    Thank the good Lord it wasnt real but for 35 minutes everybody in Hawaii must have thought the end is near. Its so sad that the fool we have in the Oval Office just proved one again that hes unfit to lead.



  4. #4
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    And still no explanation why it took 38 minutes for anyone to get the word out that it was a false alrm!

    Why should Orange Anus respond? [[1) It's just "an island in the Pacific," according to Jeff Sessions, [[2) it's Obama's birthplace, [[3) it's a Democratic state [[he barely said a word about the fires and mud slides in California either, and [[4) it's filled largely with people of color, a la Puerto Rico. All these factors weigh in his little pea brain.

    Please don't let's get started!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    And still no explanation why it took 38 minutes for anyone to get the word out that it was a false alrm!

    Why should Orange Anus respond? [[1) It's just "an island in the Pacific," according to Jeff Sessions, [[2) it's Obama's birthplace, [[3) it's a Democratic state [[he barely said a word about the fires and mud slides in California either, and [[4) it's filled largely with people of color, a la Puerto Rico. All these factors weigh in his little pea brain.

    Please don't let's get started!
    Most all of us live in shithole countries to him and are shitholes which is why we keep pooping on him

  6. #6
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    This is worth checking out. I believe this same light artist did this before highlighting the hotel entrance as 'No Emolliments Clause Enforced Here" or something like that!


  7. #7
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    As time goes on, it's becoming clear how terrifying this was for all the residents and vacationers. It doesn't matter whether you are celebrity or the rest of us. Too bad Trump wasn't there.

    I'm going over in a month!

  8. #8
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    the shittiest fact is much of the world has become a snowflake that melts at the drop of any inconvenient truth. Just today condalessa rice cautioned the world to get a grip on snowfakeism. There are many shitholes in the world. We all know that.
    Last edited by Circa 1824; 01-15-2018 at 05:48 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    As time goes on, it's becoming clear how terrifying this was for all the residents and vacationers. It doesn't matter whether you are celebrity or the rest of us. Too bad Trump wasn't there.

    I'm going over in a month!
    Yes, I'd like to see him getting stuck trying to squeeze his orange ass through a manhole cover. Hey, wouldn't that make a good political cartoon? LOL

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Circa 1824 View Post
    the shittiest fact is much of the world has become a snowflake that melts at the drop of any inconvenient truth. Just today condalessa rice cautioned the world to get a grip on snowfakeism. There are many shitholes in the world. We all know that.
    yes a bunch of Aunt Pittypats ready to go into histrionics at the slightest nudge.


  11. #11
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    So , instead this thread for some reason becomes about Donald Trump with comments which have nothing to do with this Diana Ross topic or with this Motown forum [[or with what happened in Hawaii for that matter )

    Roberta75 Diane Ross talks about being in Hawaii when the misile warning went of.

    Worthless President Cheeto hasnt said diddly squat about it yet

    He's not going to say anything you'd be open to hearing anyway . I can't speak for him, but if you're really interested , I'm guessing he'd say this is just another example of an incompetent government agency at work. As far as the government employee who can't tell one button from the other? I'm sure Trump wants to say [[yep),
    "You're fired!"
    And for the rest of the associated yahoos who let this go on for thirty minutes, " You're also fired!"


    As time goes on, it's becoming clear how terrifying this was for all the residents and vacationers. It doesn't matter whether you are celebrity or the rest of us. Too bad Trump wasn't there.

    I'm going over in a month!
    Rather than Trump having been there [[for what reason??) , I wish Obama had been. He'd have experienced a frightening dose of what terror feels like and why it's the root within the word "terrorism" .

    Jobeterob, are you going there for vacation ? Did you consider other island getaways ... I don't know, say,..... Haiti?

    As to the craziness of this false alarm in Hawaii,
    I can't help but picture Homer Simpson at his job at the nuclear power plant. [[mmm, donuts)

    I really would like to hear Diana Ross on this in more detail ! Maybe we will yet.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 01-17-2018 at 01:03 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    This thread is fake news . The title promises commentary from Diana Ross concerning her experience in Hawaii. I'll save anyone interested the bother of going to the link by revealing there isn't such a dialogue. Too bad--- it would have really been an interesting read .

    So , instead this thread for some reason becomes about Donald Trump with comments which have nothing to do with this fake Diana Ross topic or with this Motown forum [[or with what happened in Hawaii for that matter )

    I really would like to hear Diana Ross on this! Maybe we will yet.
    The top link that Roberta posted from TMZ does show Diana Ross talking about the incident. It is not fake news..

  13. #13
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    Yes, another thread has gone off topic, and I will fall for it. I am not going to be silent. Even if I agreed with this man's position regarding Haiti and other African countries, I still say it was a low blow, nasty, vulgar, un-President-like [[although that's a plus to many of his minions) for him to use the word, "shithole." Let's forget about politics and policies for a moment...what about human decency?
    Now back to our regular programming.....

  14. #14
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    Not off topic at all if the link actually is Diana Ross- former Motown artist- speaking about her experience in Hawaii during this event. Anything and anyone connected to said event becomes part of the conversation as far as I'm concerned. I can't speak on what Trump should or should not have done in regards to this situation. I do know from when President Obama was in office that there were times when he was pointed at and blamed for things that really had nothing to do with the office of President. Whether or not this situation is the same, I can't say. However, Trump continues to prove to me that he is what his base is: a disgusting group of people without compassion and lacking decency. Trump is immature and lacks the wisdom of someone his age. He's real quick to jump on twitter and get into a war of words with people but it takes him a week to mention the devastating mud slides in California. People are dead, he's silent. People say "bad" things about him and he's right on top of that. Priorities. If he could blame the mudslides on illegal immigrants or terrorism there would have been a tweet within the hour of the event. And shithole countries? Lets be clear, his words were, in his mind, a better choice than saying "shithole people", because clearly that's what he meant. The president is a shithole person.

  15. #15
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    Thank you, jobucats and RanRan79 for standing up for what is right. If anyone is still defending the racist, sexist, incompetent, idiotic, lying, corrupt, unsophisticated, xenophobic, feeble asshole in the White House, they're no better than he is. You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.
    Last edited by sansradio; 01-16-2018 at 05:30 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by vgalindo View Post
    The top link that Roberta posted from TMZ does show Diana Ross talking about the incident. It is not fake news..

    You are absolutely right vgalindo !!!

    Before posting, I went to that link twice on my phone and an ad dropped over that first video. What I saw was the video of the footage of Diana at The Abbey and then I read the limited text addressing Diana's experience in generalities and never quoting her .
    I was interested in Diana's telling of her experience so when I thought it wasn't there and had to read instead a bunch of crap about the president , well I reacted too shapely , too quickly. That's my excuse and my bad !

    So, yes , just as Roberta75 offered, there is indeed video of Diana Ross in her car at the airport briefly answering questions about Hawaii from some guy shoving a camera at her.
    I regret accusing another member of posting fake news , something I despise, and then turning around and doing just that myself. How ironic ! Will now be much more careful!
    Please accept my apology Roberta75 , let me make it clear your thread title was precisely correct as offered and I have deleted the part of my post stating otherwise . I am sorry.

    And thanks vagalindo for your courteous correction . I knew as soon as I saw your response I had messed up!!

  17. #17
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    There I things I like about Trump and there are certainly things I don't.

    Probably one of the things I most like about our president is his total disregard for what "MUST" be adhered to as the institutionalized norm, and his take no prisoners attitude . Doesn't matter if you're a republican, a democrat , a leader of the Senate or House , or any institution like the FBI or the United Nations or any particular country anywhere on earth big or small . He's a true free thinker. Most refreshing.
    And he's stirring things up that need just that , including the ultra sensitivities of the Aunt Pittypats. hehehe. Fun to watch.

    Also congratulations President Trump on a sound medical check up . Your making life choices of yourself like not drinking , nor smoking are paying off.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    There I things I like about Trump and there are certainly things I don't.

    And he's stirring things up that need just that , including the ultra sensitivities of the Aunt Pittypats. hehehe. Fun to watch.
    "Ultra-sensitivities?" Like making fun of the disabled, saying McCain is a war hero only because he was captured, disparaging a Gold Star family, accusing a Gold Star mother of lying days after she learned of her husband's death, using a ceremony honoring Native Americans to make a joke about Pocahontas, saying that the White Supremacists include some "very fine people," telling the people of Puerto Rico they want everything done for them in the wake of a natural disaster? I must be an Aunt Pittypat.

    As for his "draining the swamp," he seems to have brought in the most sycophantic swamp dwellers you could find.

    While I know many Trump supporters amongst my good friends, I believe that eventually he will start to lose some of his hard core base just as he's pretty much lost most conservative Democrats and Independents, due to what I'm calling "Trump Fatigue," a [[final) weariness of the constant affronts, scandals, nasty comments and general mean-spiritedness that he displays in such generous proportions. I believe it will set in at different times with different followers, and by no means will affect all of them, but at some point I believe even some of his loyalists will just say "too much already."

    We have to be patient but I truly believe in my heart that day is coming. Then we can get back to being a country that the world can look up to and that we can all be proud of, not just the people whom Trump considers to "deserve" it.

    @Boogiedown, I do admire your taking back your comments about "fake news" and your apology to Roberta. Good of you.
    Last edited by kenneth; 01-17-2018 at 10:41 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    I must be an Aunt Pittypat.
    No you're not, and neither am I. These kinds of nicknames and adjectives like "snowflakes" [[who could be a bigger snowflake than the child in the White House?) are used to deride people who care for others and expect common decency from the Commander In Chief and everyone else. Let the idiots name call, but don't ever answer to it. When people care more about money, flags and anthems than they do people, what is worst than that?

    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    While I know many Trump supporters amongst my good friends, I believe that eventually he will start to lose some of his hard core base
    No he won't. His base is hardcore and they are that way for a reason. Trump is leading them because he speaks their language. He is their messiah. They love division and Trump is perfect at it. Every move he makes, they back him on it. And as long as they back him- which they will- he will continue to do whatever it is they want him to do. I don't let this man get me upset. In fact I've started telling people to stop telling me stuff that he says. Nothing surprises me about him. He is what he is. But I am patiently waiting for the moment when I can cast my vote against whoever decides to take him on in the next election. I can't imagine a candidate being worst than Trump.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Thank you, jobucats and RanRan79 for standing up for what is right. If anyone is still defending the racist, sexist, incompetent, idiotic, lying, corrupt, unsophisticated, xenophobic, feeble asshole in the White House, they're no better than he is. You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.
    Right on!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    He's a true free thinker. Most refreshing.
    Oh my Boogie

    I think RanRan puts it best

    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    LOL Boogie you crazy.
    Boogie, you are crazy
    Last edited by TomatoTom123; 01-17-2018 at 03:21 PM.

  22. #22
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    Let’s also not forget the help Trump had getting elected from Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, James Comey and Russia. It took a lot for him to squeeze in, but I admire his tenacity and finger on the pulse of the uneducated and the rich to become President. I’m sick at the thought of him.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post

    While I know many Trump supporters amongst my good friends,
    You have good friends that are Trump supporters!!? I'm impressed. That puts you miles above the general Aunt Pittypat!


    I don't let this man get me upset. In fact I've started telling people to stop telling me stuff that he says.
    Have you considered carrying smelling salts?

    The MotownManiac:

    Let’s also not forget the help Trump had getting elected from Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, James Comey and Russia. It took a lot for him to squeeze in
    Let's not forget to put Hillary at the top of that list.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 01-19-2018 at 12:57 AM.

  24. #24
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    OK enough about Trump who has nothing to do with this thread.

    Back to Diana and the missile scare in Hawaii. I decided to transcribe her responses at the LA airport:

    Did you get an alert in Hawaii?
    Yes we did and we had to evacuate ...

    Was it scary?
    Yes we were very frightened . We went to the basement of the hotel. But my , you know we were positive and we were so happy to come home.

    How long did it take before you were alerted it was a false alarm?
    About what? About a half hour Rhonda? About a half hour. It was really scary.

    Wow well thank God everybody is safe
    Ya well we're home now and all is well.

    This had to be one of the scariest moments of Diana's life . Imagine suddenly out of the blue like that being told the rest of your life has possibly been reduced to a matter of minutes.
    I expect she'll be saying more about this experience .
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 01-19-2018 at 12:08 AM.


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