Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ..love it!!!
ahem... LOL
Seems like the whole world was laughing at Trump...at the UN.
This week, I wish I could join my cat under the coffee table. I’ve been trying to get my head into a Trump-free zone but lordy, it is not easy. There’s just so much to hate about him, his progeny, his enablers, and his wife, who we have now discovered is every bit as delusional as her husband and they both have the I.Q. of mold.
What is up with all the hoopla about Bush 41? I do not remember him being such a beloved figure during his presidency, which gave us the first bullshit Gulf War and then he left Saddam Hussein in power so he could kill a million Iraqi and Kurdish civilians, and he continued Ronnie Reagan’s apathy towards the AIDS epidemic, and then he gave us Bush 43 and don’t get me started on that.
Let’s remember that Bush 41 was a mean, lying, race-baiting [[Willie Horton) Republican who puked into the lap of the Japanese Prime minister at a state dinner [[January 8, 1992). I don’t care that when he became decrepit he was a nice old fart who wore zippy socks. He’s still a creep in my book.
I'm gonna need Snoop to be more forthright with his feelings [[):
In November, Snoop conducted a mini-protest against Trump when he smoked a blunt in front of the White House.
ahhhhh LOL
[QUOTE=sansradio;495798]I'm gonna need Snoop to be more forthright with his feelings [[):
Snoop needs to quit holding back and tell us how he really feels!
Babyyyyyyyy...Michael Cohen got up there on Capitol Hill and sang like The Queen of Soul. And you know what? I’m here for it, bitch.
EW, to both pictures!!!
Where's my-trumpy bear????