Jimmy never lied.
Jimmy never lied.
I would respectfully suggest that Ralph consider removing this thread. It's begging for dissension and accusations and just doesn't fit into what these boards were designed for. One can discuss mass murders with less hysteria than politics nowadays.
I will just say that in my long life I endured the elections of MANY officials whom I strongly disagreed with. All these predictions of doom and gloom...they rarely happen. You know what guys? You get up in the morning and you go about your day. YOU'RE STILL HERE!!!
I would suggest when your anger consumes you, throw on MORE HITS BY THE SUPREMES. Or TEMPTIN' TEMPTATIONS. Even WHAT'S GOING ON. That's what this glorious music is here for...soothing our pain.
That said, can we get back to the music and the magic of MOTOWN?
Yeah, you're still here until you're not because of state-sanctioned police immunity from all three branches of government. Or Handmaid's Tale-style control of your uterus. Or your family being deported or even denaturalized because they're not the right kind of immigrants.
Some of us don't have the privilege of saying "my life is over here and politics is over there and everything is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows." And neither will you when these tariffs hit and the EPA is an empty shell. Blithe, insipid, patronizing toxic positivity will not save your ass then. Normalize this garbage at all of our peril. This shit is NOT normal. And I refuse to roll over, sing "Kumbaya," tap-dance, grin and accept it to make its enablers more comfortable.
And Ralph, don't you dare delete this thread. Fascism Rule #1: Stifle all dissent. If they can't stand the heat, they should get off the goddamned radiator.
Last edited by sansradio; 11-13-2024 at 01:25 PM.
Not to worry, Sans. If I could light this thread up I would. I started this particular room because I thought it was time to take Soulful Detroit into other areas of interest besides music. Kind of like a mini Rolling Stone magazine.
Sans,when George W Bush got reelected I couldn't believe it happened.I despised the giuy at the time. But I was a much younger man at that time. I could wait him out. Hell, I'm 82 now. I don't have a lot of time to waste on chump.
Without a guardrail or adult-in-the-room in sight this time. Checks-and-balances? What're those? Child...if you thought 1 million COVID deaths on this idiot's watch was bad, wait until RFK Jr. brings friggin' leprosy back. And MATT GAETZ-OF-HELL as Attorney General?!?? Hide your underage daughters AND cancel Christmas. Black women being terrorized as we speak due to this rat bastard's stochastic terrorism, Black children --CHILDREN-- getting sent texts to report to plantations or face death, Spanky gutting HBCUs for white reparations [a goddamned joke], the Department of Education burned to a crisp [with every book that frightens these illiterate nimrods as kindling], and every civil right everybody's ever enjoyed being gradually whittled away. And that's just January. But we're supposed to swallow it all and fingerpop with the Supremes to soothe our troubled, angry souls. Ingenious!!! Why didn't I think of that??? All better now. Magic!!! Fuck outta here, man.
Last edited by sansradio; 11-13-2024 at 08:13 PM.
I can agree with you on this all the way, I thought both Bush's were disasters, but George W was inept and just dumb as a rock to my mind. Invading Iraq for weapons of destruction that weren't there. The Fannie Mae crisis. He rarely comes out of hiding and that is wise.
But to have a senile President was even worse. Falling asleep in meetings and funerals. Looking for dead people in the audience, tripping, not being able to complete sentences. After his debate last July with Trump, I actually felt so sorry for him. He is clearly a sick man in decline. I think his wife wanted the POTUS position more than Joe did.
^The double-standard jokes write themselves. So senile alone won't cut the mustard. Throw in 34-time convicted felon and insurrection inciter, and you're golden. Got it. Cults are a helluva drug.
Last edited by sansradio; 11-14-2024 at 01:42 PM.
Everything he said.
From 4 years ago. Chef’s kiss.
Well I guess I'm going to skip chump's inauguration ceremony tomorrow. I'm curious to see how soon he really goes off the rails. Anyone care to give me the over-under in days before that happens?.....hours?.........seconds?
Last edited by ralpht; 01-19-2025 at 04:05 PM.
In 5…4…3…
It happened today when the lunatic blamed The Biden/Obama Democrat's and the low intelligence level of the FAA diversity employees for the plane crash in DC. Please this is only a paraphrase of what he said because I can never be sure WTF he's rambling about. I just want to be a witness as he descends into madness while I applaud accordingly.![]()
Absolutely disgusting. "Woke/CRT/DEI" are the new n-word dog-whistles. Straight out of the Gestapo’s playbook—demonizing and scapegoating in the wake of unspeakable tragedy.
If anybody reading this voted for these Nazis, I mean this from the bottom of my soul: You own this shit. Now eat it. Alongside your $7 eggs. Oh—and I almost forgot—go fuck yourselves.
Last edited by sansradio; 01-31-2025 at 06:16 AM.
Update: How about THESE apples? You CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP.
Exactly, I'm hoping that Ralph [The Godfather) is not on any blood pressure medication because i know exactly how he feels about the maggot.![]()
Last edited by paladin; 01-31-2025 at 01:55 PM.
He is like a tooth ache that won't go away. Paladin, good to see you.
I check in on the regular, old habits are hard to break. I've always loved this place and the people who inhabit it old friend. Keep up the good work....
Good to hear from you. Thanks for checking in.
This guys speaks a lot of sobering truth. I agree with a lot of what he espouses - it has been decided by the global elites that the USA is to be isolated and marginalized in the coming years. This Trump guy is simply presiding over the fire sale and it would have been the same with a Dem in the driver seat. We are here!!!!
Don't look now, but, as I type this, jackbooted Nazi thugs have taken over the Department of Education, barring members of Congress from entering. But we should get over it because things never end up going as badly as we think they will, right??? Listen to Motown, everybody, and this will all go away. Fascism is here, kids. God in heaven.
Last edited by sansradio; 02-07-2025 at 01:17 PM.