Though EMI were a massive record company [[who operated in dozens of different countries back in the 60's), they still had times when they didn't have enough capacity in their own massive London pressing plant to meet peak demand.
Coz of this, they would outsource some 45's to be pressed by other companies in their plants [[Decca, Phillips, Polydor, Pye, etc). Beatles fans have researched this topic & have ID'ed which 45's had copies pressed in the other plants & how you identify each different variation. It seems every big hit Beatles 45 between 64 & the early 70's had copies pressed up by other companies.
It also seems that some UK hit 45's on the likes of EMI's Stateside, Bell & Tamla Motown labels had copies out-sourced for pressing purposes.
It's probable that some of their chart hit 45's by the likes of Lee Dorsey, James & Bobby Purify, the Delfonics, etc. were subject to this treatment.
But also T/Motown singles such as the 4 Tops "Reach Out", "Marvin's "Grapevine", Stevie's "Yester Me, Yester You" & a couple of Supremes' singles.
Has anyone here looked into this procedure & actually ID'ed copies of UK T/Mot 45's pressed up in the plants of Pye, Phillips & Decca -- Beatles fans have made lists of how you tell the difference between an EMI pressed 45 and those done in the other's plants but you'd need to compare a few different copies of each 45 to notice these differences.