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  1. #1

    @Robb or anyone who can help! ~

    How do you post a photo next to your name so it appears in all of your posts?
    Robb K, I noticed you were able to do that.

    Thank You,
    Soul Sister

  2. #2
    I've been trying to figure that one out, S.S. but no luck. Robb????

  3. #3
    I think the administer of the board has the option of letting us use avatars on this board.
    His administrative control panel may have an option similar to this:

    Enable avatars: [ ] yes [ ] no
    Allow general usage of avatars;
    If you disable avatars in general or avatars of a certain mode, the disabled avatars will no longer be shown on the board, but users will still be able to download their own avatars in the User Control Panel.

    If he has "no" checked, then we can't use avatars.

    Robb has a picture that is the size of an avatar, and he attaches it to the beginning of each of his posts.

  4. #4
    Mmmmmmmm...I'll check that out. Thanks, Milven.

  5. #5
    Thank you, milven & ralph.

    So I think what your saying milven, is Robb doesn't have a 'avatar' but instead is just posting/uploading his pic everytime he posts [[?).


  6. #6
    Name:  MG IC.jpg
Views: 5965
Size:  2.8 KB That is just my guess. I do not see a way to include avatars in our member profiles. I just added an avatar to my post, but I would have to upload it every time I post.

    Boards are different. If the option is available to use avatars, then the administrator just has to click a button or two on his control panel to make it available to us.

    A signature option would also be nice to include in our posts.
    Name:  Milven.gif
Views: 5575
Size:  8.0 KB

  7. #7
    OK...then, thank you for the info, Milven.

    I will forget the idea of avatars, I will not post a pic up everytime to create one, lol. Since it's not an available option, no need. I appreciate your savvy input.
    Thanks again,

  8. #8
    You're welcome. But I am just guessing that is what Rob does. Maybe he discovered how to post avatars here without having to upload it with every post. If he did, I hope he reads this thread and shows us.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    Name:  MG IC.jpg
Views: 5965
Size:  2.8 KB That is just my guess. I do not see a way to include avatars in our member profiles. I just added an avatar to my post, but I would have to upload it every time I post.

    Boards are different. If the option is available to use avatars, then the administrator just has to click a button or two on his control panel to make it available to us.

    A signature option would also be nice to include in our posts.
    Name:  Milven.gif
Views: 5575
Size:  8.0 KB
    Name:  av-5.jpg
Views: 5931
Size:  21.1 KB
    Your guess is correct. I upload my photo as an attached photo, using the "insert image" tool [[rather than an avatar feature), with every post I make. At first it was tedious work, but now [[after hundreds of posts) my hands just automatically click on the proper keys, and I do it in a few seconds without even thinking.

    But, I can imagine that most, if not all others would not want to do that, and would rather continue without an "avatar".

  10. #10
    Name:  ad scsh.JPG
Views: 5898
Size:  30.4 KB
    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I've been trying to figure that one out, S.S. but no luck. Robb????
    Last we heard is that Lowell has to enable the avatar feature. That was way back when we switched over to the new software. Meanwhile, Rob found a workaround.

  11. #11
    Name:  av-5.jpg
Views: 5793
Size:  21.1 KB
    I'm guessing that Lowell feels that adding the memory usage required to have avatars uploaded by a substantial number of members would severely constrain SDF's capacity, and possibly slow down navigation on the site. So, he decided against offering that option. Don't forget that donations do NOT cover all the costs of operating this site.

  12. #12
    Thanks for your reply, robb_k.



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