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  1. #1

    Why Do So Many People Vote For Trump?

    In many other parts of the world, people don’t understand why you’d vote for someone that rants and raves like that. Nor do they understand why you continue to vote for old guys that are slipping like Biden, McConnell and Feinstein or oddballs like RFK.


  2. #2
    I'm currently in New Zealand and two weeks ago in Australia. Trump is reviled in both countries, with Australians feeling DJT would not honor defense treaties. Sentiments have been expressed that a convicted criminal would not be allowed to serve as leader in their countries. The US is mocked for allowing this. Remember, DJT packed the federal courts with appointees who are only too eager to sniff around his rancid rear end and legal challenges are likely to succeed.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    In many other parts of the world, people don’t understand why you’d vote for someone that rants and raves like that. Nor do they understand why you continue to vote for old guys that are slipping like Biden, McConnell and Feinstein or oddballs like RFK.

    It's very simple: His cult hates who he hates. He's the avatar of their grievance.

  4. #4
    I had known of Trump's reputation for many years. When he announced his intent to run for President the first time I thought "how ridiculous." He had no political experience, but yet he wanted to shoot straight to the top of the ladder???

    I don't think even he thought he could win but somehow he did. Then all the hate and division started [[far too many examples to list) and I doubt if we have even scratched the surface of how evil he really is. The criminal and civil judgments certainly helped us understand the type person he is.

    If he really accomplished anything during his term and if he has any good ideas now, then let's do the logical thing........Elect Kamala this time, then let him bow out for good and take some younger guy under his wing [[hopefully one with a better personality and moral code) and let that guy run next time, so we can see if Trump's ideas are really worthy of consideration.

    I personally think he has always been about just power and money and does not really care deep down about the people.

  5. #5
    they drank the Kool Aid

  6. #6
    God is separating the wheat from the chaff. Nobody who reads and understands the words of Christ abides the things that Trump says and does. Their intense embrace on the most unChrist-like and evil man imaginable as a man sent from God is madness.

    Do I actually believe that? I don't know. But it makes as much sense as anything else. I honestly believe that that devil [Trump] is starting to believe their bullsh*t and I hope they have the greatest crisis of their misguided faith in November.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 09-21-2024 at 10:31 AM.

  7. #7
    Dude has gone fully crazy. He held two events this week that were supposed to show his defiance of anti-Semitism but in both events, he said that he'd blame Jews if he lost the election. J.D. Vance is on a tour with racist and anti-Semitic Tucker Carlson and said there is a secret group consisting of very few people who are controlling all politics in the USA [I wonder who he was referring to?]. Of course, Black immigrants are eating pets, kids are being gender reassigned at school, and babies are being terminated after being born.

    And then, he posted this on his failing social network this morning:

  8. #8
    And don't forget that he accused the people of Springfield of eating pets, and promised that there would be mass deportation from there if he is elected, but then turned right around and said that he is planning to visit the city. Does he really expect to drum up votes after saying all that crap?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    It's very simple: His cult hates who he hates. He's the avatar of their grievance.
    An excellent summation. It is difficult for 50% of Americans to understand why his supporters feel so aggrieved -- they are typically those in our nation with the most advantage, the highest expectation and the greatest sense of entitlement.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy View Post
    An excellent summation. It is difficult for 50% of Americans to understand why his supporters feel so aggrieved -- they are typically those in our nation with the most advantage, the highest expectation and the greatest sense of entitlement.
    Bingo. And when they learn, and soon, that their anti-Blackness, misogynoir, Confederate apologism [witnessed on these very boards, for God's sake], xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and general misogyny will not save them from what's coming for them from their very own beloved cult leader, it will be the most resounding, unsatisfying, excruciating "I told you so" in the history of the republic--IF there's a republic left.
    Last edited by sansradio; 11-12-2024 at 09:45 AM.

  11. #11
    This is the old Rush Limbaugh crowd. Mango Mussolini knows that they were taught by Rush [[and by Reagan) to hate the Federal government, and he plays to that as a means to seize power. What scares me is the people who pulling his strings.

  12. #12
    I'd like to know when is somebody gonna rise up and say:

    "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore"..

    Remember THAT?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GrtGzu View Post
    I'd like to know when is somebody gonna rise up and say:

    "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore"..

    Remember THAT?
    i do. I just rewatched the movie this morning. Seems the same complaints from almost fifty years ago are still here. Only worse.

    This movie is worth watching if for nothing else but to show us how much we regressed instead of progressed



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