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  1. #1

    2 hours of Motown History history with Mickey Stevenson.

    Nearly two hours of Mickey Stevenson on an indepth history of Motown. Includes interviews with Smokey, Berry, Janie Bradford, Claudette, Cornelius Grant and Jack Ashford. Lots on Ivy Jo Hunter, Ron Miller, and the Funk Brothers. Interesting, revealing, engaging and authentic from someone who was there and played a very significant role in the creation of Motown.
    [[There is a pause pathway through but do not terminate as the presentation then continues.)

  2. #2
    I just started watching and I'm enthralled already. Scared of being hooked at the Apollo.
    Can't wait to get back to it in the evening ...this is going to be good.

    Thank you!!

  3. #3
    Mike W

    Thanks for posting...great stuff. I was disappointed with his book, but this makes up for it.
    He was the Backbone of Motown in those formative years.

  4. #4
    I really enjoyed this program on Mickey. It was nice to hear a mention of Lon Fontaine, probably the only one I've ever heard in any interviews of Motown alumni. I have the memo Lon sent to Artist Development / Maurice King reviewing a Vandellas Roostertail performance, but there isn't much information out there on Lon for the most part.

  5. #5
    Mike, you've posted one of the best Motown interviews EVER! I could listen to "William R."/ "Mickey" talk about Motown for hours on end and still crave more. Such a great guy -- down to earth and comical -- and, when it came to essentially running the musical side of Motown, he sure knew his stuff. I can only wish and wonder what Mickey would have come up with had he and Kim [[Weston) stayed with Motown throughout the late '60s. Judging from Kim's excellent 2-CD set, "The Motown Anthology", I love the direction Motown was taking her in with previously-unreleased tracks like "You Hit Me Where It Hurt Me", "You Can Do It", and, especially, "Fancy Meeting You Here" -- rounded out beautifully by The Andantes. [[Oops! I accidently put the audio link in the next post below.)
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 01-25-2025 at 04:12 AM.

  6. #6
    "Fancy Meeting You Here"
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 01-25-2025 at 03:20 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by snakepit View Post
    Mike W

    Thanks for posting...great stuff. I was disappointed with his book, but this makes up for it.
    He was the Backbone of Motown in those formative years.
    Snakepit, in his book, did Mickey touch on the fact that so many of Kim's Motown releases weren't hits as they had hoped?
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 01-25-2025 at 04:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Here's a interview with Kim Weston you might find interesting.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKEW-UK View Post
    Here's a interview with Kim Weston you might find interesting.

    Hey, thanks for the Kim Weston interview, Mike. In all of these years, it's the only Kim Weston interview I've ever seen. According to the interview, she liked her ballads but not the uptempo tracks that Motown assigned to her [[which I had already learned elsewhere years ago. What surprised me was that she had already left Motown by the time "It Takes Two" was released, which was news to me. I was also shocked to learn that Kim never received a royalty check from Motown. With husband Mickey in charge, I'm perplexed that he would allow that to happen.

    One final aspect of her 2007 interview was

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKEW-UK View Post
    Here's a interview with Kim Weston you might find interesting.

    Hey, thanks for the Kim Weston interview, Mike. In all of these years, it's the only Kim Weston interview I've ever seen. According to the interview, she liked her ballads but not the uptempo tracks that Motown assigned to her [[which I had already learned elsewhere years ago. What surprised me was that she had already left Motown by the time "It Takes Two" was released, which was news to me. I was also shocked to learn that Kim never received a royalty check from Motown. With husband Mickey in charge, I'm perplexed that he would allow that to happen.

    One final shocker was that in 1999, while Kim was walking across the street, she was struck by a vehicle which tossed her 15-20 feet into the air, and then landing her back on her feet. She was hospitalized for only 4 hours and released. As it turned out, she suffered internal injuries which finally healed as of this interview circa 2007.

    I personally love Kim Weston's Motown recordings -- including both her Tamla and Gordy releases as well as her duet album with Marvin Gaye. She deserved so much more than the little recognition she got.
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 01-26-2025 at 04:25 AM.

  10. #10
    I have no idea how my above post [[#9) got messed up. It wasn't intentional!


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