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  1. #1

    How I spent my 65th birthday..

    Name:  IMG_20230810_114501803.jpg
Views: 538
Size:  99.8 KB
    Can you see me now?
    I had a ball listening to all my oldies but goodies and thought about you guys
    This was taken while listening to Soulful Picnic..And rolled along with Linda Jones, Steely Dan, Marvalettes,..the list goes on..I don't dare show you how I sang in front of the mirror, and Mr.Gzu wasn't here to see this either..

  2. #2
    NO WAY YOU CAN BE 65 AND LOOK THAT GOOD, ENJOY YOUR DAY..AND 65....[pssssssssssssss ova here...now tell me ...where is that fountain of youth?? ]

  3. #3
    yep, it be me, 😜..
    Not sure of any "secret" but will say I quit wearing a whole buncha makeup somewhere before 30, cuz it was too much trouble..the rest comes from spending in my flower/veggie garden and looking after the Mr...
    Thanks for the most delightful accolades!! I do enjoy reading your posts cuz they make me laugh out loud and think we must be around the same age 😉...

  4. #4
    Happy birthday! Glad you had a good day listening to your life's playlist. May it be that you're blessed to have each of the many birthdays you have remaining be better than the one before.

  5. #5
    thanks Mr. Oz..[[love your last name btw)... I really had a good time going back in time by myself..

  6. #6
    One thing I can say is that life gets really interesting when your 13 yr old dog is taking "hip pills and you're not...[[yet, anyway)...


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