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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #51

    Son of another biscuit eater. Didn't even have time to post!

  2. #52
    Crap, I need to make a run. I'll be back!

  3. #53
    Crap, had to make a quick run and missed a Boyz TOUCHDOWN

    Didn't miss that incomplete for the Ravens though

  4. #54
    Weird stuff going on with SDF the last couple of days. Guess changes are in the works but anyhoo....announcers can be so annoying. They act as if Dak hasn't been making smart plays all season. Give me a break.

    Halftime - tied game

    Go Boyz!

  5. #55
    Geeze, this kid blows me away. [[Zeke)

  6. #56
    Are you kidding me?

  7. #57
    touchdown boyz!

  8. #58
    Sorry, I like Prescott and love Elliott, but I am bound to hate the Cowboys. I don't even like the Crows but I'm compelled to root for 'em...

  9. #59
    naughty, naughty, naughty purple birds

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Sorry, I like Prescott and love Elliott, but I am bound to hate the Cowboys. I don't even like the Crows but I'm compelled to root for 'em...
    No prob. you too will be on the wrong side of history...LOL

  11. #61
    OK, break time. So who is YOUR team Jerry Oz? Let me hear what you got!

  12. #62
    This team, right heah...

  13. #63
    Omg...i love this kid

  14. #64
    Awiight, I'll give you props. The Falcons have been looking pretty decent this season.
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 04:31 PM.

  15. #65
    We're limping through our bye week right now. I'm also a Dolphins fan.

    Been a rough few years for sports around my household...

  16. #66

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    We're limping through our bye week right now. I'm also a Dolphins fan.

    Been a rough few years for sports around my household...
    I use to love to watch Gonzalez. Hated to see him go out without a ring.
    I was just thinking about Miami recently. Haven't watched them play recently but I remember when they use to be the bomb. Then we gave them a royal butt kickING a million years ago in the SB. LOL
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 04:38 PM.

  18. #68
    and I detest the too short messages on SDF
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 04:55 PM.

  19. #69
    Don't count ATL out just yet. Who you play next week?

  20. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    What is this "football" people are speaking of? Why is that guy wearing armour? What's a touchdown? Where's the black and white spherical thing?

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Don't count ATL out just yet. Who you play next week?
    Never mind I looked it up. Hey the Vikings are kicking the Cardinals butt right now. LOL
    I think you guys will be ok

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    What is this "football" people are speaking of? Why is that guy wearing armour? What's a touchdown? Where's the black and white spherical thing?
    Watch the Boyz/Ravens game. We'll show ya how the game is played. LOL

  23. #73
    I'll take the FG!

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Watch the Boyz/Ravens game. We'll show ya how the game is played. LOL
    Hehe, I don't even watch our football, let alone yours.

    But at least we play the game with our FEET!!! Lol

  25. #75
    DES: tsk, tsk, tsk

    See ya Turkey Day arr&bee

    9-1 BABY!!!!!!!

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    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 05:18 PM.

  26. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoTom123 View Post
    Hehe, I don't even watch our football, let alone yours.

    But at least we play the game with our FEET!!! Lol

  27. #77
    Is anyone else experiencing weird things happening on SDF?

  28. #78
    Like what?

    Thank you Ms M!
    Steelers need all the help we can get!!

  29. #79
    One minute I see a post, next minute poof it's gone. I log out, log back in and it's showing up. Really weird.

    Maybe not this season but you'll be back no doubt but I really want to tie those rings before you do.....LOL

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    I use to love to watch Gonzalez. Hated to see him go out without a ring.
    I was just thinking about Miami recently. Haven't watched them play recently but I remember when they use to be the bomb. Then we gave them a royal butt kickING a million years ago in the SB. LOL
    Yah, y'all beat us the first year that I followed the Fins. But we won the next two including the only undefeated season. Ever. LOL.

    And Gonzo is my dude. We got cheated out of a chance to get his ring in 2012. [[Do I sound like I'm holding onto it? Good. I am.)

    Your team is sitting pretty. Having a franchise QB on a rookie contract frees up a ton of loot to build a deep roster. Seattle did that with Russell Wilson. But Dallas will have to trade YKW for it to work and Jerry has a man crush on him. Oh, and don't invest any of that in other teams' cast off knuckleheads.

  31. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Yah, y'all beat us the first year that I followed the Fins. But we won the next two including the only undefeated season. Ever. LOL.

    And Gonzo is my dude. We got cheated out of a chance to get his ring in 2012. [[Do I sound like I'm holding onto it? Good. I am.)

    Your team is sitting pretty. Having a franchise QB on a rookie contract frees up a ton of loot to build a deep roster. Seattle did that with Russell Wilson. But Dallas will have to trade YKW for it to work and Jerry has a man crush on him. Oh, and don't invest any of that in other teams' cast off knuckleheads.
    Yeah I know and I swear I don't want to see Romo go but I understand the business aspect as well as the fact I'm sure he feels he still has something to prove. I don't know where he would go to be put on the fast track though. He only has a few more years to do his thing.

    Will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. Right now, it's week to week until we reach the finish line.

  32. #82
    Jerry has a man crush on him.
    Jerry wants a ring. hahahahahaha
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 09:25 PM.

  33. #83
    Wake Up arr &bee or did you go to the game?

  34. #84
    thomas96 Guest
    Jerry Oz, you may be better off rooting for the Dolphins this year, since like last year the Falcons are going to continue to fade down the stretch with Shanahan's offense figured out and no defense while the Panthers do what they've done every year since 2011 and play well in November and December!

    And ms_m, I like the Cowboys this year, particularly Elliott, who continues to amaze me with his pass protection and of course his running talent, and the offensive line. That being said, I don't think they made the right decision with Prescott and Romo. Prescott has looked good and of course they won today again but I believe Romo would give them the best chance to win every week. Prescott is the future and it looks bright with him, but Romo is so far ahead of him right now as you'd expect from an all time great like him. Romo being in would force the defenses to respect the pass game more and it would further open up the run game and make the offense even more dominant. I think this will show when the Cowboys play great teams, like in the playoffs.

  35. #85
    The Falcons will not fade this year. The Panties were lucky last year, they'll get a nice participation trophy and be sent home in two weeks. And Romo is good for a guy who's made out of rice paper. If you put him in and he is injured again, you couldn't expect Prescott to pick up where he left off. I would not mess with a winning formula that has produced the longest win streak in team history. Consider that: Meredith. Staubach. White. Aikman. Romo.

    And Dak Prescott led them to a nine game streak?! As a rookie?? Personally, I'd ride that train until it reached the station. Romo could get a second round pick from a few teams [[Note to Miami: Just say "no"). But if he is hurt in the last six games of the season, he will be untradeable and also represent a crap load of dead money against the salary cap. Love ya, Tony, but don't dress unless the kid gets hurt... please.

  36. #86
    thomas 96 you make good points but I agree with Jerry Oz. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I've been defending Romo against every "choke" joke for years and I truly believe most people rarely take a long hard look at his record but THIS is not the time to start messing with the mojo...ya dig?

    Now it may come to pass we have to look to Tony before this all ends and I'd be ok with that but why pull the kid out now? He's gaining valuable on the job training, making mistakes here and there but still pulling out consistent wins like a veteran player.

    Been a Boyz fan a lotta years and I joke around but know better than to count my chickens just yet, but let's not mess around with the current formula. Prescott hasn't given Garrett any reason to sit him down and Jerry didn't have a problem putting his "Boo" on backup duty. Leave the kid alone and let him play. PLEASE!!!!!
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-21-2016 at 02:59 AM.

  37. #87
    Pssssssssssss...over here ms m,hi your boyz lookin good,but we're coming for you,and if i were a cowboys fan i'd be worried,why?? You beat us in d.c. And you know how this rivelry works it doesn't matter what the records are or how bad one defense is[ours sucks]but you all hang your hats on offense just like we do,i'm so glad that both teams are good again and it's a big game,yes i know it's bigger for us but you all don't want to lose to us at any time it's gonna be a wang dang doodle...final score...redskins 42-dallas 38!!

  38. #88
    Ummm... Okay, bruh.

  39. #89
    Now jerry,you know i don't use drugs...now if you had said[hooch]well you know[hehehehe]oh and we will beat dallas,and capt.kirk will pass for over[400 yards]...we want dallas!!!

  40. #90
    Congrats on your win but dude, step away from the hooch. If you think you're going to run all over us the way you did the Packers you MUST be on drugs and hooch too. LOL

    It's a fierce rivalry as we know but we're home and been there for a minute. Your Skins have a hell of a turn around after a late game. Nothing is guaranteed but I'm not particularly worried. I am looking forward to a GREAT GAME though!!!!!

    See ya under the dome and have a great gobble day cause the night will belong to MY BOYZ!!!!!!

    Washington Redskins vs. Dallas Cowboys

    The two teams have met each other 113 times [[including 2 postseason games)

    Dallas Cowboys winning 67 games
    Washington Redskins winning 44 games
    They have tied 2 times
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-21-2016 at 04:57 PM.

  41. #91
    Yes i know the history pretty one, of course back in the day we had bad ownership[before jack kent cook]and dallas always had talent[george allen ]really got things going in[71]and yes i know that dallas at one time beat us ten times in a row partly because we had a punk coach[norv turner]who secretly wanted to coach dallas and didn't really care about the rivelry,but coach joe did and we kicked some dallas butt back then,oh and i do believe that we won both of those playoff games...great rivelry and i love it...of course i'm sure you know that dallas wouldn't have gotten into the league if not for the fact that the skins owner the racist[george preston marshall]had an ex-wife[coreen]who wrote the redskins fight song and threatened to give it to the cowboys owner[imagine that]unless ol george voted for them to come into the league,that's when it really started!!

  42. #92
    I think they may be the longest post I've ever seen you write arr&bee and they say Cowboys fans have excuses. HAHAHAHA

    Marshall is the reason I never liked the skins and I know....let it go but old habits die hard.

    Now back to Turkey day 'cause after your butt whipping, you're gonna need it
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    Last edited by ms_m; 11-22-2016 at 05:11 PM.

  43. #93
    I hate the Cowboys due to their championships and ridiculous amount of bandwagon fans. I'd swear, in my neck of the woods, people who I've known all my life seem to have been lifelong Dallas or Steelers fans based upon which team is hot at the time. I know the true fans when I encounter them. [[You pass the test, ms_m...)

    And the 1/16th North Carolina Cherokee within me absolutely abhors the pejorative name of the Washington franchise. I always hated it. [[Sorry, Bruh...) Between them, they are owned by the two most objectionable men in American sports. So I guess I'm going to root for

  44. #94
    And the 1/16th North Carolina Cherokee
    A homeboy, I should have known.

    You know it's funny, I actually had to look up the owner of the Boyz before JJ. LOL
    Thanks for the props Jerry Oz. Daddy was a fan and I was a daddy's girl.

    for......???????????????????????????????? hahahahaha

  45. #95
    O-11 here in Cleveland...go ahead, rub it in. At least basketball and baseball here are worth watching...



  46. #96
    Wow Mark, I had to take a sec to compose myself. Manziel, now this. Don't know what else to say.

  47. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by mark speck View Post
    O-11 here in Cleveland...go ahead, rub it in. At least basketball and baseball here are worth watching...


    My dad is a Browns fan. I keep telling him that they just need patience. They have 18 rookies, more than a dozen draft picks coming, a sh*t load of cash, and a great developmental coach. If the owner tunes out the fans for a couple of years, they can build a foundation to dominate the AFC North for a decade.

    But since we are talking about the Browns, we all know that will never happen. The owner will fire Hue Brown after failing to win a game with a team full of new players, trade off those draft picks for a bunch of has beens with name recognition, spend the loot on free agents who will all get hurt or suspended, hire some retread coach who can't get job anywhere else [[Chip Kelly?), and the band will play on just as it always has.

  48. #98
    Does cleveland still have pro football???

  49. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by jerry oz View Post
    i hate the cowboys due to their championships and ridiculous amount of bandwagon fans. I'd swear, in my neck of the woods, people who i've known all my life seem to have been lifelong dallas or steelers fans based upon which team is hot at the time. I know the true fans when i encounter them. [[you pass the test, ms_m...)

    and the 1/16th north carolina cherokee within me absolutely abhors the pejorative name of the washington franchise. I always hated it. [[sorry, bruh...) between them, they are owned by the two most objectionable men in american sports. So i guess i'm going to root for
    hey jerry,i'm with you on the name [it sucks]and my grandfather was cherokee on my mom's side,but i'm a sports fan and it drives me nuts to root for another team when i have one in my own backyard..besides i h-a-t-e the dirty dallas cowboys with their arrogance and frontrunnin fans[no not you ms m]nothing makes me happier than to knock that stupid star off their helmets,the cowboys=aaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh%$##@%%^&[[**& ^???>aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggg!!!!

  50. #100
    Had that star on ALL day and received mucho compliments. I was even told I had great taste!!!!

    See ya soon my friend, see ya very soon

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    ...and Happy Turkey Day!!!!! smooches!!!!


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