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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #501
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  2. #502
    I must go to bed but had to check the net. Haters are out in full force and I'm loving it!!!!!!!

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  3. #503
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  4. #504
    Yeah, but keep one thing in mind from a Falcons fan:

  5. #505
    I'm looking for the song that say's, I'll Day Will Come Back Around Again. LOL

  6. #506
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    MOE, You are the BEST!!!!!!!!

    Thank You so much and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.

    Go Steelers!
    Ms M, I completely missed this because of socializing in Pittsburgh.
    All the best for the New Year

  7. #507
    missed this because of socializing in Pittsburgh.
    All the best for the New Year
    LOL...Glad to know you're getting your groove on! Have fun and a Happy, Happy New Year!!!!

  8. #508
    HEY MS.M,HOW BOUT DEM BOYZ[you don't realize how hard it is for me to type this without a barf bag]BUT YOUR VICTORY MAY HAVE PUT US IN THE PLAYOFFS, OF COURSE WE HAVE TO WIN[when i think of this defense I need a barf bag].

  9. #509
    Finally, week 17 is here and all the scenarios are clear. I can stop rooting for teams that I don't like to beat teams that I hate. From this point on, I hope everybody who's team mascot does not swim or fly loses. Note: The Iggles, Cards, and Crows are all out of the playoffs leaving one magnificent flying beast to patrol the skies.

  10. #510
    Nobody wants to play the falcons.

  11. #511
    This year, there are several teams that nobody wants to play. The Pack because Aaron Rodgers is a nut and Jordy Nelson is nigh unstoppable. The Giants because their defense is balling out [[even though their corners are hurt). My Birds because their offense is off the chart and a defense filled with rookies and second year players is figuring out how to play well. Seattle because they have just enough pride to figure it out, although they seem to be imploding before our eyes. Dallas, because ms_m has a mojo bag and she has no problem using it if it means her Boys will win.

    And then, there is Washington and/or Detroit. I love you, Bro. But if I had to pick one team of the seven who are available to play, I kind of want to play y'all. Now that I've said it, the Rednecks will probably send my team home... But the reason I said it is because you want some momentum going into the playoffs and Washington is kind of limping right now [[like the Lions).

    I'm not going to wish you good luck if your team is going to try to beat mine. But good... something. I'll leave it with this wonderful scene from "When Robert Met Sean":

  12. #512
    I was thinking about the possibility of us meeting ya'll in the playoffs[but if we get in we go to seattle-and we lose]but playing the falcons would be a high scoring affair say[45-41 falcons]i got zero confidence in our so called[defense].

  13. #513
    It's all good arr&bee, now go out Sunday and kick some Giant butt!!!!!

    I'd actually like to play Atlanta, I think it would be a good game and as Jerry Oz said....

  14. #514
    We'll try,of course we have a secret weapon...eli!!!!!!!

  15. #515
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    We'll try,of course we have a secret weapon...eli!!!!!!!
    LOL...I'm hoping your secret weapon is a team more motivated than the Giants because, I think they are more motivated than critics and fans are giving them credit.

    Also, rumor has it DeSean wants to go back to Philly, although I'm guessing as a professional he'll give his all in this game.

    We shall see how it plays out.

  16. #516
    I wouldn't be surprised at all to see us fall to the g-men, the skins can't stand prosparity i'll have a good strong batch of this wonderful elixur ready just in case,folks seem to forget that the giants play in our division and don't want to lose to us twice,heck if da bears had five more minutes they would've beat us,i may not be a boyz fan but i have to say that you all took care of biz at home i'm not sure we can-sigh!!!

  17. #517
    Oh and as for those rumors about d-jack going back to philly[i've heard that too]let him go and good luck,the skins ain't gonna pay em both so i'll keep garson and hope that doctson is a player.

  18. #518
    Cousins has a lot to gain from playing well in this game. If his teammates don't step up for him and play with more pride than we saw against the Panties, then they should be ashamed. Seldom have I seen such an uninspired effort and it has always been Miami or Atlanta that laid those eggs in the past. Washington/NY and Green Bay/Detroit are going to be barn burners this weekend.

  19. #519
    If his teammates don't step up for him and play with more pride than we saw against the Panties, then they should be ashamed.
    At times you get the feeling Eli doesn't have a lot of confidence in his line either...hence letting the ball go like it's hot coal and then turnovers.

    It will be interesting to see which team, on both sides show up on Sunday.

  20. #520
    Nah,eli is just a deer in the headlights[if you flinch at him hard he'll throw a pick]the worst veteran quarterback ever!!

  21. #521
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Nah,eli is just a deer in the headlights[if you flinch at him hard he'll throw a pick]the worst veteran quarterback ever!!

    I will admit, Peyton he ain't. LOL

  22. #522
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Nah,eli is just a deer in the headlights[if you flinch at him hard he'll throw a pick]the worst veteran quarterback ever!!
    He's likely going to be the worst hall of fame QB ever. No way they leave him out with two rings for wins over Tom Terrific. Peyton probably had nightmares about family reunions if he had retired without picking up his second ring.

  23. #523
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    At times you get the feeling Eli doesn't have a lot of confidence in his line either...hence letting the ball go like it's hot coal and then turnovers.

    It will be interesting to see which team, on both sides show up on Sunday.
    The Giants appear to present more of a problem to other NFC teams right now. Their defense is problematic and a horrible for some match ups. Some teams have played them twice and still haven't solved it.

    Hint, hint...

  24. #524
    Why throw hints when facts can take you further? They kicked our butts twice but yet, we're #1, rule the NFC East and have home field advantage in the playoffs. While the Falcons are shaking in their cleats, wondering if they are going to be knocked outta second. Now Obi your wan kenobi on dat Jack!

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    Last edited by ms_m; 12-29-2016 at 07:10 PM.

  25. #525
    Oh yeah and we have a punter that can do this

    I know I shouldn't laugh but it was legal and cracks me up every time I see it. Jones even did a little pimp walk towards the dude afterwards. HAHAHAHAHA
    Last edited by ms_m; 12-29-2016 at 03:19 PM.

  26. #526
    I really, really, really want to play you guys. I mean, Really!

  27. #527
    Um ms.m he actually hit him in the head,but you guys won so hip hip hooray???

  28. #528
    He initially leaned in with his shoulder not his head. When #51 hit the dude from the back, it was then the helmets met. Seriously, look at it again.

  29. #529
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  30. #530
    Here is another video angle. Scroll down [[forget Gruden...LOL)


    I've looked all over, you're the ONLY one that had a problem with the hit.

    I LOVE to win but if I thought he had deliberately hit homie with his head I'd call foul.

  31. #531
    Dang, girl! You're really feeling it now. The road to the big game goes through Arlington, so I hope we survive to duke it out wit' dem Boyz. As for being worried about a team whose best defender is its punter, well I'm not sure. But I'll just humbly act as if I am. LOL.

  32. #532
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Dang, girl! You're really feeling it now. The road to the big game goes through Arlington, so I hope we survive to duke it out wit' dem Boyz. As for being worried about a team whose best defender is its punter, well I'm not sure. But I'll just humbly act as if I am. LOL.
    Just stating facts but I know better than anyone, anything can happen. I've been on this cloud before and was bumped off. We shall see.

    Seriously, I really do want to play the Falcons and here's hoping that happens. Cheers!

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  33. #533
    I've looked at it-sideways-upside down-upside up-in 3d-4d...and he still hit him in the head.

  34. #534
    ...and just for the record, I don't like making excuses. Our defense sucked during the first half of the Lions game but Lee gave them a much needed expletive pep talk and they came out fighting. Knowing the second string is able to make adjustments like that makes me proud of my Boyz.

    I am, who I am, DC4Life!!!!!!
    Last edited by ms_m; 12-29-2016 at 08:41 PM.

  35. #535
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I've looked at it-sideways-upside down-upside up-in 3d-4d...and he still hit him in the head.
    Call it what you want but I see it differently. SHRUGS

  36. #536
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Just stating facts but I know better than anyone, anything can happen. I've been on this cloud before and was bumped off. We shall see.

    Seriously, I really do want to play the Falcons and here's hoping that happens. Cheers!

    Name:  9865012-Clinking-champagne-glasses-against-a-white-background-Stock-Photo.jpg
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    Cheers! Falcons Nation wants to play the Cowboys because those of us who are old enough to remember the come back led by Danny White and Drew Pearson still have a closet full of unresolved anger over how the possibly best season in team history was so inappropriately stolen from us. To many, Danny White is more hated than Warren Sapp, Drew Brees, and Cam Newton. I'd love to take revenge, even if it took nearly 40 years to get it.

    On the flip side, two years, ago, I lost a cousin who was also a dear friend and he was as bad as you in his devotion to the Cowboys. He was also an Ohio State fan. If Dallas wins the Super Bowl and Zeke leads the way, I'm going to hide in a closet and cry myself to sleep

  37. #537
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Cheers! Falcons Nation wants to play the Cowboys because those of us who are old enough to remember the come back led by Danny White and Drew Pearson still have a closet full of unresolved anger over how the possibly best season in team history was so inappropriately stolen from us. To many, Danny White is more hated than Warren Sapp, Drew Brees, and Cam Newton. I'd love to take revenge, even if it took nearly 40 years to get it.

    On the flip side, two years, ago, I lost a cousin who was also a dear friend and he was as bad as you in his devotion to the Cowboys. He was also an Ohio State fan. If Dallas wins the Super Bowl and Zeke leads the way, I'm going to hide in a closet and cry myself to sleep
    Sorry to hear about your cousin but he sounds like a good man and would have LOVED Zeke!

    You'll be ok, just remember, don't hate appreciate!

  38. #538
    With my luck the packers and lions will play to a tie and my[no defense playin]skins will be at home cryin in their gatorade.

  39. #539
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    With my luck the packers and lions will play to a tie and my[no defense playin]skins will be at home cryin in their gatorade.
    Ya gotta believe, until you can't believe anymore. Don't give up now, you've got a shot, who knows, they just may make it.

    Don't have any real love for either team but the Giants need to go DOWN!!!!! hahahahahahahaha

  40. #540
    I know ms m,but they don't play noooooooooooooooo d-e-f-e-n-s-e, my grandson's pee wee league team could score on these dudes i don't worry bout the offense cause they will score but of course the d will give it right back..agggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

  41. #541
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    I know ms m,but they don't play noooooooooooooooo d-e-f-e-n-s-e, my grandson's pee wee league team could score on these dudes i don't worry bout the offense cause they will score but of course the d will give it right back..agggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
    I'm trying not to laugh here......I'm sure they will do their best. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  42. #542
    Kirk cousins better get a[bionic arm]cause he's gonna need it if we get in.

  43. #543
    "You like that!" Still makes me laugh my butt off. What a nob.

  44. #544
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    "You like that!" Still makes me laugh my butt off. What a nob.


  45. #545
    Holy crap batman...

    Defensive linemen Demarcus Lawrence, Cedric Thornton, Tyrone Crawford and Terrell McClain are out, along with linebacker Justin Durant, cornerback Morris Claiborne, and left tackle Tyron Smith.

    They’ve also listed left guard Ronald Leary and cornerback Anthony Brown as questionable.

  46. #546
    Talk about being relieved we have nothing on the line....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....WHEW!!!!

  47. #547
    Nothing to be worried about. I'm sure that everybody but Smith would play if it was was the playoff game. There's a great chance to get almost everybody 100% healthy with the next game more than two weeks away.

  48. #548
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Nothing to be worried about. I'm sure that everybody but Smith would play if it was was the playoff game. There's a great chance to get almost everybody 100% healthy with the next game more than two weeks away.
    I know but it looks so daunting with that many players injured.

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  49. #549
    ...and you guys thought I was nuts.....hahahahahahahahaha

    I love my Boyz but this is a bit much even for me!


  50. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    I know but it looks so daunting with that many players injured.

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    They aren't injured. They're hurt. A lot of guys are hurt this time of year. The injured ones go to injured reserve for the season. If it ain't broke, torn, or missing, now's the time for Mom to kiss the boo boo, smack you on your ass, and send you back out to play.


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