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  1. #1

    Boddie Recording Co..

    A local channel here in Cleveland had a special show about this place back in June... I can remember riding past this place when I was a kid soooo many times since it was only a few blocks away from where I used to live, but never knew about the RICH history it had..


  2. #2
    Name:  av-5.jpg
Views: 1679
Size:  21.1 KB
    Yes, Boddie was an extremely important element in the Soul Music industry in Cleveland in the 1960s and 1970s. It was like the "United Sound" of Cleveland, recording most of the Soul music recorded their during those decades. Many Cleveland-based singers and singing groups and musicians who wanted to put out records locally, or interview with record companies in Chicago or Detroit, recorded their demo records and first, small-label issue songs there, and also got their records pressed there, after The Boddies started up their own pressing plant. As a collector specialising in Detroit and Chicago records, I know about lots of their artists originally coming from Cleveland [[most of whom knew each other from meeting each other at their studio).

  3. #3
    yeah, and not long ago, I heard somebody else talking about it again...nice to know the family is still around in the neighborhood!!


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