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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #1

    Yo... Moe

    The Ravens? Really? LOL
    ....and yeah our game [[Browns) was a gimme but I ain't too proud to claim it......7-1 baby... bring it on Steelers.

  2. #2
    Umm,over here...ms m you know i'm your biggest fan...... But the dirty dallas cowboys???!!!????aaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I don't think so...[yep i'm a skins fan]and we will see you all on thank giving and we won't [give ]you all this game like we did in d.c.!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Umm,over here...ms m you know i'm your biggest fan...... But the dirty dallas cowboys???!!!????aaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I don't think so...[yep i'm a skins fan]and we will see you all on thank giving and we won't [give ]you all this game like we did in d.c.!
    I can weather the slings and arrows, I'm use to it so bring it on but NOTHING will deter me from my Boyz.

    I don't care for the Redskins and it goes back years for reasons I'm sure you are aware of but I have been known to pull for them on occasion [[when it's to our advantage in the standings). AND was never impressed with RG3 but always believed Cousins was good.

    I love football and If you make an outstanding play, I don't care who you are I will give props but MY BOYZ will ALWAYS be my #1

    Looking forward to Thanksgiving but we need to get passed those Terrible Towel Steelers first.....LOL

  4. #4
    The steelers seem to be having problems[they had no problems kicking our butts though]but anyhow,see ya'll at turkey time.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    The steelers seem to be having problems[they had no problems kicking our butts though]but anyhow,see ya'll at turkey time.
    They haven't been looking like themselves lately but I don't think you can underestimate them either.

    Turkey-day it is my friend!!!!!

  6. #6
    Approximately 24hrs and it's on Moe.

    Are you going to the game? If so, stay warm, be safe and good luck....your guys are gonna need it....LOL

    All jokes aside, looking forward to a good game.

  7. #7
    No Ms M.. this was the one game I couldn't attend due to a previous commitment.
    So we'll all have to wait & see.
    I hope it's a good game.........who's your QB?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    No Ms M.. this was the one game I couldn't attend due to a previous commitment.
    So we'll all have to wait & see.
    I hope it's a good game.........who's your QB?
    We are still going with Dak. Last I heard Romo is on coaching detail. I'm cool wit dat....LOL

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    We are still going with Dak. Last I heard Romo is on coaching detail. I'm cool wit dat....LOL
    After doing some reading, I need to amend my statement. As far as I know we are going with Dak. Whoever starts this sounds like it's going to be an emotional game.

  10. #10
    Here we go. I'll be back and even money says, I'll return pissed or happy.....LOL
    We still have Dak....Go Boyz!
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-13-2016 at 05:28 PM.

  11. #11
    Where we at so far....Shaky start, some "choice" words on my part but...
    folks can hate on my Boyz all day long but if you can't appreciate the amazing skills of these two ROOKIES, [[Dak and Zeke) you don't know squat about football!!!!!

  12. #12
    Geeze Louise, if I had nails this would be a nail biter. LOL ...and since I'm here. I have been defending Romo for years but I swear, this Prescott/Romo blah, blah, blah, is getting on my last good nerve.

  13. #13

    Go Boyz

  14. #14
    damn sam but thanks for going for the two points again.....LOL

  15. #15
    Do I really need to say...oh hell yeah I do


  16. #16

  17. #17
    Damn Moe, what's up with those two pointers, not that I'm complaining

  18. #18
    Not to be redundant but


  19. #19
    Mo down, Dez to go....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh and let me be gracious, great game Moe [[no joke, that was a hell of a game)!!!

    8-1 – My Boyz!!!!!!

  20. #20
    I missed almost the entire game on tv....but I listened to most of the second half on Sirius fm which picked up the Steelers feed. I was in the car with my 16 year grandson who is a die hard Panthers fans and can't stand the Steelers....and my 17 year old granddaughter who is one of the biggest Troy Polamalu fans in Bmore.

    The radio guys were a lot better than the most local broadcast teams. Very knowledgeable and not overly biased. They moaned the last facemask call....but didn't dispute it.

    I hope Romo get dusted off for next week.
    Last edited by destruction; 11-13-2016 at 09:23 PM. Reason: clarity

  21. #21
    I will always defend Romo's record but Dak has more than earned his starting position!!!!!!

  22. #22
    I don't like the new Sunday Night Football song but Go Seahawks...eff Brady. LOL

  23. #23
    thomas96 Guest
    Well my Panthers season is about over... I like the Cowboys this year and will pull for them once the Panthers are eliminated from the playoffs. Too bad they couldn't pull it out in last year's Super Bowl. Such a great opportunity thrown away.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Well my Panthers season is about over... I like the Cowboys this year and will pull for them once the Panthers are eliminated from the playoffs. Too bad they couldn't pull it out in last year's Super Bowl. Such a great opportunity thrown away.
    I love loyalty so props to you thomas96. I'm from NC and many of my NC peeps turned their backs on the Panther's after SB loss one and two. For me, I was already deep in Boyz love by the time the Panther train rolled in. However, Carolina Blue college basketball is a different story....LOL

  25. #25
    Looks like Romo is now the backup. It's a little bittersweet but to paraphrase Jerry Jones, the Cowboys success is Tony's success. I hope he's not traded though, WE NEED a good backup.

  26. #26
    I hope Romo get dusted off for next week.
    Sounds like someone is a little worried.....LOL
    Romo or Prescott..... YOU'RE TOAST!....HAHAHAHAHAHA....

  27. #27
    I saw very little of the game because I am out of town. Elliot is a beast! Steelers could've won it but let Elliot get away from them in the last part of the game. Good game for you ms m!

  28. #28

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    I saw very little of the game because I am out of town. Elliot is a beast! Steelers could've won it but let Elliot get away from them in the last part of the game. Good game for you ms m!
    LOL...they had difficulties containing him all day [[can you say 83 yard TD in the FIRST HALF) but ok.

    Thanks Moe. Both teams played well imo...we just did ya one better. LOL

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Don't know but they need to change it back. The last one was my jam! hahahaha

    Trust dear one, I KNOW better than anyone we are not invincible but I'm loving the season so far.

    Seattle, bring it on
    Patriots bring it on

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    See ya soon!

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Sounds like someone is a little worried.....LOL
    Romo or Prescott..... YOU'RE TOAST!....HAHAHAHAHAHA....
    Worried...but not scared......I've seen my team play.

    The funny part about the Steelers' feed was listening to them describe a few plays late in the fourth quarter.

    The Steelers had pretty a decent kick return....here's the play by play.

    "He's on the 25....30....33....35...40...and down....WOW."

    Here they are on Zeke's last TD run:

    "Here's the handoff....up the middle....silence....silence....It's over, he scored."

    I didn't miss my fave NFC team over the Pats later Sunday.

    And I always root for the boys over the skins and giants.....it's a proximity/baseball thing.

    Any Given Sunday.....

  32. #32
    Worried...but not scared......I've seen my team play.
    ...and worried you should be. LOL

    "Here's the handoff....up the middle....silence....silence....It's over, he scored."
    It was even more fun to watch.

    However, anyone pulling for the Bozy over the skins, giants [[and ya need to add eagles) is AOK in my book.

    Ya like that arr& bee, ya like that....hahahahahahahahaha

  33. #33
    Oh snap arr&bee... and I CAN NOT believe I slept on this but you do realize by saying the Brady Bunch could beat us, you predicted a Boyz vs Patriots SuperBowl.

    Wow THANKS!

  34. #34
    It may well come to pass,but they gotta beat a little team from[seattle]to get there,which i'm gonna go on record to say they will more than likely meet for the[nfc]championship]...no my skins won't get past the first round cause we ain't ready yet...but we're gonna be ready on turkey day...and [i like that]!!!

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    It may well come to pass,but they gotta beat a little team from[seattle]to get there,which i'm gonna go on record to say they will more than likely meet for the[nfc]championship]...no my skins won't get past the first round cause we ain't ready yet...but we're gonna be ready on turkey day...and [i like that]!!!
    We beat Seattle last season without Romo so although I see them as a serious challenge, I'm not overly concern. They [[Seattle) have a better record than Atlanta but personally, I think the Falcons are a better team right now. We still have a road ahead of us but Dak with Zeke, Whitten, Beasley, Dez etc. has given me hope that we can go all the way. Hey, nothing beats a failure but a try and whatever happens, they will always be MY BOYZ!

    Goble, Goble
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-16-2016 at 03:53 PM.

  36. #36
    "We beat Seattle last season without Romo"


    I don't know if it's Hendrix "If Six were Nine" or Stevie Wonder's " the day that 8x8x8x8 is 4" Math

    Or are you euphoric over Dak?

    Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah. It's the arr&bee /Jaimie Foxx.....

  37. #37
    And did you see Little Romo and Impossibles yesterday.....

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by destruction View Post
    "We beat Seattle last season without Romo"


    I don't know if it's Hendrix "If Six were Nine" or Stevie Wonder's " the day that 8x8x8x8 is 4" Math

    Or are you euphoric over Dak?

    Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah. It's the arr&bee /Jaimie Foxx.....

    Oops my bad, selective amnesia but I do know this

  39. #39
    Come on Des, it's not about being euphoric over Dak it's about recognizing talent. He's a frigging kid with skills and he shows a level of maturity that many veterans don't possess. I don't care who your fave team is, how could anyone not appreciate that? Besides, when in hells bells has Dallas been able to say they have two QB's they can count on?

    I've heard every joke in the world about Romo and to be honest, the possibility of him getting back on the field makes me nervous. Not because I don't think he has what it takes but because I think he's taken too many hits. I'm concerned he may not walk away from another one and I'd hate to see him go out like that.

  40. #40
    Hey ms m,your boyz used to have two pretty good ones back in the day...craig morton-roger staubach,they weren't bad.

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Hey ms m,your boyz used to have two pretty good ones back in the day...craig morton-roger staubach,they weren't bad.
    Back in the day? Heck we're talking about a time when the Super Bowl was still in it's infancy...hahaha... but yeah they were both great players.

    My cousin thought of himself as the next Bob Hayes back then. Wore 22 in high school and college. Last game of his senior year he was seriously injured and the dream died. Wow arr&bee, you went waaaaaaaaaaaaay back but that's my point. It's about time we had a combination like that again.

  42. #42
    Ahhh,bullett bob hayes,fastest man in the nfl in his time.

  43. #43
    Des, is this the clip you were referring to? It was sad but super classy. I've always respected Tony but he has taken this like a true champ and gets a standing O from me!!!!!!

    Don't want to see him leave and you never know what Jones will decide in the end no matter what he says after all, bizness, is bizness. As for Romo, I can understand playing a few more years being more important than future earnings with the Boyz. Heck, he's already rich. So it's hard to say what will happen in the end.

    Here's my question though, where could he truly go that would put him on a fast track to a winning season?

    Last edited by ms_m; 11-19-2016 at 10:29 AM.

  44. #44
    Are you ready for some football?

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    Last edited by ms_m; 11-20-2016 at 05:58 AM.

  45. #45
    Ms m,i believe that you are committed to your[boyz]which makes you one of the few,because when ya'll lose you all can get a little invisible...oh an i'm pickin b-mo.

  46. #46
    You know arr&bee, you can say that about fans in general and yes I've seen more than my share of so call Boyz fans over the years. The ones that really annoy me though are the ones that have dogged us out, over and over in the past but coming out of the wood work all rah, rah, now that we are having a good season. ...you know the ones....The Great Pretenders

    But here is what has been truly inspiring to me. I now live in an area where, no way in heck should people be pulling for Dallas but they seem to be all over the place and not afraid to say so... and this didn't happen recently. I'm loving it.

    Go for B-Moe, I ain't mad atcha but Thursday you will PAY!

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  47. #47
    Obviously this will not be an easy win but I predict a win never the less.

  48. #48
    Beasley scare but we're all good.

  49. #49
    Son of a biscuit eater

  50. #50
    Defense, Defense, goooooooooooooooo boyz....LOL


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