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  1. #1

    Tamla/Motown Dance Concert poster

    I was looking something up today in the special 4-CD 35th Anniversary Collection of Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. It included a reproduction of a poster promoting a concert at the IMA Auditorium in Flint, Michigan on Wednesday, Nov. 22, starting at 9 PM. I just researched and determined that Wednesday, Nov. 22, was in 1961. That is the year Pete Hartfield had his one and only Miracle release.

    That surely must have been a wonderful concert. I don't know of any others held at the IMA Auditorium in Flint.

    In person:

    Marv Johnson
    Mary Wells
    Henry Lumpkin
    Singin Sammy Ward
    Pete Hartfield
    Popcorn Mohawk and the Mohawks Band

    At the IMA Auditorium, Flint, Michigan

    Advance tickets were on sale at
    IMA Auditorium , 901 E. Second
    Sims Confectionary
    Holbrook Record Rack 3618 St. John St.
    Hatfield Record Shop

    Advance tickets $2.50
    At door $3.00
    Last edited by woodward; 06-22-2024 at 10:52 AM. Reason: Add year.

  2. #2
    wow, those ticket prices seem expensive for 1961. Thats what we paid for the Big Package Shows at Orlando Municipal Auditorium in 1966!!


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