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  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encyclopedia Mack View Post
    Here’s another Aaron Carter says they tried to pay him to lie

    Emmanuel Lewis was approached at the AMA's one year with someone trying to convince him to lie on Michael.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Emmanuel Lewis was approached at the AMA's one year with someone trying to convince him to lie on Michael.
    These devils are unbelievable.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encyclopedia Mack View Post
    These devils are unbelievable.
    How does the saying go? "When someone shows you who they are.......believe them!"

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    How does the saying go? "When someone shows you who they are.......believe them!"
    Everyone please watch this video. It doesn’t take 2 hours to find receipts.

  5. #155
    DEBUNKING NEVERLAND: With Taj and Brandi Jackson


  6. #156
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    Hello to everyone,
    I’m new here, well I use the forum for informations but never write before.
    This ‘new MJ case’ really makes me wonder...
    I following 2/3 guys on twitter along with others and the stories they tell are very different from the ones you got from traditional media.



    I also heard some interesting interviews John Ziegler did with Brandi Jackson and others.
    This also very interesting:

    Those journalists came along with very specific facts and documents that make the ‘fantastic 3’ look likes a bunch of pirates...[[in Neverland)!

    So dangerous how many people so easily manipulated and accuse, judge... without doing research.
    It’s so hard to get some balanced reports these days?

    Ebony magazine reports some of the latest news https://www.ebony.com/entertainment/...f5_7kTGhGtWA1o

    Another piece by John Ziegler:
    Last edited by Suedehead; 04-04-2019 at 05:01 PM.

  7. #157
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    In the end, does it even matter if anybody actually diddled with each others dingalings ?

    There're just certain things you don't do . Taking little children that aren't your own into your bed overnight for snickers is one of them . That Michael Jackson did this is indisputable, and he doesn't get a pass because he was successful or RIP. Creepy is creepy when you finally stop to analyze it.
    Look at Joe Biden, Obama's well respected vice-president for eight years. No one wanted to call him out for creepy behavior . But if you have to sneak up behind people , forcibly grip them [[in plain sight so it seems innocent), so you can sniff their hair against their will , you're a creep! Safest rule , in situations like this, if you wouldn't do it to a guy, you probably shouldn't do it to a woman. That's where our sensitivities are these days. We wanted to give good ol' Joe Biden a pass. We wanted to give mega-star Michael Jackson a pass. We're just more aware now about so many things.
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 04-04-2019 at 08:44 PM.

  8. #158
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    The Director of Leaving Neverland admitted yesterday that the timeline one of the accusers gave was false. He said that he and Michael had sex in the Neverland train in 1992. It was not even built until 1994. The County Building Permits prove it.
    Last edited by marv2; 04-04-2019 at 06:01 PM.

  9. #159
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  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
    Hello to everyone,
    I’m new here, well I use the forum for informations but never write before.
    This ‘new MJ case’ really makes me wonder...
    I following 2/3 guys on twitter along with others and the stories they tell are very different from the ones you got from traditional media.



    I also heard some interesting interviews John Ziegler did with Brandi Jackson and others.
    This also very interesting:

    Those journalists came along with very specific facts and documents that make the ‘fantastic 3’ look likes a bunch of pirates...[[in Neverland)!

    So dangerous how many people so easily manipulated and accuse, judge... without doing research.
    It’s so hard to get some balanced reports these days?

    Ebony magazine reports some of the latest news https://www.ebony.com/entertainment/...f5_7kTGhGtWA1o

    Another piece by John Ziegler:
    Welcome aboard, suedehead! I agree with you 100 percent. The media coverage has been as blatantly one sided as the series itself! I heard Brandi Jackson was turned away from several mainstream platforms. The same goes for anyone else trying to offer a rebuttal.

  11. #161
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    Don't know if you guys bumping this up are doing this because of a supposed "u-turn" Dan Reed made but go to his Twitter, he didn't make one lol


    Also Jimmy Safechuck took the train pics and stayed as MJ's "special friend" until 1995 at the least.

  12. #162
    Maybe Dan Reed didn't make a U-turn, but he admitted that the narrative presented in his documentary is flawed. To base an entire documentary SOLELY on the accounts of two accusers, with no hard evidence to confirm their claims, and then to say as the director, that you spent months researching, so you can confidently say that these claims are irrefutable, and then ONLY to have these claims contradicted within weeks of the documentary airing...it's not a good look. MJ did a lot of things that made himself look bad, whether or not he did anything, who knows. But this is certainly not a good look. For you to say that you were abused from 1988 to 1992, and then have that claim contradicted by HARD EVIDENCE [[ie. train station was not open until two years after the end of his timeline of abuse)...it just does not add up, especially when he is claiming that after 1992, MJ replaced him with other boys and he was no longer in the picture. So what is it then? If you are saying that you were replaced, but now saying that the abuse continued well into your teens??

    I have read some other contradictions as well, regarding Wade's story. There was something about him saying spending Thanksgiving weekend of a specific year with MJ, and it was proved that MJ was in Australia at the time and then went into rehab afterward. I am sure it is only the beginning of these contradictions. But y'all can believe what you want to.
    Last edited by carlo; 04-05-2019 at 08:57 AM.

  13. #163
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    This is why you need the first hand evidence of the people that say they were abused and you need to be able to cross examine them with rules of evidence applying.

    Today there are objections to the rules of law applying stringently to these cases because after 25 years, of course the timeline of things will be all flawed - train stations will be closed, events happened 3 years off etc; and the argument is that this doesn’t mean the abuse did not occur.

    But to criminally convict in the western world, it is proof beyond a reasonable doubt - and then the timeline matters.

    In civil cases, the burden of proof is much lower; on a balance of probabilities, did this occur?

    I don’t know the intricacies of these men’s stories or life, but it seems at least one of the two isn’t the most honest, upstanding, morally righteous man - I’m referring to Wade.

    But it still doesn’t mean the abuse did not occur.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    This is why you need the first hand evidence of the people that say they were abused and you need to be able to cross examine them with rules of evidence applying.

    How do you do that when those same two guys swore under oath that they were never abused by Michael? There also was never any evidence of child molestion after 10 years of FBI survaillance and two separate raids on Neverland. You can believe what you choose to believe even if it's not true!

  15. #165
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    Thank you very much jboy88!

    There are some interesting news:



    Someone should apologize here? 🤔
    Of course not, as usual.
    HBO and Oprah are deserting LN faster than rats.
    They will go silent and act like “Leaving Neverland” never happened...
    I also wouldn’t be surprised if HBO make an out of court settlement for the $100 million lawsuit with the MJ Estate.
    Dan Reed is going to be left all alone, defending his unethical fantasy film...

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suedehead View Post
    Thank you very much jboy88!

    There are some interesting news:



    Someone should apologize here? ��
    Of course not, as usual.
    HBO and Oprah are deserting LN faster than rats.
    They will go silent and act like “Leaving Neverland” never happened...
    I also wouldn’t be surprised if HBO make an out of court settlement for the $100 million lawsuit with the MJ Estate.
    Dan Reed is going to be left all alone, defending his unethical fantasy film...
    His one-sided fantasy film!

  17. #167
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    Latest rumors to be debunked:

    HBO will continue to reair LN on HBO Now and HBO GO.
    Oprah's After Neverland interview with Wade & Jimmy are available on her website where stalkers won't be commenting.

    There are more testimonials from folks who had their lives changed by the documentary, not just on how they feel about Michael but about opening up their own horrid stories of being abused.

  18. #168
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    All this ‘Leaving Neverland claims’ sound odd and harmful from the very beginning and set a dangerous precedence.
    This is not only about MJ of course, general public should listen to.


    [[A very interesting point of view from a investigative journalist plus someone who knows MJ documents court very well...)



  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    In Oprahs defense she said that this is bigger than Michael Jackson and Oprah is survivor of sexual abuse. If this documentary brings more attention to pedophillia then its done its job. Id encourage everyone to read this.

    That's a good post, Ms. Roberta. Very interesting information. Though we all wish that MJ would be categorically proven innocent, with 20+ years of questionable behavior racked up and who-knows how many child sleep-overs that is not possible. Best to you as always!

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    That's a good post, Ms. Roberta. Very interesting information. Though we all wish that MJ would be categorically proven innocent, with 20+ years of questionable behavior racked up and who-knows how many child sleep-overs that is not possible. Best to you as always!
    I have to agree with you both here. Pedophillia is a disgusting crime, and anything that can prevent even one child from going through a living hell has got to be worthwhile. All the best to you both.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    I have to agree with you both here. Pedophillia is a disgusting crime, and anything that can prevent even one child from going through a living hell has got to be worthwhile. All the best to you both.
    I’m also agree with you of course!
    I also think that this LN movie is the most PRO-pedophilia stuff I have seen in my entire life...
    Pro or against LN, #MeToo era, Media, you should listen to...
    Play it ▶️

  22. #172
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  23. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Corey Feldman is just trying to create headlines, in order to keep his own name out there. He once said a few years ago that he was abused by a powerful ring of pedophile executives in Hollywood. To this day, he continues to stir up a barrage of controversy without having admitted any names or details. I don't necessarily trust anything he says.

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    Corey Feldman is just trying to create headlines, in order to keep his own name out there. He once said a few years ago that he was abused by a powerful ring of pedophile executives in Hollywood. To this day, he continues to stir up a barrage of controversy without having admitted any names or details. I don't necessarily trust anything he says.
    Carlo, Corey Feldman said in an interview on the Today Show a few years ago that he was looking to raise money to make a film. He said that he was going to tell who those pedophile execs. were. I believe he's been offered money to now say things against Michael Jackson.

  25. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Carlo, Corey Feldman said in an interview on the Today Show a few years ago that he was looking to raise money to make a film. He said that he was going to tell who those pedophile execs. were. I believe he's been offered money to now say things against Michael Jackson.
    I would not be surprised if he is following and being motivated by the money trail, Marv. For some years now, he has been supposedly working on a documentary to expose these dark figures in Hollywood. He had started a Go Fund Me campaign at one point, asking fans and the general public to send in donations for his film that he said would cost $10 million. After hitting the $250,000 mark in donations, Go Fund Me suspended his campaign, because they flagged it as a scam. He's done a lot of odd and sketchy things, in addition to this fundraising scam. I don't trust him.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    I would not be surprised if he is following and being motivated by the money trail, Marv. For some years now, he has been supposedly working on a documentary to expose these dark figures in Hollywood. He had started a Go Fund Me campaign at one point, asking fans and the general public to send in donations for his film that he said would cost $10 million. After hitting the $250,000 mark in donations, Go Fund Me suspended his campaign, because they flagged it as a scam. He's done a lot of odd and sketchy things, in addition to this fundraising scam. I don't trust him.
    These people sure are a conflicted screwed up bunch

  27. #177
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    Corey is not trustworthy. But I question anyone using a GoFundMe for ANYTHING...

  28. #178
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    You have to be naive to think nothing was going on but what an unreliable crop of people


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