Shameless self-promotion alert .....
I had the pleasure of working with Evelyn Thomas in 2008 when she came to London to work again with her producer Ian Levine after a 20-year-hiatus. She and I recorded 4 songs of mine. Two years later, I was in Florida and visited her in her home in Port Charlotte. I had just finished writing a track that I had not even demoed, but at the time I was determined to have Evelyn sing it. Even though we only had a dull drum track to record it to and she didn't even know the song prior to my visit, her voice was rich and wonderful. Life happened since, and I never got the track finished. It wasn't until I heard from Evelyn's daughter that her mum was in hospice, terminally ill from colon cancer, that I went looking for the vocals again. I played it to Ian Levine ... he thought it was wonderful and wanted us to get a new backing track recorded so we could finish the song, 14 years after my little demo was recorded. We have just premiered today [[with Evelyn's daughter's blessing, I must add) and I am immensely proud of how good it has turned out. If you like it, please share the love for Miss High Energy who is sadly no longer with us.