When you say "full of people" your age ...what would you guess was the age breakdown?
It's impressive that someone in their 40s would have any clue this record was performed by the Spinners/Warwick much less that they hadn't performed it together in 34 years.
[I'm still a little suspicious that Dionne's attire matches theirs so well for this to have been impromptu. But even if planned, and maybe that makes it even all the better, .....good for them!!]
On a scale of 1-10 Ms. T how would you have rated the day? Goods and bads?
Was it hard for you to maneuver? Did you manage good positioning for viewing? How many shows did you see..... who? Any missed?
and how was the food!!
Would like to hear more since you seem to be the only one in this neck of the woods who got to attend!