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  1. #201
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    The book is excellent; all glossy finish and that is a rarity for Motown books these days. Articles and pictures you've never seen before.

    For the anti Ross crowd, numbering 2 here..........you won't like this. There is an article saying Diana was leaving the Supremes in early 1966, that she has a style, a look and a way that Mary and Florence don't and she is passing them by. They say the group has something the Marvelettes, Toys, Shangrilas don't......and yes, you guessed it........." a super cute pixie named Diana". So, at least that article won't be your favorite.

    As Andy said, no one calls her Diane, except Mary, Berry and Smokey; not even Andy and Harry. And certainly, not Internet hogs. Apparently, some internet sites are now eliminating comments because you get little intelligent discussion and a lot of smart asses living vicariously and contributing little of value. A little ring of familiarity to some?? Provoking a quick response?? Repeated several times??

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The book is excellent; all glossy finish and that is a rarity for Motown books these days. Articles and pictures you've never seen before.

    For the anti Ross crowd, numbering 2 here..........you won't like this. There is an article saying Diana was leaving the Supremes in early 1966, that she has a style, a look and a way that Mary and Florence don't and she is passing them by. They say the group has something the Marvelettes, Toys, Shangrilas don't......and yes, you guessed it........." a super cute pixie named Diana". So, at least that article won't be your favorite.

    As Andy said, no one calls her Diane, except Mary, Berry and Smokey; not even Andy and Harry. And certainly, not Internet hogs. Apparently, some internet sites are now eliminating comments because you get little intelligent discussion and a lot of smart asses living vicariously and contributing little of value. A little ring of familiarity to some?? Provoking a quick response?? Repeated several times??

    I didn't buy "Hype and Soul" because it had anything at all to do with Diane. It is an excellent retrospective on Motown by someone that was there from the very beginning.

  3. #203
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    It shows the hypocrisy --take a shot at Mary Wilson when complaining of someone taking a shot at Ms Ross--twilight zone. Could someone please give a review and specifics of this book? Im being worn down too but would like to hear what readers think. Glad my suggestion of awhile ago about price reduction if no record put in effect!
    Every so often I must agree with Marv an d Luke. I've a feeling that bokiluis, Marv and Luke won't be seeing eye to eye much around here. It will make for some good fights.

  4. #204
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    The book is excellent; all glossy finish and that is a rarity for Motown books these days. Articles and pictures you've never seen before.

    For the anti Ross crowd, numbering 2 here..........you won't like this. There is an article saying Diana was leaving the Supremes in early 1966, that she has a style, a look and a way that Mary and Florence don't and she is passing them by. They say the group has something the Marvelettes, Toys, Shangrilas don't......and yes, you guessed it........." a super cute pixie named Diana". So, at least that article won't be your favorite.

    As Andy said, no one calls her Diane, except Mary, Berry and Smokey; not even Andy and Harry. And certainly, not Internet hogs. Apparently, some internet sites are now eliminating comments because you get little intelligent discussion and a lot of smart asses living vicariously and contributing little of value. A little ring of familiarity to some?? Provoking a quick response?? Repeated several times??
    What sort of articles are included on The Marvelettes?

  5. #205
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    [QUOTE=marv2;79380]No smart aleck here. I call her Diane because that is her name and what I've always called her! Why you or Roberta feel it necessary to "let everyone know" that you were not interested in buying this book .....because of the cost and then turn around and brag about all the money you spent on what I
    or others could view as nonsense, is beyond me! What is the point in doing that? To try to make someone feel bad?


    Its called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. It is my right as an American. The last time I checked this site is called "Motown Forum". A Motown Forum is a place where you can express your ideas and views. It is possible that the price of the book is confronting [[Her name to me and all those she does not consider a personal friend or family member is "Diana Ross". I suspect you are neither). But I am not here to have dust ups with people I don't know. You are the one who got personal when I was only stating what was there for me. This aspect of the topic has been exhausted. I apologized to Al for any indiscretion. What more is there for me to say? Peace.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No smart aleck here. I call her Diane because that is her name and what I've always called her! Why you or Roberta feel it necessary to "let everyone know" that you were not interested in buying this book .....because of the cost and then turn around and brag about all the money you spent on what I
    or others could view as nonsense, is beyond me! What is the point in doing that? To try to make someone feel bad?


    Its called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. It is my right as an American. The last time I checked this site is called "Motown Forum". A Motown Forum is a place where you can express your ideas and views. It is possible that the price of the book is confronting [[Her name to me and all those she does not consider a personal friend or family member is "Diana Ross". I suspect you are neither). But I am not here to have dust ups with people I don't know. You are the one who got personal when I was only stating what was there for me. This aspect of the topic has been exhausted. I apologized to Al for any indiscretion. What more is there for me to say? Peace.
    Yeah it is your right [[Freedom of Speech) even if it provokes responses you may not care for that get directed at you. Do you walk past stores, look in the windows [[window shop), stop, go inside and up to the management and declare that their merchandise is too expensive for your tastes and that you prefer spending much more on other things? You do not. You just keep on walking. Suspect what you want. You do not know me and whether or not Diane is a relative or personal acquaintance nor does any of your buddies that will tell you otherwise here.

  7. #207
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    Smark, there are good articles on all of the Motown acts. Some of them are things we haven't seen......newspaper clippings, different pictures, and press releases.

    It's a different slant on the Motown story from the point of view of the PR man.

    But he has no axe to grind..........it's just some stories of the way it was.

    I think it is worth having. As I recall there are sections on the Supremes, Stevie Wonder, Temptations etc.

  8. #208
    We have had a rush of orders in last few weeks, clearly for Christmas presents.

    If you are about to order from USA and want the book as a present, please note that as we are sending out from the UK, our last posting date to get the States for Chrismtas is this Thursday, December 8.

    Online orders should go to -


  9. #209
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    Finally been in a position to order a copy. Got the confirmation that it went out today 1st class post. Paulo xxx

  10. #210
    manifesto, the leading Soul magazine in the UK, are carrying a review of the book in their latest issue.

    Here is a snippet of the review by Ian Stebbings: -

    "This book is a treasure of never before seen nuggets of the golden era of Motown. The book will appeal to both the casual reader and the Motown afficianado. This is not someone writing about what they have heard went on at Motown;this is a book by someone who was actually there, and has got all the actual momentos and documents to prove it.....You can read this book at one go or pick it up again and again and each time you will discover something else of wonder."

  11. #211
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    Marv and Bokiluis,
    You guys aren't going to go somewhere that will a problem to me, are you?

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Marv and Bokiluis,
    You guys aren't going to go somewhere that will a problem to me, are you?
    Not me Ralph.

  13. #213
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    Ahhhhhh...Sea of bliss, as my Krishna friends used to say.

  14. #214
    Christmas is coming and we are fast running out of Limited Edition copies of the books with the Tamla Motown Appreciation Society 45.

    When planning the book we had numerous discusssions about whether the TMAS single was the correct disc to add to the limited edition. As it was given away in the UK [[albeit back in the early 60's) I guess in Britain we are used to seeing copies & it is not that big a deal to Motown collectors here, but the response to the record from overseas purchasers has been really positive. Maybe not that many copies ever escaped from the UK?

    There's a real rush on sales now, so thanks to everyone who has purchased the book. We appreciate that buying a British publication about Motown might have created doubts with many West Grand Boulevard enthusiasts, but the response has been fantastic with copies being ordered from all over the World.

    It's great that Al is getting the attention he so richly deserves.

    To order the book online go to - www.soulvation.biz



  15. #215
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    Got mine today in the post just two days after putting in the order! Have already read it start to finish, and will now spend god knows how many days pouring over every page! It is quite simply,MAGNIFICENT! If you are a Motown fan, then you HAVE to get this book. Thank you Al and Neil for such a wonderful book. Every page reveals such wonderful delights! And as for the 45, well, Im afraid to play it yet. I just keep looking at it in awe. This is the best christmas present ever! OK, I opened it early. But my partner,who bought it for me understands. Also love the Gordy label bookmark! Nice touch! Thanks again to Al and Neil for making this happen.AND for making my Christmas!..Paulo xxx

  16. #216
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    TO AL ABRAMS & NEIL RUSHTON..Although I have thanked you in another post. I just HAD to really thank you, thank you, for this magnificent gift to us Motown fanatics, fans, whatever you want to call us. From the lavish book production, to the very clever Gordy label book marker, to the limited edition 45 on red vinyl, no less, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Thank you SO much for bringing this to fruition and making so many MOTOWN fans HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!....I have had the best Christmas present EVER! Thank you both for giving us a chance to see inside the behind the scenes of our MOTOWN...And a BIG thankyou to everyone else involved in bringing this to our visual and listening pleasure..OH, AND a HUGE, BIG HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!...Paulo xxxx

  17. #217
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    Thank you Paulo


    Thank you for these wonderful comments about Hype & Soul .

    You have given me a wonderful early Christmas present by sharing your thoughts about the book here on this forum.

    Bill Baker at Temple$treet and Glenn Gunton, who is responsible for the book's incredible graphic design, really deserve to share in your praise.

    Thank you for making our Christmas through your thanks and appreciation. I'm sure Neil would second this emotion!

    A Merry Motown Christmas and a Happy Hitsville New Year to you!


  18. #218
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    To Bill Baker and Glenn Gunton, and of course stalebagle...thank you so much. You have made such a HUGE contribution. with this book, in making our love of Hitsville USA come alive with this historical masterpiece. THANK YOU so much. I cant say anything more than that, because i will get too emotional. I still remember my first visit to 2648 when it had just become a museum and Doris Holland showed us around. Again many thanks for an amazing, and wonderful insight into the behind the scenes with this wonderful book. Have a wonderful Christmas all. Lots of lOVE Paulo xxxx

  19. #219
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    In my opinion, H&S is without a doubt one of the best books on Motown ever to be published. Abrams deserves more than simply a pat on the back from Motown artists and fans. He deserves a Rock’N’Roll nod for being a young PR guy with the guts and fortitude to promote African-American artists and a black-owned record label at a time in US history when there was no personal glory or financial reward. Hell, he deserves a vote into the R&RH of F for being instrumental in helping Gordy and Motown to become an international sensation at a time when representing such a black record label meant going to the “back of the bus”. And there is a spot for such recognition for him in the H of F. Congrats to all those individuals that worked on this book. Hopefully, after all these years, Gordy and many other Motown folks have made personal contact with Abrams. Hype & Soul is a wonderful tribute to an iconic pop culture label that remains in a class by itself. Abrams gave Motown a sensational “hit”.

  20. #220
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    Just ordered my copy and single and can't wait for it to arrive!

  21. #221
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    Got the book today and I must throw my compliments into the ring. This book is amazing and worth every penny. I've just started diving into it and I'm having a hard time putting it down for any length of time. Thanks to Al for this.

  22. #222
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    I know this thread is a couple years old, but I was browsing through Amazon Uk recently looking for another 'Motown' book to buy and came across "Hype & Soul"
    I am halfway through reading this already. Thank you Al Abrams for sharing your in depth behind the scenes account. The press releases and publicity you have included are Priceless.
    Thank you once again.

  23. #223
    Well, if we're bumping this old thread, then allow me to pile in as well and say that it's a great book.

    I got it for Christmas when it came out, and it's still probably my favourite Motown book. Probably not one for people with a passing, casual interest in Motown [[not that it's snobby or nerdy in the slightest, Al has a splendid writing style - it's just that there is SO MUCH trivia and detail and history in here, it's hard for hardcore Motown fans not to start dancing inside.) I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here but if you're a Motown lover and you don't own a copy, well, get a copy.


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