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  1. #1
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    Will Donald Trump Be Impeached?

    Just asking. Thoughts please.

  2. #2
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    Fingers crossed. Our future depends upon it. There is far too much division in this country and not enough unity.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by woodward View Post
    Fingers crossed. Our future depends upon it. There is far too much division in this country and not enough unity.
    I totally agree on the division part. I have been frustrated since Clinton's impeachment, the Geo. Bush years and the Obama years. How our government has become almost totally ineffective in doing the work of the people and bettering the country as whole with all of this partisan bickering and obstruction!
    Last edited by marv2; 09-26-2019 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #4
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    From the very beginning my issue with him has been that he had no experience for the job. What other line of work out there allows you to immediately come in at the very top? Not only that but there was some compelling evidence that he had been less than honest in his business dealings [[unpaid contractors, etc.) But then when he started opening his mouth all day every day and tweeting himself into a stupor, I started shaking my head and wondering "Why in the hell is this man holding the highest office in this country?" So yes he should go but from everything I have read, he has the Senate wrapped so tightly around his fingers that it will never happen.

  5. #5
    Remember that Clinton was impeached for lying about Monica Lewinski [[high crimes and misdemeanors), but he wasn't removed from office. I suspect that 45 will face some form of censure, but he won't be forced out. The Senate lap dogs will keep him entrenched.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabob View Post
    Remember that Clinton was impeached for lying about Monica Lewinski [[high crimes and misdemeanors), but he wasn't removed from office. I suspect that 45 will face some form of censure, but he won't be forced out. The Senate lap dogs will keep him entrenched.
    I don't think he will be removed either, however his crimes are much more serious than lying about a BJ.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Just asking. Thoughts please.
    I hope so, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

  8. #8
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    You all know dawn well that fool ain't gonna get kicked out,he would declare martial law and try to overthrow the government before he would step down if it actually came to it,nothing on capitol hill surprises me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    You all know dawn well that fool ain't gonna get kicked out,he would declare martial law and try to overthrow the government before he would step down if it actually came to it,nothing on capitol hill surprises me.
    Either that or declare war on Iran as a diversion tactic.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
    From the very beginning my issue with him has been that he had no experience for the job. What other line of work out there allows you to immediately come in at the very top? Not only that but there was some compelling evidence that he had been less than honest in his business dealings [[unpaid contractors, etc.) But then when he started opening his mouth all day every day and tweeting himself into a stupor, I started shaking my head and wondering "Why in the hell is this man holding the highest office in this country?" So yes he should go but from everything I have read, he has the Senate wrapped so tightly around his fingers that it will never happen.
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    Because WAYYYYYYYYY too many people ignorant of his past dealings, who his actual friends are, and what he and those people really want to do with the US economy, and laws, and redistribution of wealth, and how it will affect them, voted for him, anyway. Probably at least 95% of the people who voted for him will be hurt by what he's already done, and what else he will do. Many said they voted for him to get a "change" in the way things are done in USA, because they didn't like what the recent Democratic and Republican politicians had been doing over the last many years. Well, they got their "change". And, it's a lot worse than the previous "status quo", that wasn't all that good. Anyone with half a brain would have realised that Trump, whose friends are all multi-millionaires [[many times over), and who, himself, had no history of helping the lower and middle rungs of The USA's, was a lot more likely to help himself and his rich friends, than help the bulk of the population. Yet, they voted for him, anyway. People shouldn't be judged on what they say, but what they have done [[how they've behaved) in the past. Anyone can say they will be good. But, when they say that, I'll believe the people that HAVE BEEN GOOD in the past, before those that have not.
    income groups,

  11. #11
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    There are a large number of people that think an impeachment means a removal from
    office or that one is forthcoming but most know that's not the case. As stated Bill Clinton
    was impeached. What some like Beto right now are saying is that he should step down. Neither will this acci- I mean president accept. I blame the "kind" people that put this fool
    in office in the first place. Now even members of his own party want him outta there. The
    thing is both parties have been in shambles for such a long time, that's why none of the
    other Repugs could top him and there remains no Dummo who can oust him. Until he
    falls on his own sword we have to deal with the mollyfock or should I say deal around him...That said, virtually all politicians are full of shit and even those that are not will
    manipulate and abuse the citizenry at some point because that's how the game of government is played...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by splanky View Post
    there are a large number of people that think an impeachment means a removal from
    office or that one is forthcoming but most know that's not the case. As stated bill clinton
    was impeached. What some like beto right now are saying is that he should step down. Neither will this acci- i mean president accept. I blame the "kind" people that put this fool
    in office in the first place. Now even members of his own party want him outta there. The
    thing is both parties have been in shambles for such a long time, that's why none of the
    other repugs could top him and there remains no dummo who can oust him. Until he
    falls on his own sword we have to deal with the mollyfock or should i say deal around him...that said, virtually all politicians are full of shit and even those that are not will
    manipulate and abuse the citizenry at some point because that's how the game of government is played...
    splanky,you ain't never lied!!!

  13. #13
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    I'm sure most of you know me well enough by now to know that it's not my nature to stir stuff up. You would be amazed how many friends I have who still think Trump is doing a good job! There are several friends with whom I absolutely refuse to talk politics because if we do, I'm convinced our friendship will be over.

    Even my 86 year old mother, who has voted Republican her whole life [[my father was the Democrat), considers Trump an idiot today. On the other hand, I have a few good friends, one of whom has even said to me [[not long ago!), "Tell me one thing that Trump ever lied about." I was - as they say - gob smacked by that one! Another one, who is of the religious right, says that he "used to be" dishonest and an adulterer, but that was in the past, and he's reformed now. Give me a break...

    They need 20 Republican Senators to vote for removal if the impeachment makes it to the Senate for a Trial. That's not impossible, but hardly a shoe-in. Even the few Senators who criticize him - tentatively - such as Romney, still go along with most of his agenda and Romney more than anyone equivocates so much that for whatever reason he always fails to follow through on his lukewarm, tepid criticism of that ignoramus.

    But regardless of the outcome, I'm of the firm belief that if the Democrats didn't do something now, they would forever be branded as do-nothings with no convictions. Trump's recent behavior was fueled by the meandering, overlong Mueller investigation and Mueller's own hesitancy and inability to articulate his findings in a way which the American people could understand. In the recent example, we have Trump's own words to hold against him, and anyone who's lived through the last 2 1/2 years of Trump Fatigue knows it is absolutely in character for him to behave the way he did on that call.

    So I'm behind the current effort 100%.
    Last edited by kenneth; 09-30-2019 at 04:02 PM.

  14. #14
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    My prediction is that, while impeachment is imminent and conviction in the Senate is unlikely, neither will happen because he'll resign soon; I've read that Newsweek broke a story about a possible "resignation deal." After which, the Southern District of New York will lock his ass up for his unpardonable crimes there. Either way, I'm here for it with bated breath and caramel popcorn.
    Last edited by sansradio; 09-30-2019 at 06:54 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    I'm sure most of you know me well enough by now to know that it's not my nature to stir stuff up. You would be amazed how many friends I have who still think Trump is doing a good job! There are several friends with whom I absolutely refuse to talk politics because if we do, I'm convinced our friendship will be over.

    Even my 86 year old mother, who has voted Republican her whole life [[my father was the Democrat), considers Trump an idiot today. On the other hand, I have a few good friends, one of whom has even said to me [[not long ago!), "Tell me one thing that Trump ever lied about." I was - as they say - gob smacked by that one! Another one, who is of the religious right, says that he "used to be" dishonest and an adulterer, but that was in the past, and he's reformed now. Give me a break...

    They need 20 Republican Senators to vote for removal if the impeachment makes it to the Senate for a Trial. That's not impossible, but hardly a shoe-in. Even the few Senators who criticize him - tentatively - such as Romney, still go along with most of his agenda and Romney more than anyone equivocates so much that for whatever reason he always fails to follow through on his lukewarm, tepid criticism of that ignoramus.

    But regardless of the outcome, I'm of the firm belief that if the Democrats didn't do something now, they would forever be branded as do-nothings with no convictions. Trump's recent behavior was fueled by the meandering, overlong Mueller investigation and Mueller's own hesitancy and inability to articulate his findings in a way which the American people could understand. In the recent example, we have Trump's own words to hold against him, and anyone who's lived through the last 2 1/2 years of Trump Fatigue knows it is absolutely in character for him to behave the way he did on that call.

    So I'm behind the current effort 100%.
    I have friends where I don't even mention Trump's name, nor do they because I know they voted for him.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    My prediction is that, while impeachment is imminent and conviction in the Senate is unlikely, neither will happen because he'll resign soon; I've read that Newsweek broke a story about a possible "resignation deal." After which, the Southern District of New York will lock his ass up for his unpardonable crimes there. Either way, I'm here for it with bated breath and caramel popcorn.
    As much as I like the sound of that because it would be quick and painless, I have to say that he has far too big an ego to resign. He will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming if it happens at all, which I doubt.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
    As much as I like the sound of that because it would be quick and painless, I have to say that he has far too big an ego to resign. He will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming if it happens at all, which I doubt.
    I'd pay some money to see that!

  18. #18
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    Well "kicking and screaming" is a cliche, but I do have to admit it conjures up some funny pictures!

  19. #19
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    People are talking!That big corporate tax cut didn't produce more jobs. It generated more stock production and stock dividends. The rust belt citizens and farmers ain't reaping the dough.Wall St. is jumping, but my block is slumping! Next Vote-Trump EXIT!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I totally agree on the division part. I have been frustrated since Clinton's impeachment, the Geo. Bush years and the Obama years. How our government has become almost totally ineffective in doing the work of the people and bettering the country as whole with all of this partisan bickering and obstruction!
    Marv it is planned distraction so they don’t have to do anything to fix issues. The news networks are prob in cahoots together. In fact, the guests and hosts are often told to Escalate their arguments. For ratings and entertainment value. Most of the crap on the news networks is merely entertainment.the Gov wants division as they don’t want us gettin along bc power is In numbers. They want division. Most politicians are elitists who will rec lifetime pensions and health care. Although GB Sr. Said post prez speeches and appearances $$$$ is white collar crime. It ridiculous to pay someone $500000 for a freaking speech. We have people dying bc they can’t afford medications and decent health care. All this partisan bs is an excuse to bide their time as an avenue straight to the fking bank.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by detmotownguy View Post
    marv it is planned distraction so they don’t have to do anything to fix issues. The news networks are prob in cahoots together. In fact, the guests and hosts are often told to escalate their arguments. For ratings and entertainment value. Most of the crap on the news networks is merely entertainment.the gov wants division as they don’t want us gettin along bc power is in numbers. They want division. Most politicians are elitists who will rec lifetime pensions and health care. Although gb sr. Said post prez speeches and appearances $$$$ is white collar crime. It ridiculous to pay someone $500000 for a freaking speech. We have people dying bc they can’t afford medications and decent health care. All this partisan bs is an excuse to bide their time as an avenue straight to the fking bank.
    you ain't never lied...f-cking criminals-remember the scene at the end of[shooter]where the crooked politician tells the hero-they're no democrats or republicans-it's the have and the have nots..welcome to america!!!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
    From the very beginning my issue with him has been that he had no experience for the job. What other line of work out there allows you to immediately come in at the very top? Not only that but there was some compelling evidence that he had been less than honest in his business dealings [[unpaid contractors, etc.) But then when he started opening his mouth all day every day and tweeting himself into a stupor, I started shaking my head and wondering "Why in the hell is this man holding the highest office in this country?" So yes he should go but from everything I have read, he has the Senate wrapped so tightly around his fingers that it will never happen.
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    If he has committed any crimes bigger than misdemeanors, he should not only be removed from his position as US President, but also should serve time in prison like any other citizen or resident of USA.

  23. #23
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    I think he is in very big trouble.

  24. #24
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    After this afternoons hearings, it does not look good at all for Trump.
    I think they all but got him!

  25. #25
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    I don't trust these hearing,they're gonna find some way to give him an out,i'm telling you out of nowhere a bombshell is gonna drop and trump will escape..he ain't going nowhere just watch!!!

  26. #26
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    I fear you are right.........people like him always find a way to come out smelling like a rose.

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  28. #28
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    I got the answer to my question today.....Yes.

  29. #29
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    Don't start dancin just yet my brother,i still don't trust em up on the hill when he's actually convicted and evicted then i'll dance too...but wait,doesn't that mean that pence is in??? And he may be just as bad!!!!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Don't start dancin just yet my brother,i still don't trust em up on the hill when he's actually convicted and evicted then i'll dance too...but wait,doesn't that mean that pence is in??? And he may be just as bad!!!!!!
    Pence will be too scared to do anything shady after this......

  31. #31
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    My prediction is that possibly 2 Senators may vote for removal from office - Romney [[Utah) and Murkowski [[Alaska). I think even they are not certain. It's impossible that there would be a 2/3rds majority in the Senate which is what's requirement for removal. I believe that would mean about 16-18 Republican Senators voting for removal which I don't think at all possible.


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