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  1. #1

    "Just Another Lonely Night"

    In 1965, Motown producers Wm. "Mickey" Stevenson and Ivy Jo Hunter composed the hauntingly-beautiful ballad, "Just Another Lonely Night". Since then, it was recorded by 4 different Motown artists as follows:

    1) THE TEMPTATIONS [[Recorded in 1965)
    Producers: Wm. "Mickey" Stevenson & Ivy Jo Hunter
    Backing Vocals: The Andantes
    Track included on "Temptin' Temptations" LP/CD

    2) BRENDA HOLLOWAY [[Recorded in 1966)
    Producers: Wm. "Mickey" Stevenson, Ivy Jo Hunter & Jeffrey Bowen
    Backing Vocals: The Andantes & The Originals
    Track included on "The Artistry Of Brenda Holloway" CD

    3) LEVI STUBBS [[Originally recorded in 1965 by The Temptations)
    Producers: Wm. "Mickey" Stevenson & Ivy Jo Hunter
    Backing Vocals: The Temptations [[1965)
    The Andantes & Four Tops credited as being added in 1967, although I have yet to recognize any Tops' vocals)
    Track included on Four Tops "Fourever" CD Box Set"

    4) THE FANTASTIC FOUR [[Recorded in 1969-1970)
    Producer: Clay McMurray
    Arrangers: Wade Marcus & Paul Riser
    Backing Vocals: The Andantes
    Track included on The Fantastic Four's "The Lost Motown Album" CD


    List them in the order of preference [[your favorite -- of course -- being #1!)

    I'll get the ball rolling with my personal favorites:

    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 11-28-2024 at 01:18 AM.

  2. #2
    It appears there were two different leads by Brenda [[both December 66) although DFTMC doesn't make clear which was used on the Ace The Artistry Of Brenda Holloway With Bonus Tracks From The Motown Vaults.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by paul_nixon View Post
    It appears there were two different leads by Brenda [[both December 66) although DFTMC doesn't make clear which was used on the Ace The Artistry Of Brenda Holloway With Bonus Tracks From The Motown Vaults.
    Gee, there doesn't appear to be any alternate "Just Another Lonely Night" versions by Brenda on YouTube. Boy, they sure love to drive the collectors crazy, don't they!

    Of the 4 recorded versions listed above, in what order are your favorites, Paul?
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 11-28-2024 at 01:19 AM.

  4. #4
    My ranking. This song is my all time favorite Paul led song.
    1. Temptations
    2. Brenda Holloway
    3. Levi Stubbs
    4. Fantastic 4

  5. #5
    4 Tops

    Would have loved to have heard Ivy Jo do it....

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by paul_nixon View Post
    4 Tops

    Would have loved to have heard Ivy Jo do it....
    All have plus points, but it's exactly same order of preference for me......

    It's that dramatic sense of impending doom, presented in full Hitsville A echo, coupled with counterpoint background harmonies , which immediately identifies it as 'Motown'. The song wouldn't be nearly as effective if it had been recorded almost anywhere else.

    Brenda's is not simply a production - it is an EVENT...

    But very close to call between Brenda [it seems some elements were recorded at GW] and Temptations.....and really have to mention those glorious Andantes harmonies......

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by westgrandboulevard View Post
    Brenda's is not simply a production - it is an EVENT...
    Is it just me, or can others hear touches of Dionne Warwick in Brenda's vocal. Also who, apart from the Andantes, are in the background vocals?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Starguard4 View Post
    Is it just me, or can others hear touches of Dionne Warwick in Brenda's vocal. Also who, apart from the Andantes, are in the background vocals?
    I didn't hear any touches of Dionne Warwick in Brenda's performance, Starguard. The Originals are on backing vocals with The Andantes. They sound really great together, don't they!
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 11-29-2024 at 02:39 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by westgrandboulevard View Post
    ......It's that dramatic sense of impending doom, presented in full Hitsville A echo, coupled with counterpoint background harmonies , which immediately identifies it as 'Motown'. The song wouldn't be nearly as effective if it had been recorded almost anywhere else.
    A thousand times THIS! Exactly why Paul's voice just about brings tears to my eyes. I feel his pain!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by westgrandboulevard View Post
    All have plus points, but it's exactly same order of preference for me......

    It's that dramatic sense of impending doom, presented in full Hitsville A echo, coupled with counterpoint background harmonies , which immediately identifies it as 'Motown'. The song wouldn't be nearly as effective if it had been recorded almost anywhere else.

    Brenda's is not simply a production - it is an EVENT...

    But very close to call between Brenda [it seems some elements were recorded at GW] and Temptations.....and really have to mention those glorious Andantes harmonies......
    WestGrand, your points match mine to a tee:

    1) Motown's studio A sound [[for me, it's also Motown's outstanding musical arrangement & production. "The Motown Sound" is in full force here! [[I've gotta compliment the tambourine player as well. Might it be R. Dean Taylor? The first time I heard Brenda's version, I wasn't sure if the tambourine inclusion was perhaps unnecessary and out of place. But, by the time the track ended, I couldn't -- and STILL can't -- imagine Brenda's version without it.)

    2) Brenda's performance is indeed "an event"! Relegating it to the vaults was surely a crime!

    3) The Andantes prove, once again, why they're my #1 favorite Girl Group!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Philles/Motown Gary View Post
    WestGrand, your points match mine to a tee:

    1) Motown's studio A sound [[for me, it's also Motown's outstanding musical arrangement & production. "The Motown Sound" is in full force here! [[I've gotta compliment the tambourine player as well. Might it be R. Dean Taylor? The first time I heard Brenda's version, I wasn't sure if the tambourine inclusion was perhaps unnecessary and out of place. But, by the time the track ended, I couldn't -- and STILL can't -- imagine Brenda's version without it.)

    2) Brenda's performance is indeed "an event"! Relegating it to the vaults was surely a crime!

    3) The Andantes prove, once again, why they're my #1 favorite Girl Group!
    Phillies, completely agree with you and nice to read you also rate the Andantes as #1 girl group. I read somewhere here their sound is like a marshmallow, and their creativity and versatility is amazing.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by 1382hitsville View Post
    Phillies, completely agree with you and nice to read you also rate the Andantes as #1 girl group. I read somewhere here their sound is like a marshmallow, and their creativity and versatility is amazing.
    Hi 1382hitsville! It's always good to hear that there are other Motown fans who appreciate The Andantes and their amazingly-unique harmony blend. I've never heard their sound compared to a "marshmallow", but you're absolutely right about their creativity and versatility being amazing! Did you know that Motown allowed the girls to create their own back-up vocal arrangements on the spot at the recording sessions? Motown producers wanted The Andantes on their productions because the girls made their records sound great! Plus, the girls were quick learners. They could learn their parts quickly and finish a perfect recording in just a couple of takes. Regardless of which Motown star's lead vocals ended up on the track, The Andantes were equally as much an important ingredient of The Motown Sound as the instrumental Funk Brothers.
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 12-01-2024 at 02:53 AM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by paul_nixon View Post
    4 Tops

    Would have loved to have heard Ivy Jo do it....
    Yes, indeed, Paul! You and me both.

  14. #14
    Brenda Holloway
    Levi Stubbs
    Fantastic Four

  15. #15
    May I add out of interest that there is another version of "Just Another Lonely Night", by The Major IV on Venture, produced by Mickey Stevenson who was of course the co writer of the song and also co producer of three of the Motown versions
    Mickey left Motown to run Venture Records for MCA. He obviously had a lot of faith in the song if he was to personally produce / co produce four different versions. I suspect most people would rank this version number 5.
    Last edited by MIKEW-UK; 11-30-2024 at 10:47 AM.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKEW-UK View Post
    May I add out of interest that there is another version of "Just Another Lonely Night", by The Major IV on Venture, produced by Mickey Stevenson who was of course the co writer of the song and also co producer of three of the Motown versions
    Mickey left Motown to run Venture Records for MCA. He obviously had a lot of faith in the song if he was to personally produce / co produce four different versions. I suspect most people would rank this version number 5.
    Interesting, Mike. You're right -- it would likely end up as most people's #5 rating... and that's being rather kind! Having been a Motown producer for so long, you'd think Mickey could have produced a better-sounding record than this. Go figure, I guess!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Philles/Motown Gary View Post
    Interesting, Mike. You're right -- it would likely end up as most people's #5 rating... and that's being rather kind! Having been a Motown producer for so long, you'd think Mickey could have produced a better-sounding record than this. Go figure, I guess!
    I kind of like it - I think if this had been discovered in Motowns vault as unreleased - it would have made the grade for me - I've heard considerably worse Motown covers.

    The worst Motown covers now that's a whole new thread

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Philles/Motown Gary View Post
    Having been a Motown producer for so long, you'd think Mickey could have produced a better-sounding record than this. Go figure, I guess!
    Ah, Mickey was quite capable, but... he didn't have the Funks on this production and it wasn't recorded at Hitsville. I suppose one could only do so much with the talent and space you had available.

  19. #19
    Does anyone know any background information on MAJOR IV? Was he a Detroit native or whatever?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by woodward View Post
    Does anyone know any background information on MAJOR IV? Was he a Detroit native or whatever?
    Are you sure this is a solo artist?

  21. #21

  22. #22
    I have to believe that Mickey Stevenson thought "Just Another Lonely Night" was his best ever composition [[co written with Ivy Jo Hunter). Why else would he have co -produced not four, but FIVE versions of the song? Classic Example of a Classic song Features Hodges James Smith & Crawford on background vocals.

    Arranged By, Conductor – Luchi De Jesus*, William "Mickey" Stevenson*
    Backing Vocals – The Firm Of Hodges, James, Smith & Crawford*
    Bass – Wilton Felder
    Drums – Paul Humphrey
    Guitar – Arthur Adams
    Piano – Joe Sample
    Producer – Curtis Colbert, William "Mickey" Stevenson*
    Strings – The Hollywood Strings
    Last edited by MIKEW-UK; 12-02-2024 at 12:31 PM.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by paul_nixon View Post
    4 Tops

    Would have loved to have heard Ivy Jo do it....
    Paul, would you perhaps say that because it sounds to you more of an Ivy Jo composition, than Stevenson-Hunter - ?

    If so, I would agree....... wasn't it made known that while Mickey and Ivy Jo would usually share the songwriter credits, sometimes a song was principally or even completely composed by one or the other - ?

    It just struck me that, production values apart, the actual structure of 'Just Another Lonely Night' has certain similarities to Martha's 'He Doesn't Love Her Anymore', where Ivy Jo has sole songwriter and producer credits.

    I don't think Mickey Stevenson was known to be a singer [?] but I can certainly imagine Ivy Jo's voice singing both songs....

  24. #24
    There is an interview by Bill Randle with Ivy Jo Hunter on Mixcloud. [[Sadly, both have passed away nut the interview remains accessible). In it Ivy states that Mivkey brought him to Motown and they agreed to a 50/50 split on royalties irrespective of who wrote the song. Ivy was always very grateful to Mickey Stevenson who he credited with the business acumen he lacked. When Mickey was forced out of Motown, Ivy felt very exposed and unsupported.
    Last edited by MIKEW-UK; 12-03-2024 at 04:30 PM.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKEW-UK View Post
    There is an interview by Bill Randle with Ivy Jo Hunter on Mixcloud. [[Sadly, both have passed away nut the interview remains accessible). In it Ivy states that Mivkey brought him to Motown and they agreed to a 50/50 split on royalties irrespective of who wrote the song. Ivy was always very grateful to Mickey Stevenson who he credited with the business acumen he lacked. When Mickey was forced out of Motown, Ivy felt very exposed and unsupported.
    Any idea why Mickey was forced out at Motown? I thought he left with his wife Kim Weston after Motown didn't really get behind her career and left for greener fields.

  26. #26
    There are consistent reports that Mickey was forced out by Berry transferring A&R title and responsibilities to Eddie Holland. This was to appease Eddie's demands and would today be construed in today's workplace as "constructive

    Adam White's excellent item on Mickey Stevenson is authoritative and enlightening.



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