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  1. #1

    Have you ever looked into a face of age..

    Or lent your ear to what an old man had to say....

    I remember when I first heard these words when the song was played and I was positively stunned..[[back in college)

    I've listened to this song every day after my dad passed away back in 2007and it rings so very true to me...

    My dad was my bestest friend and he always listened to me even if he thought I was "wrong"..... but he always gave me the guidance I needed to have...

    I actually wrote to Ronnie Laws and told him how much I love this song and what it meant to me...he thanked me graciously... He's a good man indeed...
    Last edited by GrtGzu; 08-04-2024 at 04:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Yes! My brother brought this album home back in ‘79, and it changed my life. Still in heavy rotation in my collection today.

  3. #3
    I know, right?

    It was early evening and I was studying... the sun shone through my window and when the music started and the first words flowed, I dropped my ink pen and just stared out the window listening intently... Throughout my life I was always surrounded by older people anyway and this song gave me some new insight...


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