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  1. #101
    We Were Eight Years in Power by Ta-Nehisi Coates:


  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    we were eight years in power by ta-nehisi coates:

    wow i have that one too,i know ta-nehsi coates i use to work in the same building as his dad.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    wow i have that one too,i know ta-nehsi coates i use to work in the same building as his dad.
    That is way cool. He’s become one of the great writers of our time.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    Slowly and surely I am getting through "Motown - The Sound of Young America".
    Just up to page 169 of 400.

  5. #105
    The Little Stranger....Sarah Waters

  6. #106
    Jam on the Vine by LaShonda Katrice Barnett

  7. #107
    Just finished Michael Zadoorian's "Beautiful Music" set at Redford High School in the early 70's.

  8. #108
    Having recently discovered the music of Stock, Aitken & Waterman [[yes, they truly ARE the "British Motown of the '80s!), I just finished reading:

    1) "PWL [[Studios) From The Factory Floor" by Phil Harding [[contains a sessionography and other unexpected treats );

    2) "The Hit Factory: The Stock Aitken Waterman Story" by Mike Stock [[contains an excellent SAW discography);

    and I'm nearly finished reading:

    3) "I Wish I Was Me: The Autobiography" by Pete Waterman.

  9. #109

  10. #110
    The great gasbag,another book about our great president.

  11. #111
    Blessed Life by Kim Fields with Todd Gold

  12. #112
    The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row by Anthony Ray Hinton, Lara Love Hardin, Bryan Stevenson

  13. #113
    Delicious Foods by James Hannaham [[an old college mate of mine):


  14. #114
    The Good Lord Bird by James McBride:


  15. #115
    A disease of the public mind by thomas fleming.

  16. #116
    "You Know They're Here"....about the famous Hinsdale haunting in New York.
    Just the right time of year. Clara Dandy/Miller, who lived there, wrote the
    first book of the house... "Echoes of a Haunting".

  17. #117
    How It Feels to Be Free: Black Women Entertainers and the Civil Rights Movement by Ruth Feldstein:


  18. #118
    Harlem 69: The Future of Soul by Stuart Cosgrove


  19. #119

  20. #120
    I'm reading The Book Of Love but I don't know who wrote it.

  21. #121
    The Kid by Sapphire

  22. #122
    "Berry, Me, And Motown" by Raynoma Gordy Singleton. It's one of the earlier books devoted to Motown which I hadn't acquired. Frankly, after Berry had written about her pirating Motown records in NYC, I wanted no part of her. But after some of you were recently raving about how informative and revelatory her book is, I decided to take the plunge by buying a copy and giving her a chance. I'm glad I did. I just started reading it and I love it already!

  23. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Philles/Motown Gary View Post
    "Berry, Me, And Motown" by Raynoma Gordy Singleton. It's one of the earlier books devoted to Motown which I hadn't acquired. Frankly, after Berry had written about her pirating Motown records in NYC, I wanted no part of her. But after some of you were recently raving about how informative and revelatory her book is, I decided to take the plunge by buying a copy and giving her a chance. I'm glad I did. I just started reading it and I love it already!
    It's a fantastic read. Enjoy!

  24. #124
    Thanks, sansradio. I sure will! They haven't even gotten to the part where she and Berry start Motown, yet, on the surface, I like this lady already!

  25. #125
    I have always thought it was a good book; I read it when it came out; was that in the 90’s?

  26. #126
    Yeah, jobeterob, the publishing date is 1990. I don't whether it was ever reissued in paperback form, but my copy is the hard-cover version.

  27. #127
    It reads like a novel. Easily my favourite Motown biography.

  28. #128
    You're so right, 144man. You feel like you're right there participating in the creation of Tamla/Motown from the ground up -- day by day, step by step -- amid each and every thrilling leap forward and every heartbreaking setback. The neat thing about Raynoma's writing is that while spinning her romantic tale between her and Berry, the simultaneous music aspect and Motown story never takes a back seat. I should have bought this book when it first came out.
    Last edited by Philles/Motown Gary; 11-27-2018 at 12:21 PM.

  29. #129
    Like a Natural Woman: Spectacular Female Performance in Classical Hollywood​ by Kirsten Pullen

  30. #130
    Becoming michelle obama.

  31. #131
    Percival Everett by Virgil Russell by Percival Everett

  32. #132
    Winfield....In The Shadow of the Woolworths
    by Monica Randall

  33. #133
    The Sweet Hell Inside: A Family History by Edward Ball:


  34. #134
    Vanity Fair ​by William Makepeace Thackeray

  35. #135
    White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son ​by Tim Wise:

    Last edited by sansradio; 02-26-2019 at 04:42 AM.

  36. #136
    Strength of a woman - the Phyllis Hyman story. Just finished it today. Quite harrowing in parts. Not an easy read but pleased I got through it

  37. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Danno View Post
    Strength of a woman - the Phyllis Hyman story. Just finished it today. Quite harrowing in parts. Not an easy read but pleased I got through it
    Wow, lucky you! I’ve been trying to get my hands on a copy for years; I have an aversion to buying physical books and music online, so fat chance of me finding a copy in a store. Glad you found it rewarding.
    Last edited by sansradio; 02-27-2019 at 09:13 PM.

  38. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Wow, lucky you! I’ve been trying to get my hands on a copy for years; I have an aversion to buying physical books and music online, so fat chance of me finding a copy in a store. Glad you found it rewarding.
    Have to confess I got the kindle sir. The chapter on her passing felt like I was back in time. So sad to discover how she suffered throughout her life. Spooky how I then loaded a CD on random play. It went straight to you sure look good to me. Onwards to the one about Luther now.

  39. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Danno View Post
    Have to confess I got the kindle sir. The chapter on her passing felt like I was back in time. So sad to discover how she suffered throughout her life. Spooky how I then loaded a CD on random play. It went straight to you sure look good to me. Onwards to the one about Luther now.
    Silly me--I guess I'm too much of a Luddite to go the Kindle route.

    You'll absolutely appreciate Craig Seymour's Luther tome.

  40. #140

  41. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    How are you thinking about it? I've not yet read any Murakami but am highly interested.

  42. #142
    'The End of Eddie' by Edouard Louis

  43. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    How are you thinking about it? I've not yet read any Murakami but am highly interested.
    This is my 10th Murakami read; it's delivering so far!

    I highly recommend you start with The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle​; it's a magical-realism ripsnorter.

  44. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    This is my 10th Murakami read; it's delivering so far!

    I highly recommend you start with The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle​; it's a magical-realism ripsnorter.
    Thanks - sounds like a good starting point and I shall do so.

  45. #145
    Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:


  46. #146
    Under a Hoodoo Moon: The Life of the Night Tripper

  47. #147
    Driving the King by Ravi Howard

    A fictional memoir about the friendship between Nat King Cole and his chauffeur:


  48. #148
    The Bothell Hell House....by, Keith Linder

  49. #149

  50. #150
    The residence by kate andersen brower.


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