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  1. #1

    Happy Birthday Miss Martha Reeves

    Happy 83rd Birthday today to Martha Reeves. It has been a great year for her and here's to many more.

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  2. #2
    Happy Birthday to Motowns True First Lady.

  3. #3
    Happy Birthday, Martha! Hope your special day has been the best ever!

  4. #4
    I am a day late but having heard Honey Chile just this morning on my Sirius XM radio, and of COURSE I cranked the volume up accordingly, I am inspired to say Bless You and best wishes for many more. If you are not having too much of a Heat Wave wherever you may be today, take some time for Dancing in the Street!

  5. #5
    Very Happy Birthday wishes to one of the GREATEST Entertainers of our time. Love you, Martha.


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