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  1. #1

    Berry Gordy Talks 1st Time With Diana Ross.

    Anyone planning on seeing the play? I'll be in NYC in May and hope to get a ticket.

    Berry Gordy Talks 1st Time With Diana Ross.

    The music mogul talks about a flop and the new Broadway musical that he hopes will be a hit.
    Looks as if the love affair between Berry and Diana will be the focus of the musical as this is one of the questions the interviewer asked:-

    TR: Why did you decide to make the love story between you and Diana Ross the focus of Motown: The Musical after keeping your relationship a secret for so long?


    Another thing I didn't know was that Berry was in love with Diana long before she was in love with him, for some reason I thought it was the other way round but this wasn't the case according to Berry.
    Last edited by David J; 02-14-2013 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    I sure plan to see it. Do want to hear some reviews.

  3. #3
    I will see it in previews before the reviews. I saw quite a few shows in previews that I enjoyed. If I had waited and then let negative reviews influence me to not go, I would have missed a nice night at the theatre.

    I am going with a positive attitude of enjoying it. I like live performances, I like theatre and I like Motown. I am going with a positive attitude and don't expect to see a documentary. I think I will enjoy it

  4. #4
    How ironic that the one thing Ross detractors have been whispering about for decades will be a major story line in this musical. They shared a fascinating love that took them places they could only dream of. Doesn't matter if it ended in marriage or not. They have a life long bond and it will be played out on stage now.

  5. #5
    It is clear that this musical will be more about Berry Gordy's life than the actual Motown organization.

  6. #6
    Knowing how she feels about her privacy or personal things going public, I don't see how Diana Ross can be happy or 100 percent supportive about this. I've noticed no one from the media has asked her what she thinks. It will be interesting to watch what happens IF the musical is a success.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 02-14-2013 at 12:24 PM.

  7. #7
    Diana has sent Rhonda to the publicity events.

    Mary Wilson says she is attending the opening.

    If this is successful, any artist with any connection to Motown would benefit; I would think at a minimum there would be appearance requests. There might be some royalties but those probably wouldn't be huge these days.

    However, Diane is an enigma. She makes few comments, gives few interviews; and her contemporaries, Berry, Smokey, Stevie, Aretha are issuing statements and giving interviews and press conferences for everything and attending everyone's funeral. And Diana says next to nothing and attends nothing. I think part of it is that there is still such a ruckus created by the press when she does attend.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Diana has sent Rhonda to the publicity events.

    Mary Wilson says she is attending the opening.

    If this is successful, any artist with any connection to Motown would benefit; I would think at a minimum there would be appearance requests. There might be some royalties but those probably wouldn't be huge these days.

    However, Diane is an enigma. She makes few comments, gives few interviews; and her contemporaries, Berry, Smokey, Stevie, Aretha are issuing statements and giving interviews and press conferences for everything and attending everyone's funeral. And Diana says next to nothing and attends nothing. I think part of it is that there is still such a ruckus created by the press when she does attend.
    No, I think it is the other way around. She creates a ruckus when she attends things like LaScala Restaurant, behavioral issues?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No, I think it is the other way around. She creates a ruckus when she attends things like LaScala Restaurant, behavioral issues?
    Don't be so jealous and negative Marv. Mary isn't, so you should let it go too. You're gonna have a long year with the splash this show creates.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Don't be so jealous and negative Marv. Mary isn't, so you should let it go too. You're gonna have a long year with the splash this show creates.
    No jealousy here. I feel sorry for her being a senior citizen and still throwing childish temper tantrums at her age. Sad......

  11. #11
    He is paying the bill
    Its his story
    Its his Life
    He has the right to tell it his way.
    To be honest we have heard it from everyone else.
    Hit or Miss Mr. Gordy you are on!!!!!!!!!! lets do this !!!

  12. #12
    smark21 Guest
    Will the musical feature a nude sex scene between Berry and Diana ending with Berry unable to achieve an erection? Or should I write “attempted sex scene”? Are there any Motown songs about erectile dysfunction that could be performed to go with this scene?
    Last edited by smark21; 02-14-2013 at 09:15 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Will the musical feature a nude sex scene between Berry and Diana ending with Berry unable to achieve an erection? Or should I write “attempted sex scene”? Are there any Motown songs about erectile dysfunction that could be performed to go with this scene?
    The Love I Saw In You Was Just A Mirage?
    Urinal Need to Get By?
    First I Look In The 'Fridge?
    How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone?
    Some Things You Never Get Used To?
    Don't Leave Me This Way?
    Put Yourself In My Place?

    Need I go on?
    Last edited by Methuselah2; 02-14-2013 at 09:49 PM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Will the musical feature a nude sex scene between Berry and Diana ending with Berry unable to achieve an erection? Or should I write “attempted sex scene”? Are there any Motown songs about erectile dysfunction that could be performed to go with this scene?
    How about "Band of Gold". Technically not a Motown song but it is a Holland-Dozier-Holland production! hehehehehehe...........

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Methuselah2 View Post
    The Love I Saw In You Was Just a Mirage?
    Urinal Need to Get By?
    First I Look In the 'Fridge?
    How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone?
    Some Things You Never Get Used to?
    Don't Leave Me This Way?
    Put Yourself In My Place?

    Need I go on?
    Please, continue........LOL!!!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Don't be so jealous and negative Marv. Mary isn't, so you should let it go too. You're gonna have a long year with the splash this show creates.
    Its really funny when you think of it. It is real obvious that Marv doesn't care for Diane Ross yet he spend every single day talking about her. If I didnt like someone as much as Marv dont like Diane I would ignore them. He sure spends a lot of energy on a woman he has little time for. Lol


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Please, continue........LOL!!!
    Thanks Marv. Glad you enjoyed 'em.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No jealousy here. I feel sorry for her being a senior citizen and still throwing childish temper tantrums at her age. Sad......
    Like you? He's sleepin'. He doesn't rest very much thinking about Diane Earle Ernestine Ross.
    Attachment 6162

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Diana has sent Rhonda to the publicity events.

    Mary Wilson says she is attending the opening.

    If this is successful, any artist with any connection to Motown would benefit; I would think at a minimum there would be appearance requests. There might be some royalties but those probably wouldn't be huge these days.

    However, Diane is an enigma. She makes few comments, gives few interviews; and her contemporaries, Berry, Smokey, Stevie, Aretha are issuing statements and giving interviews and press conferences for everything and attending everyone's funeral. And Diana says next to nothing and attends nothing. I think part of it is that there is still such a ruckus created by the press when she does attend.
    I would think that if the musical is focused on Berry and Diana's love affair, I think it will be strange if Diana was not being in attendance at the premiere.
    I am sure Berry would convince her to be there somehow and I could see them arriving arm in arm together, what better publicity than the lord of Motown arriving with his Queen.

    Yep, I believe Diana will be there, even if she might not be entirely happy about the musical focusing on her affair with Berry.

  20. #20
    Here's hoping David. I'm sure Diana will love the show. But if she doesn't show up, I won't be surprised.

    From Marv's news reports, I wonder if she still has the appropriate clothes to wear.

  21. #21
    I found this statement very interesting out of everything else he said.

    "Hey, no one believed a black kid from Detroit could [create Motown] without being in the Mafia, so we were convinced that [the rumors] were right, and maybe we were being cheated." When they found out that they weren't, they came back, and now we're the best of friends.

    Anybody that was at Motown at that time can't not love each other because we went through so much. Now, everybody is thrilled. I always had Broadway in the back of my mind years ago, but never thinking I'd do it. I just told them, "One day, ya'll will do Broadway, we've done television," so now Broadway."

  22. #22
    Berry will most likely show up with his wife. If Diana goes to the opening I'm sure it will be with her children. I suspect she will catch the show on a different night.

  23. #23
    It will be sad if Diana doesn't attend the same night when the Motown Alumni are attending. Because she will miss out on seeing her friends from some 50 years ago.

  24. #24
    Seeing Friends?

  25. #25
    The only thing good if she showed up, would be the "Supremes" reunion for those fans who's whole existence hangs on it.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    The only thing good if she showed up, would be the "Supremes" reunion for those fans who's whole existence hangs on it.
    This is just another reason why she won't show up that first night. If she does, there will be a big fuss and clutch of paparazzi running for her and everyone else will be overshadowed or ignored. Most of the paparazzi will only know Stevie or Smokey and a lot of the alumni could easily feel slighted.

    And obviously from some of the posting on SD, there is at least one very slighted alumni already ~ Mirage.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    This is just another reason why she won't show up that first night. If she does, there will be a big fuss and clutch of paparazzi running for her and everyone else will be overshadowed or ignored. Most of the paparazzi will only know Stevie or Smokey and a lot of the alumni could easily feel slighted.

    And obviously from some of the posting on SD, there is at least one very slighted alumni already ~ Mirage.

    Blather, blather, blather. You've gone from stating that most of the folks connected to Motown success would not be represented [[in character.....namely the other Supremes) in this play to making out that the paparazzi will only be there to photograph Diane and might recognize Stevie Wonder or Smokey Robinson [[which is ridiculous). I do not believe there will be huge number of paparazzi there to begin with. There will be other Motown Alumni photographed if they decide to attend and will blow your theory to smithereens!

  28. #28
    There was a big paparazzi turn out for just the preview they had a couple of months back with and there were lots of celebrities. Of course all the alumni will be photographed and you may find their pictures in JET. But Jobeterob is correct. If Diana Ross attends on opening night. That is what you will see in all the magazines and on the web. "Diana Ross attends opening night of Motown musical". You will also see "Mary Wilson attends..." if you search for it. It wont be "a Vandella" attends Motown opening.

  29. #29
    Marv just doesn't like and is afraid of the inevitable splash.

    As I believe Juicefree once said on here: the history is the history; what happened happened. The big names became the big names; some other people got mad and jealous; some fans got madder and jealouser. But it doesn't change a thing.

    Would be fun to see our favorite fan's face when he heard about the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. And Motown the Musical.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Marv just doesn't like and is afraid of the inevitable splash.

    As I believe Juicefree once said on here: the history is the history; what happened happened. The big names became the big names; some other people got mad and jealous; some fans got madder and jealouser. But it doesn't change a thing.

    Would be fun to see our favorite fan's face when he heard about the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. And Motown the Musical.
    If you only knew how little any of this means to me you'd slap yourself out of embarrassment! LOL! They are not paying me. I don't care where it splashes or crashes, I already know the story of Motown and much of it from first hand sources. I don't think that there is any jealousy involved anywhere but you go ahead....believe what you want even if you are totally off the mark.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    He is paying the bill
    Its his story
    Its his Life
    He has the right to tell it his way.
    To be honest we have heard it from everyone else.
    Hit or Miss Mr. Gordy you are on!!!!!!!!!! lets do this !!!
    Sony, UMG, Chrysler, other investors and the MIA McCartney refurbished Steinway used for a million-dollar Museum fundraiser seem to be “paying the NYC tab” and providing mega-publicity for his version of his story.

    Nothing wrong with that … business is business. Profiteering is good. Unfortunately, ethics are always lost between pennies.

    “To Be Loved” – Gordy’s Golden storybook was his way. Best seller?
    Perhaps, another book can be written by BB and his solid gold Broadway writing consultants.

    A tentative title might be, “Where in the World is the Hitsville Studio A – 2nd tier McCartney refurbished Steinway that was used for a million-dollar NYC fundraiser? Detroit is still waiting for its Fall 2012 arrival.

    Maybe Waldo can be enlisted to find it and send it on home to where it belongs. And perhaps Paul can be enlisted to help Waldo find the missing Steinway. Mystery solved.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    This is just another reason why she won't show up that first night. If she does, there will be a big fuss and clutch of paparazzi running for her and everyone else will be overshadowed or ignored. Most of the paparazzi will only know Stevie or Smokey and a lot of the alumni could easily feel slighted.

    And obviously from some of the posting on SD, there is at least one very slighted alumni already ~ Mirage.
    Touché Robert … you outed me. I am “one very slighted alumni.”

    Unfortunately, being a Motown Alumnus is not part of my resume.

    Motown fan – yes. Motown alumnus – never was. If I were to receive an invitation to see Motown: The Musical --- I assure you that it would not be for the Motown Alumni performance scheduled a week before the premiere.

    However, I am honored to accept the status of a make-believe Motown alumnus … Motown history seems to add and delete characters …ecstatic to say I’ve been added …


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