For years, I have always said El Jins, even though it has a G in it.
I picked up on the pronunciation when I saw The Temptations movie, where they wanted to be called after the Wristwatch company, Elgin, also pronounced with a soft G.

recently a radio station played ‘Heaven…’ by the Elgins, and said it with a hard G, triggering a response from a listener telling him he’d pronounced it wrongly!
His response was that He said he’d introduced them on stage, and asked them how to say it, and according to him they ‘poo poo’d’ saying it with a soft G.
Now, I’ve done some research, first asking David Ruffin Jr how it was pronounced, I figured as his dad was in that original outfit wanting to call themselves after the watch, he would know.
I then asked a long standing friend who is a bit of an authority to say the least, on things soul and Motown, and he told me they were introduced on an American TV show in 1966 as The El Jins!.

I obviously put this forward on the forum where I first posted about the pronunciation, but no one would take my word!

This is hopefully where you can help!
is it said El Jins
or El Gins [[with a hard G?

Thanks for your help!