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  1. #1

    SHALONG -- Detroit femme group ?

    Can anyone here confirm that the female trio [[?) Shalong who had 2 x 45's out in 1973/74 were from Detroit ?
    Both of their 45's were produced by Gene Redd and released on his Red Coach label. In the 70's, that would seem to point to them being New York recordings as Gene Redd left Detroit [[returning to NY) in 1966. He had been associated with Kool & the Gang since the mid 60's and was in control of their recording sessions thru into the 70's. BUT the other names involved with the group's work [[song writers, etc) had strong Detroit links and their 45's were played on Detroit area radio stns. Their 1st 45 even gaining a high chart position on WJLB in late September 73.
    Name:  WJLBchartSept73.jpg
Views: 74
Size:  94.4 KB

  2. #2
    I have no knowledge of Gene Redd returning to work in Detroit studios in the 70's, though he was working during that time with Cleveland Horne [[who he'd produced in the duo Tommy & Cleve back in the mid 60's). By 1973, Cleveland Horne was in the NY based group, the Carstairs [[who cut for Redd -- "It Really Hurts Me Girl").
    The B side of Shalong's 1st single [[the A side isn't up on youtube) .. ...
    Last edited by jsmith; 09-08-2024 at 03:38 AM.


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