My Pops is responsible for my fixation on jokes. Dad told me so many inappropriate jokes when I was a boy. I could write a five volume book with the jokes I've learned since then.
My Pops is responsible for my fixation on jokes. Dad told me so many inappropriate jokes when I was a boy. I could write a five volume book with the jokes I've learned since then.
Here's something my mom use to say when I was a kid whenever my Dad was leaving the house when he was off work. "Go with him so he'll come back........." LOL!
My mother would say this even in front of other people. "With you kids all I do all day is say Stop, quit, behave until I'm ready to pass out!"
My father use to say this "Oh you say that now, wait until you get to be my age!".
Did anybody post the infamous "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about"? For some reason, that line worked remarkably well with me.
I'm wetting mine just reading this...oh i just spilled some hooch,hehe!!
You guys had compassionate folks. We just got hit with whatever was in reach. Like Eddie Murphy said, "...throw a shoe like Clint Eastwood [[he made that familiar whistle)... ok let's go"! [[to his father)
I got my first paddling in school, in the Kindergarten with one of these:
Attachment 16045
Mom[to me]do you think that trash is gonna take itself out?
Haaaaaa,hey marv,mom only had to say it forward to today's kids,i said that to my kids and they looked at me like-maybe the trash will take itself out..[what the!!!##$@@#!!@@@]of course at that point i blew my top and the wife had to keep me from catching a charge..what happened???
Although my Mother knew how to whip us and make it count, she also used my father as a weapon. She would threaten us with,"ok y'all are showing out while I am trying to watch my "Stories" [[aka Soap Operas), I'm telling your Dad when gets off work and then you'll be sorry........ LOL!
Whenever my parents asked us to do something that we did not want to do, we were prohibited from saying "shoot!", "dang!" or the rolling of eyes...........LOL!
You got that right,as a matter of fact,if we breathed wrong we might get popped,hehe..if my dear mother were alive today and saw the disrespect given,there would be an explosion that would make[mt. Saint helen's]look like a sparkler.
You could not call anyone stupid or dumb. Boy! This generation's language made ours seem quaint, prissy. Remember the word sissy? If you liked to read, cook or bake. Even if you didn't always want to go outside to play, that label stuck. The horror!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...i'm on the floor,nativeny63 you got that right,cooking and baking????..reading[well maybe a comic book]hehe,guys with glasses were-four eyes,hehehehehe!!!
Wasn't there a dance called the Sissy. How did you do that one?
Oh, I was a nerd and still deal with a cadre of former nerds. I had some classics back in the day.
And I remember showing up for first day of 8th grade and finding out my mom had them put Typing on my schedule. I was embarrassed to no end. But that was the single most important class I took for my future success. Didn't have Home Ec but I learned to cook everything I enjoy eating since then.
Me and the bros were comic nerds too. So much so, that we went beyond collecting and created our own books and characters!!
My father said "You know what'll happen if I take this belt off?" 9 yrs old ,I responded with "yeah,your pants will fall down".He walked away laughing.
Here's one my Uncle John use to say..." You kids better pipe down down there or I'm getting you!" LOL!
I'll never forget the day when my younger cousin visited while I was focused on watching a football game. He ran upstairs, dug through my box of comic books and came down with a couple that he liked.
"Can I have these?" he asked.
"Nope. Put them back when you're done reading them," I instructed him. It happened a couple more times and the second time, the books he had were the coverless books I bought in 2 and 3-packs at the convenience store. They had no value, so I gave them to him. He ran back upstairs.
"Can I have this?" he asked, presenting a first issue book that I figured would be worth money some day.
"No, put it back."
He trotted back up the steps. The next time, he had a couple of other coverless books that I quickly agreed to give him. Then, a third haul of a few coverless books before it was time for him to go home.
When the game ended, I went upstairs and discovered that the last couple of times that he came down, the books were without covers because he ripped them off after discovering that I didn't care about them. The little jerk! A couple of them were first issues of popular titles and all I had remaining was their covers lying on the floor beside my box.
Typing class? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...we only had one in the whole school and it was under lock an key in the principle's you know how much you could get for one those things at the pawn shop back in the day?? Hehehehe!
Who remembers shop class? Metal shop? Wood shop?
Yep those guys were tough as nails.