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  1. #1

    Early Dionne Warwick Music Video

    During one of Dionne Warwick's first UK visits, the BBC decided to film her doing "Walk On By" [[miming to the track I guess).
    This was shown at the time & then filed away.
    But the BBC has been doing well [[audience wise) pulling out it's old music tapes & making up new shows about particular artists. Last Saturday they screened one of these -- 'DIONNE WARWICK AT THE BBC' and this pulled together sections shot by them over around a 40+ year period.
    The "Walk On By" segment formed almost the opening part of their new show. It was filmed at BLEHEIM PALACE [[Winston Churchill's birth place) and features Dionne walking from room to room. No actors were used in the piece but 2 of the palace's servants do appear in the clip.
    I bet Dionne wondered just what was going on when she was directed to mime the song while she walked about the palace.
    BTW the location is just up the road from where I live & we used to visit on a regular basis. They hold open air music festivals there each summer [[some soul acts were on this summer).
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  2. #2
    BTW, if any UK based SDF's missed the show, it's available on BBC I Player at present.
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  3. #3
    Thank you for posting this, jsmith. It's frustrating because I follow a number of Dionne Warwick social media pages and groups, and not one of them mentioned this show. I didn't realize that the BBC had done an episode on Dionne, as part of this ongoing series. I will definitely be watching it. Thanks again.

  4. #4
    My bad...seems that this program originally aired in 2020.


  5. #5
    Hey jsmith,
    I watched the program and it was great! I noticed that the video of Walk On By featured an alternate vocal from Dionne, which was very interesting. I also noticed there is a video on YouTube with the same footage in this Walk On By clip, but the audio was changed, as it's not the alternate version of the song and is therefore not in sync with her miming. I'll have to try and upload it to YouTube. Hopefully it won't get blocked by the BBC.

  6. #6
    Good idea.

  7. #7
    AND for our US residents ...
    our granddaughter loved this place when she was littler, we had to take her there at least once a year [[well she was going thru her 'princess years' ...
    she always said she'd get married here [[& YES, you can hire it to get married there) ...
    BTW, on this clip [[lifted from YouTube), the vocal track has been changed from the original on the BBC's own footage ...
    Last edited by jsmith; 08-09-2024 at 04:14 AM.

  8. #8
    Hi jsmith,
    As promised, here is the video, which I have uploaded to my Youtube channel. Unlike the video above, this one features the original audio, which is an alternate version of "Walk On By".



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