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Thread: Yo... Moe

  1. #201
    ........and we're trying!!

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by arr&bee View Post
    Ain't it sad that our nation's capital has no professional sports teams..oh wait yes we do...the washington kastles-yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    One of the few cities with a representative of all four major sports leagues. But to be honest, it doesn't seem like it.

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Funny about that, Ms. M. He wouldn't give the Ravens the time of day at the beginning of the season. Only on the bandwagon when the going is good. Not really a true fan like us.
    The last Ravens game is one of the few I was able to watch wire to wire.

    Everyone knows I'm a Ravens fan.....I don't have to blurt it out every 5 yards. To quote from our other divine entity.....from the latest Mad Max...."We live....we die.....we live again!"

    And I'm also a Seahawks fan.

    ".....but your Skins are IN THE HUNT...hahahahahahahah"

    Yeah......Just like the FOX....is in the HUNT.

    Oink Oink baby....

  4. #204
    Everyone knows I'm a Ravens fan.....I don't have to blurt it out every 5 yards. To quote from our other divine entity.....from the latest Mad Max...."We live....we die.....we live again!"
    Blurting it out makes it fun for some of us. It's call enthusiasm, you should try it err once in awhile.

    As far as your Mad Max....Every team in the league lives by that mantra...well maybe not the Browns but you get the drift.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Blurting it out makes it fun for some of us. It's call enthusiasm, you should try it err once in awhile.

    As far as your Mad Max....Every team in the league lives by that mantra...well maybe not the Browns but you get the drift.
    I hear you and understand that sometimes it can also be healthy.

    But for me, as they also say in the NFL, it's a matter of Down and Distance.

    How many people are down with me.....and how far away are they.

  6. #206
    Uh huh........there was a conversation that I REMEMBER that I asked: "Have you been watching Ravens games?
    "No, why should I.....they always lose."
    Christmas Day.........we'll see who Santa loves more....the one who's in the house with his belly full of food or the blonde who braved the cold at Heinz in full face paint.

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Uh huh........there was a conversation that I REMEMBER that I asked: "Have you been watching Ravens games?
    "No, why should I.....they always lose."
    Christmas Day.........we'll see who Santa loves more....the one who's in the house with his belly full of food or the blonde who braved the cold at Heinz in full face paint.


  8. #208
    Name:  Good Morning CBN.jpg
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  9. #209
    Morning Ms M. That will be an interesting game!
    We're in Buffalo....have to look at the snow report. We got 1-2 inches.

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Morning Ms M. That will be an interesting game!
    We're in Buffalo....have to look at the snow report. We got 1-2 inches.
    You're further north but last I checked they are looking for a little snow/rain later in the evening. Stay warm Moe.

    Just walked in the door and had planned on taking a nap to get ready for tonight but this Skins/Eagles game has me intrigued. LOL

  11. #211
    I give props when props are due. Good Job Skins, you held it down to the wire!

  12. #212
    I didn't see the Detroit game but I cannot believe the Browns only lost by 3 points. How was that possible????

  13. #213
    Time to take my nap now. I will return. LOL

  14. #214
    Name:  Rie or Die.jpg
Views: 7098
Size:  16.8 KB!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #215
    BTW...Congrats Steelers/Moe!

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    I didn't see the Detroit game but I cannot believe the Browns only lost by 3 points. How was that possible????
    My bad, the Bears....but still? LOL

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by moe View Post
    Morning Ms M. That will be an interesting game!
    We're in Buffalo....have to look at the snow report. We got 1-2 inches.
    We got half an inch, most of which was thawed by noon.

  18. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    We got half an inch, most of which was thawed by noon.
    Are you in East Rutherford or somewhere close? From what I can see its below freezing with snow/rain but anyhoo....I'm calling the Falcons game....LOL....congrats!

    What the heck is happening with Russell Wilson?

  19. #219
    Name:  lets-go-cowboys-florian-rodarte.jpg
Views: 15774
Size:  26.7 KB!!!!!!!!!!

  20. #220
    I like the Fast and Furious franchise!

  21. #221
    Wow! Looks like I'm going to the movies!!!!!!

  22. #222
    I still prefer the old song but I'll admit this one is growing on me. However I rather hear this...

  23. #223
    Good Job D!!!!!!

  24. #224
    Geez, I just posted & the post just got zapped! We now have freezing rain.......it's terrible!
    How bout that LeVeon Bell? 236 yards today!

  25. #225
    @$# ...sorry, Zeke should have caught that but

    I didn't get to see your game but did see highlights and Bell was on fire!!!!!

  26. #226
    touchdown baby!!!!!!!

  27. #227
    Be careful out there Moe!!!!

  28. #228

  29. #229
    Son of a @$#@%

  30. #230
    Feed Me!!!!!!!!!

  31. #231
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Feed Me!!!!!!!!!

  32. #232
    I would have challenged it too....LOL

  33. #233
    Are you serious?

  34. #234
    This could be a loooong night

  35. #235

  36. #236
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  37. #237

    about time!!!

  38. #238
    I am NOT a happy camper

  39. #239


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  40. #240
    thomas96 Guest
    Cowboys won't get far with Dak when going up against great teams. Need Romo to stand a chance down the road. Dak is the future and he's very bright but Romo is the hero Dallas needs right now. Too bad they don't deserve him.

  41. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Are you in East Rutherford or somewhere close? From what I can see its below freezing with snow/rain but anyhoo....I'm calling the Falcons game....LOL....congrats!

    What the heck is happening with Russell Wilson?
    Columbus, Ohio. My plan is to move to western New York after my Ronco Self-Lobotomy Kit arrives and I use it two or three times. And thanks. I'm hoping that your Boys play better against Tampa Bay than they played tonight. I was rooting for them, too...

  42. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas96 View Post
    Cowboys won't get far with Dak when going up against great teams. Need Romo to stand a chance down the road. Dak is the future and he's very bright but Romo is the hero Dallas needs right now. Too bad they don't deserve him.
    No disrespect intended, but Romo has never showed up for big games. He's a good QB, but I don't have your [[or Jerry Jones') level of faith that he will play better than the kid.

  43. #243
    thomas96 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    No disrespect intended, but Romo has never showed up for big games. He's a good QB, but I don't have your [[or Jerry Jones') level of faith that he will play better than the kid.
    The Cowboys have been so mediocre around him that's he hasn't really played in many big games. 8 TDs to 2 INT in 6 playoff starts. Only two wins, but again, more to do with rest of team than him. And now he doesn't have to carry the offense by himself with the weight on his shoulders. Romo in there opens it up more for Zeke to carry the load and gives them the ability to have a healthy mix of pass and run against great Ds. The Giants aren't a particularly great D but they forced the Cowboys into a situation where they had to rely on Dak throwing the ball and he predictably failed. With Romo in it would've been more open for Zeke earlier and they'd have never been in that position. And Romo in that position tonight would do much better than Dak. His success has been mainly because of two things. The offensive line. And defenses keying in entirely on the run game.

  44. #244
    Zeke is having a similar season and dynamic effect on the offense that DeMarco Murray had three seasons ago. In my opinion, suggesting that Romo has been surrounded by scrubs is unfair to the rest of the team. Prescott is having a season on par with Romo's best year.

  45. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Zeke is having a similar season and dynamic effect on the offense that DeMarco Murray had three seasons ago. In my opinion, suggesting that Romo has been surrounded by scrubs is unfair to the rest of the team. Prescott is having a season on par with Romo's best year.
    It's unbelievable.... a rookie wins 11 games, lose two and people want to bench him. How many games have Rodgers, "Brady Bunch" and Roethlisberger lost this season and why not bench them too? Give me a break.

    We lost, I accept that but to say we have a mediocre team is pure bull. Haters gonna hate but geeze Louise at least be fair and check out some stats!!!!

    ...and since when is a D-LINE and O-line doing their job a bad thing?

    Last night I was upset...NOW...I'm pissed beyond pisstivity!!!!!!!

    If Dak gets hurt, oh well that's how it rolls sometime but until then...

    Last edited by ms_m; 12-12-2016 at 06:29 AM.

  46. #246
    ...AND... 2007, Boyz had a 13-3 season, we LOST the division title to the friggin Giants no less and guess who was the QB?

    We made mistakes last night and why the heck Bryant wasn't paying attention blows but the Giants offense and Beckham were not all that.... however their defense killed us!

    To join the Boyz parade you gotta ride or die with the entire team...err body else can step!!!@!@!
    Last edited by ms_m; 12-12-2016 at 06:11 AM.

  47. #247
    Thanks Jerry Oz, knowing you're not in the Boyz camp 365 makes your compliment, support and eye for talent even sweeter. I truly appreciate that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. #248
    Name:  d918b5e9d6d432f79720d625f9c3d629.jpg
Views: 6573
Size:  56.2 KB!!!!!!!!!!

  49. #249
    oh and thomas96 I apologize. You didn't say this current team was mediocre but check yourself before you wreck yourself

  50. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    No disrespect intended, but Romo has never showed up for big games. He's a good QB, but I don't have your [[or Jerry Jones') level of faith that he will play better than the kid.
    I'm with you Jerry. Romo is not your answer. You have a winning combination of Dak/E. If it isn't broke don't fix it. What Romo can do is offer his experience in the playoffs [[while staying on the sidelines) to that combo. OK, so you lost yesterday, Russell Wilson threw 5 picks, etc. We all have bad games [[Steelers have had a few.....LOL). Let them get it out of their systems & next Sunday is another game. Dallas is still the team to beat!


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