Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1

    Spam Posting - Use Report Post

    We are getting some spam posting. The problem is that we are not using any validation on new registrations [You know, those little pictures where you have to type the letters] during the first few days of the new forum to speed the sign up process.

    This is allowing programmed spammers to sign up and post. So here is what to do. Fortunately some of you, like Carlo, have already figured this out but in case the rest of you did not notice, at the bottom every post is the 'report post' icon. Click that, report the post and we will zap it. It only take seconds.
    Name:  sdr-reportpost.jpg
Views: 3848
Size:  12.7 KB

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4


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Ralph Terrana

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