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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #2551
    You might still get in moe,with some help keep your chin up!!

  2. #2552
    I'm really trying, R&B.......trust me

  3. #2553
    John Wall is injured, will have surgery and miss the rest of the season. But of course, the Quizards won their first game without him. Your city confuses me, Jai. How does a bad team get better by getting worse?

  4. #2554
    Lawd love a duck! Heck of a game.

    Yeah Boyz!!!!!!!

  5. #2555
    Okee dokee Moe. Steelers up next. I b pulling for ya

  6. #2556
    Not to be, Ms M. Tomlin needs to be accountable for his team's actions this season. Is he in the hot seat? Yes. Will they fire him? No....but there's gonna be a LOT of changes!!
    I had a "friend" from the Pats just email me & it said "OK now you can root for the Pats."
    After the "oh hell no" it occurred to me that those Pat fans have an infinite ego [[just like this guy). But when the Steelers beat them this "friend" was non-existent so that tells me a LOT. In the AFC I'm pulling for ANYBODY who is not a New England Patriot!!

  7. #2557
    Well, it looks like AB wants out of Pittsburgh. What a knob.

    Jason La CanforaVerified account @JasonLaCanforaFollowFollow


    Antonio Brown has requested a trade. Im told it was not a demand but he has asked to be dealt. Very unlikely Rooney would capitulate. Brown has issues with Mike Tomlin and Ben Roethlisberger. Feels like the coach is too aligned with the QB.

    12:58 PM - 1 Jan 2019


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    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 01-01-2019 at 03:03 PM.

  8. #2558
    Jerry, I think that AB has issues with everything when AB is not the center of attention. I'd bet some $$ AB was pissed that his fellow players voted for JuJu as their MVP......not to mention JuJu's quick ascension into a category of "an extremely good WR." Both AB & JuJu had all those catches [[a rarity of 2 WR's on the same team). I also never see AB perform too much community work whereas JuJu commits to Meals on Wheels, kids, etc
    So AB's ego is bruised......so what? Remember what happened to Buress, Wallace & maybe only Sanders had ok success in Denver........

  9. #2559
    Ryan Clark had very choice words for Brown last night. He said that he advised the GM that he would regret giving Brown a max deal because he had already displayed me-first diva tendencies before he got it. Clark said that Pittsburgh has to get rid of him because he doesn't embody the team-first virtue that the franchise has maintained for decades and threatens to be much more trouble than he's worth.

    Personally, I am 100% on LeVeon Bell's side. Not that I would appreciate it if it happened to my team but I understand why he did it and respect him for sticking to his guns in spite of pressure from everywhere. He's going to get a deal that makes up for it in Indy and they're going to be the Patriots 2.0 for the next five years. Plus, he's a homeboy so I want him to do well. But I'll never understand what's going on with AB.

    AB makes me really appreciate Julio. With that said, a bunch of Falcons fans were clamoring and suggesting that we needed to cut Julio since he missed training camp in order to get more loot. Compared to Antonio, I'd let the team garnish my check if it meant we could hold onto Julio. His attitude is as welcome as his stats.

    Since you are a Pittsburgh fan, please contact the team and tell them that both Atlanta and Miami have enough headaches as it is and I'd appreciate them flushing Antonio down some other sewer. Such a shame.

  10. #2560
    Hey jerry,the gizzards are as usual,dead on arrival..john wall is on the downside and he's gonna drag the team down with him,opps what am i thinking...they're always down,as for the so called[nfl]team,it's the same old song year after year and next season i'll be singing this same song,this team is in serious trouble-no qb-no wideouts-no coach-no home field advantage-no common sense-no victories,the nationals have lost byrce harper and forty homers per year,pitching is gonna kill em other than sherzer,dead in the water...i wish i had a team..wait a minute there a new little league team down the street-hope is here,yeaaaaaaa!!!

  11. #2561
    ​anybody but the patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #2562
    I have no dog in the fight. If the Patriots win, it's one less newly crowned butthole fan base to contend with since their fans have been and would be buttholes. If I was going to root for anybody, it would be Seattle and Baltimore because I like Russell Wilson and Lamar Jackson. Could somebody hide ms_m's glasses, please? I like her a lot more than her Boyz and I don't want her to read what I wrote.

  13. #2563
    Don't hide her glasses,i want her to read this...seahawks beat boyz..print it!!!

  14. #2564
    Steelers Linebacker coach Joey Porter----GONE

  15. #2565
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Steelers Linebacker coach Joey Porter----GONE
    Then non-playoff team blame game is in full effect. Atlanta's dropping almost everybody but the head coach. And Miami cut Adam Gase, who might be the first coach hired by another team.

  16. #2566
    hahahaha....you like who you like, I'm not mad at cha.

    We'll see how this plays out very shortly.

  17. #2567
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    hahahaha....you like who you like, I'm not mad at cha.

    We'll see how this plays out very shortly.
    You're literally the only Dallas fan that I would feel sorry for if your team were to lose. The others that I know either disappear into the wood work or trash the team hard when they don't play well. Some of them, i wouldn't even recognize as fans if they didn't crow like roosters when you guys have a good season.

    But I guess every fan base has those.

  18. #2568
    I've always believe that being a real fan was all about loyalty to your team no matter what. Of course I get to curse them out when they play like crap
    but I'd never kick em to the curb.

    In the mean time and in between time.....WE WON!

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  19. #2569
    Umm,err,ahem...oh well let me get this over with...ms.m your boyz won again and as much as it pains me to say this,congrats or something now having said that i'm gonna say this....they ain't winning another game in the playoffs they have done well up to now,my rams will put them out of their misery!!!

  20. #2570
    The Quizards beat up on OKC... Teasing you, Jai. I told you back in the Summer it was a mistake to trade Gortat when they signed Howard. Now, the team they traded him to is in four place in the West and Dwight is sitting out with a band aid on his butt. Your GM needs to be released immediately.

  21. #2571
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..a bandaid on his butt[classic]as for that[gm]he shoulda been gone a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago,how do you stay[gm]for fifteen years and your team never advances past the second round??? I'm tellin ya jerry the dude got pics of ted's dogs in a compromising position or something,no other explanation for him still being there,and yep i saw the gizzards lay the smacketh down on okc,first win ever there,and yet these world beaters will lose to the bulls who have like nine wins-incredible..only the gizzards!!!

  22. #2572
    Wow.........Chargers, Colts showed up to play! The Dallas game was not on here [[because of a payment dispute with cable vs Tribune television ....yep...6 million people here didn't get a chance to watch your game, Ms M)
    I still believe the champ will come out of the NFC......and still:

  23. #2573
    Umm,moe,you ain't gonna be happy at this but....the patriots will be in the superbowl,they ain't losing to anyone in the afc...sorry!!

  24. #2574
    R&B I will discount your statement as one of under the influence of your hooch!

  25. #2575
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Wow.........Chargers, Colts showed up to play! The Dallas game was not on here [[because of a payment dispute with cable vs Tribune television ....yep...6 million people here didn't get a chance to watch your game, Ms M)
    I still believe the champ will come out of the NFC......and still:
    ???! The game was on broadcast TV. All you had to do was tune it to your local station with an antenna.

  26. #2576
    Quote Originally Posted by jerry oz View Post
    ???! The game was on broadcast tv. All you had to do was tune it to your local station with an antenna.
    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...see moe if you had not turned down my latest polaroid film starring role,you could'vs made enough to buy a good second or third hand tv antenna,from your local thrift store and caught that game..west talk to your client!!

  27. #2577
    My dad was upset when the local CBS station was trying to strong arm his cable company into paying more than they wanted to. He was venting until I plugged in an antenna and he was able to watch the network offerings without cable. Heck, I don't have cable and I can watch every NBA, MLB, NHL and NFL game for free. And most NCAA basketball and football games.

  28. #2578
    I didn't say I didn't see the game. I have the games on the NFL app on my phone.
    And the station is still not working......I really don't care

  29. #2579
    Jai, I'll never understand NBA scheduling. When I saw Washington on the 76ers schedule, I didn't know that the Generals were going to show up.

  30. #2580
    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...no jerry,the generals would've given them a game!!

  31. #2581
    Jerry,can you even imagine what would happen to my dear[gizzards]if anything happens to bradley beal,the league would have to forfiet the rest of their games because i guarantee they couldn't beat anyone[cleveland included]..i wish i had a team-sigh!!!

  32. #2582
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Jerry,can you even imagine what would happen to my dear[gizzards]if anything happens to bradley beal,the league would have to forfiet the rest of their games because i guarantee they couldn't beat anyone[cleveland included]..i wish i had a team-sigh!!!
    I really really want Philly to fashion a trade for Bradley Beal. We'd win the East with Simmons, Beal, Redick, Butler and Embiid. It wouldn't even be close. Not sure what we could dangle in exchange though after we gave the Timbermutts Robert Covington and Dario Saric in order to get Jimmy Buckets.

  33. #2583
    WELL,AS ALWAYS THE GIZZARDS ACTUALLY STUMBLED UP AND WON AND ALL THE SPORTS STATIONS ARE GEEKED UP...[shows how desperate we are]TALKING ...[playoffs-shhhhhhhhhhhh,not too loud,i can actually hear laughing even without speakers on]I SHOULD BE EMBARASSED BUT I'M WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY PAST THAT,I'M IN FREEFALL WITH NO NET IN SIGHT..AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

  34. #2584
    They bounced back strong. That's why I hate back-to-backs because the team that got beat the night before has pride and makes changes. If anything, it proves that my team isn't going to do anything in the playoffs unless they make big changes.

  35. #2585
    They'll be ok jerry,as for my continuing misery-when you hit bottom there's no place to go but up,but they always manage to go.... Below bottom...sigh!!!!

  36. #2586
    "Bottom"? Seriously? You honestly don't remember the four year long Process that led to my team obtaining two future superstars and two losses in a row to a couple of the very worst teams in the Association? Don't get lower than that, partner...

  37. #2587
    Oh well!

  38. #2588
    Sorry, ms_m. Your team was the last one standing for anybody on this thread. But all things considered, they had a strong year and you have a lot to look ahead to.

  39. #2589

  40. #2590
    I've been watching the Clippers the last couple of weeks. Trading Gortat was a boneheaded move, especially since they cut Rivers anyway. Trading Oubre was especially stupid because Phoenix is actually playing a whole lot better with him. He had 26 against the Nuggets on Saturday night and looked like he was on fire. I have to believe that you would be positioned in the playoffs if y'all didn't go all in for the Big Keister in the off-season. That dude has been straight trash for the past five years.

  41. #2591
    Maybe oubre will bust out with the suns,his growth was stunted here and don't get me started on ol[sore bottoms]the kid-thomas bryant is better than that big bum already and if the gizzards don't muck it up he should be ok for them but you know who's in charge so stay tuned...sigh!!!

  42. #2592
    Well, looks like I'm a two-week fan of the Rams. [[Sorry ms_m...)

    I really wanted to see them play the Chiefs, though.

  43. #2593
    me too jerry!!!!!

  44. #2594
    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa.go rams,my team with those too cool helmets,i'm gonna go ahead and crown em because i think they have too much speed for the pats,varooooooooooooooooooooooommm!!!!

  45. #2595
    I can't lie and say that I'm enjoying the moaning of all of the Stains fans about how badly they were ripped off in the NFCCG. Not one complained when the same thing happened to us in the 2012 NFCCG, costing us a chance to advance. And they enjoyed 28-3 more than anyone. So now, having their dreams dashed so unmercifully one year after the Minnesota Miracle is the next best thing a Falcons fan could wish for than a Super Bowl championship.

  46. #2596
    Hey jerry, i do believe in conspiracies,and i find it more than coincidence that dallas got away with a similar call in thier game with the saints[you know how much the networks love those-boyz..hi ms.m]and now a blatant foul was missed right in front of the ref,same team you may laugh but remember that gambling is legal and the raiders are headed to vegas..there's a smoking gun!!!

  47. #2597
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Hey jerry, i do believe in conspiracies,and i find it more than coincidence that dallas got away with a similar call in thier game with the saints[you know how much the networks love those-boyz..hi ms.m]and now a blatant foul was missed right in front of the ref,same team you may laugh but remember that gambling is legal and the raiders are headed to vegas..there's a smoking gun!!!
    I think their refusal to employ referees full time is ridiculous. Remember about five years ago when Dallas and Detroit were playing and Detroit was winning in the fourth quarter. Stafford threw a pass to a tight end who was grabbed by a linebacker before the ball arrived. Ref threw a flag but another official who was 20 yards away ran up, they had a big discussion and changed the call. Detroit punted and Dallas won the game late. It was Detroit's first playoff game in 20 years and the last time they made the tournament. These things happen and it's just one of those things that NFL fans have to accept.

  48. #2598
    Hey jerry,where do you think that-anthony davis will go next season? He wants out of n.o. I hope he goes to boston and not the lakers,yes i know that it could put boston over in the east but since them no account[gizzards]ain't going nowhere until atlantis if found i got no problem with a.d. Going to beantown.

  49. #2599
    Don't want him in Boston. And rumor is he doesn't want to go there. Nobody knows if Kyrie is going to be in Boston, New York [[or Brooklyn) or L.A. and Davis apparently doesn't want to go if Kyrie is going to be gone. Besides, they can't trade for him until June and if New Orleans gets a good deal before then, it won't matter where he wants to go. Personally, I don't really care where he goes. Just hope he lands where he wants to.

  50. #2600
    Are the lakers printing their own money or what?? I'm hearing about-a.d.-khawai leonard-jimmy butler,sounds like labron is trying to buy him a dynasty..of course they would have to get past the warriors and if healthy and motivated that might not happen for awhile.


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