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  1. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by nativeNY63 View Post
    Who remembers shop class? Metal shop? Wood shop?
    It was called "Industrial Arts" at my school. One year we had a woman teacher, the next we got "Lurch" aka Mr. Coffin who was 6'6" blond and totally devoid of personality! He was the one that teachers dispatched to paddle "unruly" students with his 2 1/2 foot, 3/4 wooden paddle with holes in it! LOL!

  2. #152
    We had Mr. Tracy for Industrial Arts. Cool guy, but not the one to tick off. One day, he couldn't get us to shut up, so he put a small metal trash can on a work table, pulled out his paddle and swatted the trash can with it. It flew 30 feet across the room, hitting the wall with a bang. We were perfect angels after that.

  3. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    We had Mr. Tracy for Industrial Arts. Cool guy, but not the one to tick off. One day, he couldn't get us to shut up, so he put a small metal trash can on a work table, pulled out his paddle and swatted the trash can with it. It flew 30 feet across the room, hitting the wall with a bang. We were perfect angels after that.
    I bet! Our basketball coach had a habit of kicking one of those old style metal garbage cans during halftime in the locker room.

  4. #154
    Forgot to mention my mother's classic line to keep from swearing in front of us kids: GOT-to-be-more-careful.

  5. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    Forgot to mention my mother's classic line to keep from swearing in front of us kids: GOT-to-be-more-careful.
    I love it! LOL!!!! My mom use to make up words to avoid all out cussing. I have of some and post them. She really had some real doozys LOL!

  6. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I love it! LOL!!!! My mom use to make up words to avoid all out cussing. I have of some and post them. She really had some real doozys LOL!
    HA!! Oh, yeah, my mom had "Bull-Babbitt" and my grandma had "John Switch-It."

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by sansradio View Post
    HA!! Oh, yeah, my mom had "Bull-Babbitt" and my grandma had "John Switch-It."
    hehehehehehehehehehehe! LOL!!!!

  8. #158
    My Dad use to say "I'll be doggone" instead of "I'll be damned!". Whenever I'd put a shit or undershirt on wrong, my mother say what's wrong with you? Do you have "wrongsaditis"? LOL!

  9. #159
    My mother would never use the word "bit*ch" when one of her friends or neighbors upset her, she'd say "that heifer!" LOL!

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    my mother would never use the word "bit*ch" when one of her friends or neighbors upset her, she'd say "that heifer!" lol!
    yep,i'd forgotten that one-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  11. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by nativeny63 View Post
    they really knew how to knock on wood!
    and they would-knock you out if you got smart,hehe!

  12. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    and they would-knock you out if you got smart,hehe!
    Or twist your ear til it burned! Sometimes your arm skin was twisted.

  13. #163
    If I asked my a parents a difficult question which they didn't know the answer to, they'd sometimes say, "God knows and he won't split".

  14. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    If I asked my a parents a difficult question which they didn't know the answer to, they'd sometimes say, "God knows and he won't split".
    LOL!!!!!!! hehehehehehehe!

  15. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by nativeNY63 View Post
    Or twist your ear til it burned! Sometimes your arm skin was twisted.
    My Mom had her own specialty. She would "pinch and twist" a spot on your arm if we were in public or in front of people LOL!
    Last edited by marv2; 08-11-2019 at 05:30 PM.

  16. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    It was called "Industrial Arts" at my school. One year we had a woman teacher, the next we got "Lurch" aka Mr. Coffin who was 6'6" blond and totally devoid of personality! He was the one that teachers dispatched to paddle "unruly" students with his 2 1/2 foot, 3/4 wooden paddle with holes in it! LOL!
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    We had a 6'6" 275 lb ex CFL Lineman giving our swats in my junior high school in Manitoba, who, like your guy, used a heavy wooden paddleball paddle, with holes drilled in it to avoid wind resistance. He was very heavy for that position in the 1950s. He'd be a linebacker now. People who were "serviced" by him had to sit on pillows afterwards.

  17. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by robb_k View Post
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    We had a 6'6" 275 lb ex CFL Lineman giving our swats in my junior high school in Manitoba, who, like your guy, used a heavy wooden paddleball paddle, with holes drilled in it to avoid wind resistance. He was very heavy for that position in the 1950s. He'd be a linebacker now. People who were "serviced" by him had to sit on pillows afterwards.
    Robb, it sounds like you guys had our Mr. Coffin's brother! LOL! Those paddles would be totally banned or outlawed today. When Coffin hit you, all the blood in your body seemed to rush to your face and head! LOL!
    Last edited by marv2; 08-12-2019 at 06:26 PM.

  18. #168
    One of our shop teachers was an ex boxer,we thought that he was still punch drunk but we couldn't prove it,except that whenever the bell rang he would start-shadow boxing..needless to say that nobody got near that dude when the bell rang!

  19. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    One of our shop teachers was an ex boxer,we thought that he was still punch drunk but we couldn't prove it,except that whenever the bell rang he would start-shadow boxing..needless to say that nobody got near that dude when the bell rang!

  20. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    One of our shop teachers was an ex boxer,we thought that he was still punch drunk but we couldn't prove it,except that whenever the bell rang he would start-shadow boxing..needless to say that nobody got near that dude when the bell rang!
    U h hehehehehehehehehe...........LOL!

  21. #171
    You know what? Overall I loved my teachers [[except Mrs. Gregory my Kindergarten teacher). They were generally good people that were severely under paid, but did a great job as far as I am concerned.

  22. #172
    God bless em all.

  23. #173
    Whenever my baby brother were especially ornery, Mom: " Keep it up! Imma send you to military school!"

  24. #174
    Whenever I'd interrupt my father to ask for money while he was working on something in the garage or watching one of his programs, he'd go "If you don't get out of Dodge...." LOL!!!

  25. #175
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...yep,marv where did our youth go???

  26. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...yep,marv where did our youth go???
    I don't know JAI, I don't know, but as long as we have our memories, it is only a thought away. I thank God that he blessed me with a very, very good memory for even the smallest of things.

  27. #177
    I too have the gift of long memory,and at this stage of life i use it more and more to get me through.

  28. #178
    "Thanks for the memories. "

  29. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I too have the gift of long memory,and at this stage of life i use it more and more to get me through.
    God Bless ya JAI, you're going to be fine. God Bless all during this truly trying and uncertain time!

  30. #180
    Let's flip it. This is what I've said to
    my own kids - 'If you think you know more than Dad, you can leave now!'

  31. #181
    I told one of my kids that years ago...she's still here-i shoulda kept my mouth shut,hehehe!!

  32. #182
    Mom: "You want to wait until senior year of high school to cut class??!! Okay. Then here's what you do - since you want to jeopardize getting your diploma and walking with your class. You can leave NOW!

  33. #183
    Remember asking mom for a favorite toy for christmas?and her reply-we'll see...you didn't bug her about it either!

  34. #184
    "Uhh. Is the grass gonna cut itself?" "Gonna do something about that BO?" "Have you had a BM today?" Jer, Marv, I think you guys KNOW what the last two are about! And my doppleganger, "NativeNuYorker!! It's a NY mom thing.

  35. #185
    Bump: My mom told us about one of her college professors who, during a lecture, told the class, "If you have any questions about any passages in the text, just put a little asterkis [sic] by it and see me." He kept repeating it. My mom deadpanned, "I thought, 'I'll give you MY asterkis if you don't learn how to pronounce 'asterisk.'"

  36. #186
    My mother [RIP Mom] won a contest on the radio. It was 2 tickets to see Yanni in Pittsburgh. So she told me & all the neighbors that she won 2 tickets to see Yoda.

  37. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    my mother [rip mom] won a contest on the radio. It was 2 tickets to see yanni in pittsburgh. So she told me & all the neighbors that she won 2 tickets to see yoda.

  38. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Not with us! We'd trade them and the kid that had the biggest collection was generally admired or envied. You's get your ass kicked if you stole someone's comic book back in the day where I lived! LOL!
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    When I was young, back in the late 1940s and through the early '50s, before normal people had TVs in their houses, comic books were one of our biggest evening or blizzard day entertainments. Almost all the kids read them - not just nerds.

  39. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Robb, it sounds like you guys had our Mr. Coffin's brother! LOL! Those paddles would be totally banned or outlawed today. When Coffin hit you, all the blood in your body seemed to rush to your face and head! LOL!
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    I can't believe that when we had this discussion I didn't mention my sadistic old Electronics teacher, who, at the beginning of the semester, would line up all the boys [[back then, the shops weren't coed), and give them electric shocks. I can't remember the voltage, but it was enough to really sting for quite a while afterwards. He really enjoyed that. He had an evil looking snicker on his face when each kid jumped in pain. Nowadays, a teacher would go to prison, and lose everything he owned in lawsuits, for doing such things. I think he lived for the first week of each class. He claimed that he did that for "safety" reasons, to "make sure we would understand just how dangerous dealing with electric fixtures and facilities is, and to always have that in the back of our minds. But, seeing his glee while seeing our pain told me a different story.
    Last edited by robb_k; 10-26-2021 at 07:50 PM.

  40. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by robb_k View Post
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    I can't believe that when we had this discussion I didn't mention my sadistic old Electronics teacher, who, at the beginning of the semester, would line up all the boys [[back then, the shops weren't coed), and give them electric shocks. I can't remember the voltage, but it was enough to really sting for quite a while afterwards. He really enjoyed that. He had an evil looking snicker on his face when each kid jumped in pain. Nowadays, a teacher would go to prison, and lose everything he owned in lawsuits, for doing such things. I think he lived for the first week of each class.
    Reminds me of my shop teacher, Mr. Tracy. He was a genuinely good guy, who went the extra mile to give us credit even when we didn't quite do things right. He used to walk with a limp because he had several muscles stripped out of his leg for some reason or another. We all respected Mr. Tracy because he was a good guy, but also because he {along with vice-principal Brown and Mr. Kelly, the gym teacher} was known as one of the Big Three Swatters in junior high school. Mr. Kelly drilled holes in his paddle so it went faster and there was an urban legend about it whistling when he swung it.

    Anyway, one day Mr. Tracy tried several times to get the boys to settle down because we were all ramped up and talking loudly about something from over the weekend. Finally, when the din was so loud he had to shout to be heard, he placed a small metal trashcan on a work table and hit it so hard with his paddle that it flew about 25 feet across the room. "WHACK!!!!"

    He had our attention after that.

  41. #191
    One of my Mom's favorite stories of me was from when I was about four years old. I was at the bathroom door, jumping up and down and begging my Dad to let me in.

    "Take it easy," Pops said, nonchalantly from behind the door. "You still have dry pockets, don't you?"

    "Yes!" I replied. "But they have holes in them!"

  42. #192
    Lost my Pop almost a year ago and I miss him more than ever. He was deep into playing the Dozens with everybody that he came into contact with and one of his favorite opening lines when he saw somebody that he hadn't seen for awhile was to ask them "When did you get out?".

    My cousin Guy's adult son stopped by a couple of years ago to see the folks and when Dad broke out his rude "hello", the response was "Oh, I've been out for a couple of months, now."

  43. #193
    Hey jerry, isn't it amazing that when we were small it was-daddy but when we grew up it became[pop]which is what my adult kids call me.

  44. #194
    Dad, Daddy, Pop, Pops, Papa... About the only one that I never used was "father", which was always way too formal for our family. I almost choked on my soda when my oldest brother visited from Lost Wages about 20 years ago and his kids were referring to him and his wife as "father" and "mother".

  45. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Hey jerry, isn't it amazing that when we were small it was-daddy but when we grew up it became[pop]which is what my adult kids call me.
    Jerry, that's exactly what happened to me. Daddy became pops when I was about 25.

  46. #196
    When I was on a bus today, I saw a child demand of his mother "I want to get off NOW". That reminded me that my dad would have replied "What you want and what you get are two different things."

  47. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    when i was on a bus today, i saw a child demand of his mother "i want to get off now". That reminded me that my dad would have replied "what you want and what you get are two different things."
    haaaa...if i had tried that stunt...i would've gotten knocked out!!!

  48. #198
    Bump: Not her direct quote, but my mom owned a decorative pillow on which was embroidered, “Whoever said that money doesn’t buy happiness obviously doesn’t know where to shop.”


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