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  1. #51
    that's some funny stuff from Redd Foxx!

    then there was Greg Carmichael's Red Greg label out of NYC that fiddled a lot with something new and developing in the music scene ; Synthesizers:

  2. #52
    Patrick Adams was very active at Red Greg , but also had his work pressed on his own P& P records which I believe represented the first initials of Patrick[[Adams) & Peter [[Brown):


    cool label!

  3. #53
    In 1967, Chicago's Carl Davis began his label DAKAR [[ Tyrone Davis, Bohannon, Barbara Aiken).

    Its biggest hit was the #3 :

    Last edited by Boogiedown; 03-23-2020 at 05:51 PM.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    In 1967, Chicago's Carl Davis began his label DAKAR [[ Tyrone Davis, Bohannon, Barbara Aiken).

    Its biggest hit was the #3 :

    Who is Barbara Aiken??? Did you mean Barbara Acklin?

  5. #55
    I do !! thank you! And maybe Barbara was on BRUNSWICK proper....

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by robb_k View Post

    Juggy Murry
    Sue, Symbol, Crackerjack, Juggy
    Robb who is Juggy Murry. Did you mean Juggy Murray ?

    Don't forget his label of the mid seventies JUPITER , which featured this wild creation of his:

  7. #57
    HOW is it possible ! on a Motown fansite!!, that this one remains unnamed!!!

  8. #58
    then there's Logan Westbrooks' SOURCE records which right off the bat had a #1 [[four weeks) soul hit with:

  9. #59
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    I forgot to list Mickey Stevenson's Stepp Records [[Detroit):
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  10. #60
    Junior Records:

    Established in Philadelphia in '57 by Kae Williams and prospered for about ten years:

  11. #61
    A year past the seventies, in 1980, Hamilton Bohannon's Phase II Records:

    Last edited by Boogiedown; 05-18-2020 at 01:51 AM.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Robb who is Juggy Murry. Did you mean Juggy Murray ?

    Don't forget his label of the mid seventies JUPITER , which featured this wild creation of his:

    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    Yes, typo, light touch on the "a"- weak left pinkie.

  13. #63
    Hi everyone - new member here!
    I discovered this thread a couple of years ago while doing a "curatorial" appraisal of a large 78rpm and 45rpm collection of post-WWII Black music [[primarily R&B but also blues and gospel). I was able to identify many Black-owned labels in the collection, which piqued my interest in the topic [[FYI, that collection is now at UCSB). Anyways, fast forward, I am now retired and decided to take this on as a project. Using the info here as well as Discogs, 45Cat [[much appreciation to Mickey Rat), other online and print sources as well as colleagues, I have started compiling a list of Black-owned labels from post-WWII to 1970. I figured that was a good place to cut off for now, keeping in mind Robb-K's comment "There are literally thousands you didn't mention. I would die before I could finish listing them." I'm finding he may be right!

    My current goal is to focus primarily on LA/SF, Chicago, Detroit and NY - adding other regional labels when found - and then make the list publicly available for additional crowdsourcing.
    Though I've been able to add some original research, I really envision this project as a compilation of sources that don't currently exist in one place. However, I haven't yet determined the best way to accomplish this. I'm currently dumping info into a Word doc and then transferring to Google sheets once confirmed. I'm including links to source info plus images [[labels/owners), and also have a separate bibliography plus a discography of label compilations. I love doing the research, but not sure if I want to maintain a website or blog. I could just compile lists in 45cat, but don't think this would reach students, scholars and the general public.

    By way of introduction, I am a music archivist by profession, served as editor of the blog Black Grooves, and have been active in the Assoc. for Recorded Sound Collections for over 35 years. One caveat, I am not a private collector myself and sadly
    my brain is not capable of storing and recalling labels and catalog numbers at will, lol.

  14. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaNS View Post
    Hi everyone - new member here!
    I discovered this thread a couple of years ago while doing a "curatorial" appraisal of a large 78rpm and 45rpm collection of post-WWII Black music [[primarily R&B but also blues and gospel). I was able to identify many Black-owned labels in the collection, which piqued my interest in the topic [[FYI, that collection is now at UCSB). Anyways, fast forward, I am now retired and decided to take this on as a project. Using the info here as well as Discogs, 45Cat [[much appreciation to Mickey Rat), other online and print sources as well as colleagues, I have started compiling a list of Black-owned labels from post-WWII to 1970. I figured that was a good place to cut off for now, keeping in mind Robb-K's comment "There are literally thousands you didn't mention. I would die before I could finish listing them." I'm finding he may be right!

    My current goal is to focus primarily on LA/SF, Chicago, Detroit and NY - adding other regional labels when found - and then make the list publicly available for additional crowdsourcing.
    Though I've been able to add some original research, I really envision this project as a compilation of sources that don't currently exist in one place. However, I haven't yet determined the best way to accomplish this. I'm currently dumping info into a Word doc and then transferring to Google sheets once confirmed. I'm including links to source info plus images [[labels/owners), and also have a separate bibliography plus a discography of label compilations. I love doing the research, but not sure if I want to maintain a website or blog. I could just compile lists in 45cat, but don't think this would reach students, scholars and the general public.

    By way of introduction, I am a music archivist by profession, served as editor of the blog Black Grooves, and have been active in the Assoc. for Recorded Sound Collections for over 35 years. One caveat, I am not a private collector myself and sadly
    my brain is not capable of storing and recalling labels and catalog numbers at will, lol.
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    An ambitious project, to be sure. But why did you leave out Philadelphia labels? There were many Black-owned labels there as well. Philly seems a lot more in the league with your big 4 [[in a big 5), than down in the second rung with Washington/Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Memphis, Nashville, St. Louis, Houston, Kansas City, etc.
    Good luck!
    Last edited by robb_k; 10-06-2023 at 02:32 AM.

  15. #65
    Excellent point Robb. I certainly have Philly high on my list but figure it will take some time just to do a deep dive of LA/SF, Chicago, Detroit before I move on to the East Coast. Those cities were selected as a starting point due to the amount of initial data, and perhaps I'll make faster progress once cold weather sets in. As you can imagine, research on one label almost always uncovers additional labels. My Word doc dump has all of the second tier cities you mention, but mostly the more obvious labels.

  16. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by BrendaNS View Post
    Excellent point Robb. I certainly have Philly high on my list but figure it will take some time just to do a deep dive of LA/SF, Chicago, Detroit before I move on to the East Coast. Those cities were selected as a starting point due to the amount of initial data, and perhaps I'll make faster progress once cold weather sets in. As you can imagine, research on one label almost always uncovers additional labels. My Word doc dump has all of the second tier cities you mention, but mostly the more obvious labels.
    Attachment 21058
    Glad to learn that you'll include Philadelphia and other cities in your tabulation. By the way,...... are you originally from Nova Scotia? [[The NS in your moniker)

  17. #67
    Nope, not originally from Nova Scotia but opposite coast [[PNW). NS just initials.

  18. #68
    Thanks Robb, I had your list of Black Owned record companies, there are so many. However leaving aside Berry , my favourite is "Fat Jack Taylor" the owner of Rojac

    Attachment 21116

    Last edited by Graham Jarvis; 11-08-2023 at 01:45 PM.

  19. #69
    Graham - thanks for that! Is the photo by any chance from Stuart Cosgrove's book, Harlem 69? I must find a copy after reading the description on 45cat.


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