OK I have 2 comments:
1. I agree with you Ms M. Fairweather fans can really kiss my butt.
2. Jerry how do I hook up my TV after buying rabbit ears? Where do I buy rabbit ears?
You're right......these stations can figure it out. Because of the NBC blackout here on
Direct TV I picked up your game via NFL Channel during the night [2am I think]. So
we just watched it today. Heck of a game! But you're still in & that's what counts!
AND...we looked at the price of Super Bowl Tickets. Cheapest we found is 6,200 on Stub Hub. You do know for 6,200 I could fly you Ms M, Jerry, his wife & brother here to Tennessee & STILL have $$ for a great food spread...then get you back home!! And we'd have a great time!!