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  1. #1

    Lyrics that made you laugh or wonder "how did that line[[s) get in there?"

    A few days ago I started playing Jr. Walker's and the All Stars' song "Shake and Finger Pop" in my head. When it got to the lyric "Put on Your Wig, Woman...", I sort of chuckled.

    Any lyrics make you chuckle or wonder how that line[[s) got in there?

  2. #2
    Another thread that we could all spend weeks discussing.......

    I can't think of any that I would consider funny, but of course Smokey was known for his cliches.....for example The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage is full of them.

    I have also heard criticism of the Supremes' I'm Livin in Shame but I think that is about the concept of the song, not the lyrics.

    Then there was Miss Martha singing about Till Milk Runs Out of the Milky Way!

  3. #3

    Doctor Martha... I was under the dryer

  4. #4
    "Am I really hard to please, perhaps I have such special knees"

  5. #5
    She could be covered in a rash
    Long as she's got some cash.

    The entire Smokey-penned lyrics of "First I Look At The Purse" are classic for me.

    The lead character in that song is a nasty, mercenary piece of work, but the witty rhymes combined with the way that the song is delivered make him a bit of a likeable rogue.

  6. #6

    Tell It Like It Is, Melvin!

    I always have a secret snigger - with a little admiration thrown in - at Melvin Moy's barefaced but acidic lyrics for Junior Walker's 'Home Cookin'. We all know that Melvin is saying what he means about his vain woman spending more time in front of the mirror instead of in the kitchen:

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    ''If you want a soul man
    Get to rattlin', them pots and pans''

    The man just wants a well-deserved meal put down in front of him when he gets home from work! Complain all you like girls, but it's really just a little bit of fun. Aint that the truth!

  7. #7
    It wasn't until last year that I actually researched the opening line of Jr. Walker & the Allstars "I'm a Roadrunner" to find out what in the world he was saying. "Money who needs it"! It still sounds 'weird' to me. I love the song; however.

    Please, please excuse me if I include the Four Tops' song, "When She Was My Girl," that they recorded on Casablanca. That line "my big legged girl is gone" is a classic!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by daviddesper View Post
    I have also heard criticism of the Supremes' I'm Livin in Shame but I think that is about the concept of the song, not the lyrics.
    Not the lyrics??? For me it's the... Home-made jam LOL

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sotosound View Post
    She could be covered in a rash
    Long as she's got some cash.

    The entire Smokey-penned lyrics of "First I Look At The Purse" are classic for me.

    The lead character in that song is a nasty, mercenary piece of work, but the witty rhymes combined with the way that the song is delivered make him a bit of a likeable rogue.
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    After listening to over a million songs in 7+ years, "First I Look At The Purse" is my favourite funny song, and I always laugh when I hear "She can be covered with a rash, long as she's got some cash..." "If The Purse is FAT...That's where it's at!" "I don't care if she waddles like a duck or talks with a lisp, I just think I'd be better off if her Dollar bills are crisp!"

    I also laughed a lot listening to "Mother-In-Law" by Ernie K-Doe - "Satan should be her name. ....To me they're 'bout the same!"

  10. #10
    Here's one; the promo version of Stevie Wonder's "I Don't Know Why [AKA 'Don't Know Why I Love You']" has Stevie wailing that 'nobody can do nothin' about it, Motown can't do nothin' about it, Berry can't do nothin' about it' during the fadeout of the song. I've always wondered how Motown let that one get out!

  11. #11
    Can't forget this one; The Temptations' "Run Charlie Run" from the All Directions LP has the chorus 'Run Charlie Run, the ni***rs are coming, the ni***rs are coming'. Pretty wild for a Temptations recording and according to his book, Temptations, Otis Williams & the group fought tooth and nail not to record this song [not to mention 'Papa Was A Rolling Stone' on the same album].

  12. #12
    I can't get passed .. LAST NIGHT A DJ SHAGGED MY WIFE ...

  13. #13
    good stuff^^!!

    somebody call the po-lice, that woman down there is a doggone thief!

    it should have been me ! take your hands off me, it should have been me!

    hee haw!!

  14. #14
    Poontang by the Undisputed Truth. I have a hunch that this song led to Norman Whitfield parting with the company shortly afterwards


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