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  1. #1

    Identify Please...

    I came across this cover art a few months ago. I hope y'all can see it. I can ID: The Tops, Marvelettes, Kim Weston, Supremes, Miracles, Tempts, Marvin and Tammi.

    I want to say the three ladies in pink are Martha and the Vandellas, but I can't quite tell. Could be the Velvelettes.

    I also can't tell if the three guys and the girl at the bottom are one group, or if that's three guys in a group, and then a single female. Whatever the case, I'm unsure of their identities also.

    If you know, I'd appreciate the knowledge.

    Name:  81JfTq3z+MS._AC_UF350,350_QL50_.jpg
Views: 261
Size:  24.4 KB

  2. #2
    The ladies in pink are Martha and the Vandellas.

    The group at the bottom right are the Elgins.

  3. #3
    Thanks Reese!


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