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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #251
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Zeke is having a similar season and dynamic effect on the offense that DeMarco Murray had three seasons ago. In my opinion, suggesting that Romo has been surrounded by scrubs is unfair to the rest of the team. Prescott is having a season on par with Romo's best year.
    And if not for questionable officiating in '14 playoffs the Cowboys make it to the NFC Championship game, or further. And the offensive line wasn't even as good then as it is now and the defense was worse, much worse.

  2. #252
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    It's unbelievable.... a rookie wins 11 games, lose two and people want to bench him. How many games have Rodgers, "Brady Bunch" and Roethlisberger lost this season and why not bench them too? Give me a break.

    We lost, I accept that but to say we have a mediocre team is pure bull. Haters gonna hate but geeze Louise at least be fair and check out some stats!!!!

    ...and since when is a D-LINE and O-line doing their job a bad thing?

    Last night I was upset...NOW...I'm pissed beyond pisstivity!!!!!!!

    If Dak gets hurt, oh well that's how it rolls sometime but until then...

    It's not about the loss. I've said this all year that Romo would be a better option than Dak. This loss just amplifies that point. I can't tell the future and anything can happen but I bet the Boys don't get very far with Dak in the playoffs this season and fans and the team alike will forever wonder what if it was Romo. Dak is amazing. But Romo is so far ahead of him and could run the offense so much better. That's not to put Dak down, it's just the reality with a rookie and a 13 year veteran who is one of the best QBs of his generation. You saw what happened with the 49ers with Kaepernick and Alex Smith. And that's Alex Smith who's just an average QB. Romo's one of the best.

  3. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    And if not for questionable officiating in '14 playoffs the Cowboys make it to the NFC Championship game, or further. And the offensive line wasn't even as good then as it is now and the defense was worse, much worse.
    LOL. Perspective is such a tricky little devil. From my point of view [[close your eyes, ms_m) there has never been a worse episode of officiating than what happened the previous week when the officials threw a flag on an obvious pass interference against Detroit, actually announced the penalty, but then decided that they disagreed after the fact and just figured it was a football play. That was much worse than Dez's catch because they'd already been waving off catches for two years if the player didn't maintain it to the ground. Horrible reasoning, but at least consistent. I've never seen a penalty reversed after it's been announced, though.

    And that was one of Romo's two playoff wins... Just sayin'...

  4. #254
    No need to close my eyes,officials have sucked eggs for awhile now. Sometimes it works in a teams favor, sometimes it doesn't. I will admit consistency would be much appreciated.

    I have always defended the record and talent of Tony Romo he's set records with the Cowboys and the league that most casual observers don't even know about. But what took Romo 3 years to learn as a backup, Prescott is doing in one. Is he the best ever, of course not yet but what he's been able to do in one year is phenomenal for a rookie.

    It takes poise, maturity, skill, confidence and yes, a hell of a line...it's called TEAM WORK! Maybe the reasons of Thomas96 go beyond the game, I don't know but pulling Dak now is ludicrous.

    Thomas96 is right about one thing though, HE CAN'T predict the future....why he keeps trying is beyond me but ...whatever

    Will I be disappointed if we don't get pass the playoffs to a SB...damn right just like I was disappointed with Romo going six times with two wins and no SB Ring to show for it.

    But you know what, I'll get pissed, move on and still be a Boyz fan 4life. That's just how I roll!!!!!

  5. #255
    To Moe:

    I felt bad for Wilson, that was reallllly bad. Yep and you're right, no team is perfect, if that were the case we would have 7 rings and the Terrible Towels would have only four. LOL

    S$#@ happens and to be honest, it's not the worse loss that's happened to my Boyz over the years. We can recoup.

    If people want to see Prescott out to preserve his health, I MIGHT agree with that but let's get real, Romo is the one who needs to be protected if he wants a shot at another team. If we're up [[waaay up) and Garrett puts Tony in to see where he's at after all this time, I can understand that but Dak is the starter, he EARNED IT. As far as I'm concerned, case close until he's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he can't do it anymore.

    Romo has had how many opportunities to prove himself and NOW Dak is suppose to sit down to give Romo another go at it simply because he's a veteran...I love ya Tony but hell to the no!

    Armchair QBacking gets old but that's what folk do. shrugs

  6. #256


  7. #257
    I agree Ms M: Dak has earned his starting role. And if were Garrett I'd be concerned with Romo's health.......he's injury prone!

    Oh yes....but things aren't the way you like them:
    We have six and you don't

  8. #258
    I refuse to knock Romo. I respect his rise from being an undrafted free agent to being an excellent QB. I will knock Jerry Jones, though. He's going to have Prescott looking over his shoulder and that's never good for a young player. The off-season is going to be as interesting as the regular season. Too bad they won't likely be on "Hard Knocks" next year.

  9. #259
    I don't knock or disrespect Tony either and although not exactly the same, he and Prescott's journey to the league and the Cowboys are more similar than different. No one can dispute the fact that Prescott was able to advance a lot quicker because of Tony's injury but once he was given the opportunity he earned his job. Even Tony has owned up to that.

    Jones is an a-hole, what else is new but how far we advance and what Romo decides to do career wise will tell the story of Prescott's future [[financially and otherwise) and that story has yet to be written.

    As a fan, all I can do is hang on for the ride and cheer my Boyz on. What will be will be but taking away the starting position from a kid that worked hard to get us where we are now would be a damn shame and foul as hell.

  10. #260

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    I agree Ms M: Dak has earned his starting role. And if were Garrett I'd be concerned with Romo's health.......he's injury prone!

    Oh yes....but things aren't the way you like them:
    We have six and you don't
    LOL, yeah I know and I'm grateful for the five we have...trust and believe. But damn, I would love to at least be in a tie with you guys for the honor of SB Champs before I die.

  11. #261
    BTW Moe...Injury prone or unlucky, not sure how to categorize Romo's series of injuries over the years but whatever you want to call it, my issue is, no way does a body take that type of abuse and his type of injuries and not somehow be affected.

    Tony is mentally tough, I do not doubt that for a sec but hell...getting old is no joke...you don't bounce back like you did when you were younger and old injuries will come back to haunt you....I KNOW and I don't even play football.

    That hit he received from the skins a few years ago, I swear I FELT IT...seriously. I don't ever want to see a hit where he doesn't get up. That would truly break my heart!!!!!!!!

  12. #262
    And the NFL tries to deny concussions, etc....
    Did you see where the Supreme Court had paved the way for players who have suffered from head injuries to start receiving $$ for compensation. The Court refused to even consider any more arguments from the NFL.

  13. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    And the NFL tries to deny concussions, etc....
    Did you see where the Supreme Court had paved the way for players who have suffered from head injuries to start receiving $$ for compensation. The Court refused to even consider any more arguments from the NFL.
    Ironically I was recently reading an article about the memory loss of Tony Dorsett. These hits [[especially to the head) are the reason for so many new rules over the last few years.

    To be honest I'm torn Moe. I definitely think players need to be protected by rules and equipment but football is a rough and aggressive sport and players know that going in.

    Now grant it the older ones didn't realize what the repercussions could be which is the reason for many of the suicides but still...other than educate players [[and I'm referring to professional players not kids [[who have parents or guardians who can veto their involvement in the sport) how do you regulate the game and still make it fun to play and watch?

    Now understand, I'm not giving the NFL a pass on this issue but what is the answer?

  14. #264
    Know the risks before you play. I feel really bad for the old players. Parents need to weigh all the risks. Did you see the movie Concussion?

  15. #265
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Know the risks before you play. I feel really bad for the old players. Parents need to weigh all the risks. Did you see the movie Concussion?
    Didn't see the movie. [[I usually wait for the DVD) but I think I'll pick it up this weekend.

  16. #266
    I'm a huge football fan, but I would not permit a son to play it. People who complain about the over the top emphasis on safety need to realize how much worse things will become if OSHA gets involved. It ticks me off that the referees still miss too many calls. For example, Calais Campbell dove into Ryan Tannehill's knee last week and likely ended his season but was not penalized under the so-called Tom Brady Rule. I guess the Tom Brady Rule only protects Tom Brady.

    If you have the opportunity, watch the PBS documentary called "League of Denial". It explains the events covered in "Concussion" in great detail, including how the league purposefully ruined the reputation and career of the doctor who first identified CTD.

    The NFL lied to players about dangers associated with concussions. It's not a matter of common sense when highly paid and well respected neurosurgeons tell players that it's okay to run dirt on a head injury and return to the field. The remarkably cheap $800 million settlement is a one-time deal; current players will not have the ability to sue for CTD.

  17. #267
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I'm a huge football fan, but I would not permit a son to play it. People who complain about the over the top emphasis on safety need to realize how much worse things will become if OSHA gets involved. It ticks me off that the referees still miss too many calls. For example, Calais Campbell dove into Ryan Tannehill's knee last week and likely ended his season but was not penalized under the so-called Tom Brady Rule. I guess the Tom Brady Rule only protects Tom Brady.

    If you have the opportunity, watch the PBS documentary called "League of Denial". It explains the events covered in "Concussion" in great detail, including how the league purposefully ruined the reputation and career of the doctor who first identified CTD.

    The NFL lied to players about dangers associated with concussions. It's not a matter of common sense when highly paid and well respected neurosurgeons tell players that it's okay to run dirt on a head injury and return to the field. The remarkably cheap $800 million settlement is a one-time deal; current players will not have the ability to sue for CTD.
    I'll look for the documentary. I do remember reading the Dr's rep was finally
    vindicated but only after several neurosurgeons including one from the Steelers I believe finally backed up his findings. From what I've read it's amazing the lengths the NFL not only went after the doctor but the film as well.

    Here is my question. These findings first started coming out about 10 years ago if I'm not mistaken and as I stated before, older players were not aware but current players should be fully aware of what they could face in the long term and now the league has concussion protocols. With all the info out now, how could you win a case against the NFL unless, protocols were not being enforced...have there been any instances or hint of instances where they were not being enforced?

  18. #268
    The other problem though...although research is being done at UCLA to identify CTE while a person is still alive, it's still in the infancy stages although from what I read about Dorsett, the research did help to identify the probability of him being afflicted.

    Do I believe the NFL should be more aggressive and proactive on this...hell yes but players today need to take responsibility too. I look at someone like Romo, although his injuries were not head related... still...he's made big bucks and at some point you need to stop and think, it's time to bow out. My health is more important than my desire to play... for whatever reason.

    Then you have these guys coming from nothing and suddenly have million dollar contracts. In a way it sort of reminds me of the music biz back in the day when artists were getting ripped off left and right...yet you still had artist from the next generation that didn't bother to educate themselves on the BIZ.

    Just found the link on youtube to the documentary. Only 30 mins in and I had to put it on pause. [[Just finished listening to the Troy Aikman concussion incident)
    Last edited by ms_m; 12-13-2016 at 09:07 PM. Reason: more observations

  19. #269
    Just finished the documentary. Don't even know where to begin but this is the question I'm asking myself right now... If I call Tagliabue, Goodell and all the NFL medical deniers, lawyers, execs, etc., every name in the book, knowing I will probably not walk away from watching the sport, what does that say about me?

  20. #270
    When I saw Aikman get a concussion on a sack where his head wasn't touched, I knew the end was near for his career. I'm surprised he is as lucid as he is while calling games but then I recall how Frank Gifford fell off a cliff seemingly overnight calling Monday Night Football. He was good one season and barely comprehensible the next. Watch for news about Hines Ward and Troy Polamalu in the next five years. They both rushed back from concussions multiple times.

    And now that the word is out, the league's legal culpability is almost nonexistent. The suit was based on the line of BS it sold the players. A mini-trend now has players quitting while they still have their wits. The Niners lost linebacker Chris Borland after one season. He gladly repaid his signing bonus and went on his way.

  21. #271
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Just finished the documentary. Don't even know where to begin but this is the question I'm asking myself right now... If I call Tagliabue, Goodell and all the NFL medical deniers, lawyers, execs, etc., every name in the book, knowing I will probably not walk away from watching the sport, what does that say about me?
    I literally ask that question of myself every weekend and I don't like the answer. With that said, I absolutely hate it when players try to take an opponent's head off but then joins hands in a prayer circle when the guy is carted away from the field. There are ways to play tough defense that don't endanger lives or careers. In Atlanta's game against the Rams, an LA defender gave himself and the Falcons player concussions by lowering his head to deliver a helmet to helmet shot.

  22. #272
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    When I saw Aikman get a concussion on a sack where his head wasn't touched, I knew the end was near for his career. I'm surprised he is as lucid as he is while calling games but then I recall how Frank Gifford fell off a cliff seemingly overnight calling Monday Night Football. He was good one season and barely comprehensible the next. Watch for news about Hines Ward and Troy Polamalu in the next five years. They both rushed back from concussions multiple times.

    And now that the word is out, the league's legal culpability is almost nonexistent. The suit was based on the line of BS it sold the players. A mini-trend now has players quitting while they still have their wits. The Niners lost linebacker Chris Borland after one season. He gladly repaid his signing bonus and went on his way.
    I wondered about Aikman and his game commentary as well. Until the documentary I had never heard of mini concussions. I understand there are still questions surrounding this but 45 out of 46 players whose brains were examined having CTE? I find that alarming as hell.

  23. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I literally ask that question of myself every weekend and I don't like the answer. With that said, I absolutely hate it when players try to take an opponent's head off but then joins hands in a prayer circle when the guy is carted away from the field. There are ways to play tough defense that don't endanger lives or careers. In Atlanta's game against the Rams, an LA defender gave himself and the Falcons player concussions by lowering his head to deliver a helmet to helmet shot.
    I'm not happy with the answer either. I've read about a few players who have walked away but it bothers me that over 4000 players sue the NFL, settle for 765 mil and basically nothing happens to truly change the game to protect the guys that are still out there.

    Folks boycott games cause Kap and other players take a knee but.... I have to sleep on this. My mind is all over the place.

  24. #274
    No true changes can be made. It's believed that a lot of CTD is not the result of concussions but the cumulative effect of non-traumatic plays that involve collisions, especially on the line of scrimmage. Objects in motion tend to remain in motion, especially brains suspended in fluid. No helmet can prevent brain injuries caused by 300 pound men moving forward with great speed until they meet resistance and suddenly stop.

    Never thought about it before but these guys are the modern equivalent of gladiators. Nobody is dying on the field but their life expectancy is reduced significantly by how long they play.

  25. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    I'm not happy with the answer either. I've read about a few players who have walked away but it bothers me that over 4000 players sue the NFL, settle for 765 mil and basically nothing happens to truly change the game to protect the guys that are still out there.

    Folks boycott games cause Kap and other players take a knee but.... I have to sleep on this. My mind is all over the place.
    It's too bad they don't boycott paying taxes until criminal justice reform is enacted.

  26. #276
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I literally ask that question of myself every weekend and I don't like the answer. With that said, I absolutely hate it when players try to take an opponent's head off but then joins hands in a prayer circle when the guy is carted away from the field. There are ways to play tough defense that don't endanger lives or careers. In Atlanta's game against the Rams, an LA defender gave himself and the Falcons player concussions by lowering his head to deliver a helmet to helmet shot.
    The biggest problem in the modern NFL regarding concussions right now in my opinion is that players aren't taught proper tackling technique of squaring up a ball carrier and wrapping him up and driving him to the ground while holding him tight. So, many players just launch themselves head first at the ball carrier for what I think are two main reasons. First, it's much easier and doesn't take much practice compared to actually learning how to properly play the game. And second, because players want the huge highlight reel ESPN hits that a majority of fans want to see.

    A key example is a rookie from your team [[the Falcons). Safety Keanu Neal your first round pick. Very good young player so far in coverage and knowing where to be to make plays but he does not know how to tackle at all. I haven't seen him wrap up once. When a receiver catches the ball and Neal is nearby to make the tackle he just launches himself head first into the receivers head. And same thing on running backs who get to the second level. This is also very much on the coaching, across the league not just the Falcons.

    Ron Rivera, the Panthers head coach, drives me crazy every game with some horrible decisions and inability to adjust at halftime of games. But he does do one thing that I love and I've seen first hand and that's teach proper tackling. Hands on as a head coach, he'll get right in there and place himself in a drill with the LBers or defense. I've seen it in training camp. He was a former LBer for the great Buddy Ryan Bears defense and he wasn't extremely physically gifted so he learned the techniques on defense so well which allowed him to stay in the league for a long time, and what he learned then is what he teaches to players now. Thomas Davis and Luke Kuechly are key examples of players whose tackling form is as close to perfect as you can get.

    The Rams under Jeff Fisher were probably the worst at it, especially with that dirtbag bounty running defensive coordinator they have.

  27. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    No true changes can be made. It's believed that a lot of CTD is not the result of concussions but the cumulative effect of non-traumatic plays that involve collisions, especially on the line of scrimmage. Objects in motion tend to remain in motion, especially brains suspended in fluid. No helmet can prevent brain injuries caused by 300 pound men moving forward with great speed until they meet resistance and suddenly stop.

    Never thought about it before but these guys are the modern equivalent of gladiators. Nobody is dying on the field but their life expectancy is reduced significantly by how long they play.
    I agree with the gladiator reference and although they may not be dying on the field, I think this is more about the quality of life. It seems pretty common that many have felt death was preferable...whether they took those feelings to the final conclusion or not.

  28. #278
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    The biggest problem in the modern NFL regarding concussions right now in my opinion is that players aren't taught proper tackling technique of squaring up a ball carrier and wrapping him up and driving him to the ground while holding him tight. So, many players just launch themselves head first at the ball carrier for what I think are two main reasons. First, it's much easier and doesn't take much practice compared to actually learning how to properly play the game. And second, because players want the huge highlight reel ESPN hits that a majority of fans want to see.

    A key example is a rookie from your team [[the Falcons). Safety Keanu Neal your first round pick. Very good young player so far in coverage and knowing where to be to make plays but he does not know how to tackle at all. I haven't seen him wrap up once. When a receiver catches the ball and Neal is nearby to make the tackle he just launches himself head first into the receivers head. And same thing on running backs who get to the second level. This is also very much on the coaching, across the league not just the Falcons.

    Ron Rivera, the Panthers head coach, drives me crazy every game with some horrible decisions and inability to adjust at halftime of games. But he does do one thing that I love and I've seen first hand and that's teach proper tackling. Hands on as a head coach, he'll get right in there and place himself in a drill with the LBers or defense. I've seen it in training camp. He was a former LBer for the great Buddy Ryan Bears defense and he wasn't extremely physically gifted so he learned the techniques on defense so well which allowed him to stay in the league for a long time, and what he learned then is what he teaches to players now. Thomas Davis and Luke Kuechly are key examples of players whose tackling form is as close to perfect as you can get.

    The Rams under Jeff Fisher were probably the worst at it, especially with that dirtbag bounty running defensive coordinator they have.
    Wow, Fisher can't catch a break anywhere these days. Is that your EricDickerson?....LOL

    But anyhoo, although there are techniques that can be taught to minimize injuries, after watching this documentary it's obvious to me, the best way to preserve the quality of your life in football is to shorten your career or not play at all. There are no techniques to stop the brain from constantly being moved around and hitting the skull over and over. Again, I agree with Jerry Oz, these guys really are modern day gladiators.

    At this point though, I do believe it's time for the NFL to stop hiding what they know and have even admitted [[just to walk it back) about the dangers of the sport. I also think the players union should step up as well. Give the players the information they need to know to make more informed decisions. I'm guessing many will play anyway and that's their choice but at least walk into it KNOWING ALL the pros and cons.
    Last edited by ms_m; 12-14-2016 at 07:12 AM.

  29. #279
    For anyone who is interested, here is the link to the PBS documentary, League of Denial


  30. #280
    Thanks Ms M.
    But that one scene in Concussion said it all for me:
    When he's shaking the jar. Hope everyone knows what I mean & I hope you get to see it
    Ms M.

  31. #281
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post

    At this point though, I do believe it's time for the NFL to stop hiding what they know and have even admitted [[just to walk it back) about the dangers of the sport. I also think the players union should step up as well. Give the players the information they need to know to make more informed decisions. I'm guessing many will play anyway and that's their choice but at least walk into it KNOWING ALL the pros and cons.
    The NFL made a big deal to let the medical community know that it was sponsoring a huge comprehensive study of sports-related neurological disorders. They then went out of their way to prevent Dr. Omalu from participating. When one of his collaborators was picked to chair the,independent study, the league threatened to pull its funding. They have not learned anything.

  32. #282
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    A key example is a rookie from your team [[the Falcons). Safety Keanu Neal your first round pick. Very good young player so far in coverage and knowing where to be to make plays but he does not know how to tackle at all. I haven't seen him wrap up once. When a receiver catches the ball and Neal is nearby to make the tackle he just launches himself head first into the receivers head. And same thing on running backs who get to the second level. This is also very much on the coaching, across the league not just the Falcons.
    I agree about Neal. Atlanta's,coach preaches rugby style tackling but Neal has a lot of old habits to break. The thing is, as in the example I cited before, you're as likely to hurt yourself by trying to deliver that shot. I'd think that the union would demand more safety rules but it's compelled to fight for the player who is fined for excessive contact instead of the guy who was hit.

    It's like Stanley Morgan did not happen 40 years ago.

  33. #283
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Thanks Ms M.
    But that one scene in Concussion said it all for me:
    When he's shaking the jar. Hope everyone knows what I mean & I hope you get to see it
    Ms M.
    I'll look for it this weekend Moe but you have to watch the documentary. Hearing things from Dr. Omalu himself and all the other people who are and were involved will really blow you away.

  34. #284
    Cowboy Nation, trust and believe, we're coming back!!!!!!

    Name:  im not just a fan.jpg
Views: 11469
Size:  18.8 KB

    See you all tomorrow night!!!!!!

  35. #285
    Man, if the Bucs beat y'all, there will be a major meltdown in Jerry World. Not to mention a quarterback controversy for the ages...

  36. #286
    LOL, tell me about it but the keyword is if. I really feel we can do this and I'm more worried about having to play New York again!

  37. #287
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    LOL, tell me about it but the keyword is if. I really feel we can do this and I'm more worried about having to play New York again!
    I need the Boys to beat the Bucs to give Atlanta a better chance to win the division. We'd still need to beat the Panties and the Stains in the next two weeks, though.

  38. #288
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I need the Boys to beat the Bucs to give Atlanta a better chance to win the division. We'd still need to beat the Panties and the Stains in the next two weeks, though.
    This is the time of year when weird things happen on the field but I think your guys are pretty safe.

  39. #289
    Name:  10632492_764121533633867_1126577943_n.jpg
Views: 8185
Size:  61.7 KB!!!!!!!!!!

  40. #290
    Look,just beat the bucs,so my skins can sneak in,hehehehehe!!!

  41. #291
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Look,just beat the bucs,so my skins can sneak in,hehehehehe!!!
    We'll do our best JUST FOR YOU arr&bee but I must warn you, if by some miracle the Panthers beat ya, I will NEVER let you live it down. HAHAHA

  42. #292
    Nice comeback Steelers!

  43. #293
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Look,just beat the bucs,so my skins can sneak in,hehehehehe!!!
    OOPSIES, Greenbay...your chance is slipping away my friend.

  44. #294
    Did you see that helmet to helmet DeCastro/Burfinct? Wow that made me shudder!!!
    Thanks MsM!!!

  45. #295
    I was stuck watching the Ravens games so I didn't see it. Fell asleep on the Brady Bunch, now it's time to get it together for my Boyz....and you're welcome.

    Geeeze Jerry Oz...41 - 13....congrats!

  46. #296
    Waiting all day for Sunday Night!

    Name:  1113-bucs-cowboys.jpg
Views: 15427
Size:  57.8 KB

  47. #297
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    We'll do our best JUST FOR YOU arr&bee but I must warn you, if by some miracle the Panthers beat ya, I will NEVER let you live it down. HAHAHA
    Especially when the best QB in the league and the best defensive player won't be playing.

  48. #298
    We'll take the field goal!!

  49. #299
    hahaha... works for me Winston... hahahahaha

  50. #300


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