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  1. #1

    West Grand Records

    Stay tuned to the Internet today for Adam White's latest West Grand blog for news of an exciting new adventure for me starting very soon. The Cellarful brand is still alive and kicking.[ATTACH]21802
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    Last edited by paul_nixon; 01-10-2025 at 06:03 AM. Reason: add pic

  2. #2
    Can't wait

  3. #3
    Wonderful news Paul ...and Adam ...can't wait...!!


  4. #4

  5. #5
    Best news I have heard in 2025. YAY.

  6. #6
    The suspense is killing me

  7. Thanks much, Paul, and here it is:


  8. #8
    And two CDs on the way from West Grand and Kent. Woohoo.

  9. #9
    Motown Guys..on CD. Fabulous.
    Are the rest on vinyl?
    Sadly, my vinyl days are well behind me

  10. #10
    There is an expanded CD version of the LP

  11. #11
    Yes...I will get a copy of that...and Ivy Jo...can it really be done? Hope so

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by paul_nixon View Post
    Stay tuned to the Internet today for Adam White's latest West Grand blog for news of an exciting new adventure for me starting very soon. The Cellarful brand is still alive and kicking.
    Just read the article. It's Great to hear that there be more music released from Motown's vaults [and just when I was ready to give up on that]. Congrats & Good Luck on your new venture with Motown/UME.
    Last edited by Motown Eddie; 01-10-2025 at 03:28 PM.

  13. #13
    I`m fizzin` at the bung!

  14. #14
    The idea of releasing something on vinyl but also releasing an expanded CD version has always made sense. So let's keep doing that for any and all music releases and then I won't have anything to b**ch about!

  15. #15
    We got a new Ford truck in 2022 and a Toyota car in 2023 and neither have CD players but they do have Sirius Satellite. I think you can special order a CD but I’m not sure. I recently read this week that vinyl is thriving but CDs are floundering. I never would have believed this a few years ago.

  16. #16
    Sirius XM is definitely an exciting feature to have these days, especially since they still value and appreciate music from the good old days as opposed to the [[ahem) "stuff" that passes for music today. So yes you can hear wonderful stuff on there. But still there is a lot to be said about playing your own favorite CD as you are tooling down the road.

    My experience of late has been that some of the more expensive cars, meaning the more deluxe editions of any given model, may still have CD players whereas your more basic ones will not. However, when you hear these young people driving around with volume levels that no human being should ever need or have to listen to, it makes me think that there are quite likely still stereo shops out there that can put anything in a car if the price is right. If you or anyone else should want to shop for a car, whether or not your search has anything to do with CD players, I recommend Car Guru. I always found it to be the most user friendly website for car-shopping.

  17. #17
    There are benefits to being poor, my car has a CD player!

  18. #18
    Exciting news!!!!

  19. #19
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the commercial success of these releases underpins the release of A Cellarful Of Motown Vol 6 cd set.


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