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  1. #39001
    Happy Birthday Sansradio!!!

    I hope you enjoy your day!!!!!!!!

  2. #39002
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Have a happy and healthy year, Sansradio.

  3. #39003
    Happy Birthday Sans, buddy and fellow word associate! Have the best day ever!!

  4. #39004
    Happy birthday, Sans. As we Italians say....Cent ani....

  5. #39005
    Thank you all so very much! Had a perfect three-day-weekend with the s.o. Even went dancing [gasp!!!]!

  6. #39006
    So, since I'm heading for 75, and can still dance [get on DOWN ]..just how young were you yesterday...? I have a feeling you are much younger than a lot of us on here....

  7. #39007
    Funny you should ask…

    Name:  IMG_2549.gif
Views: 21
Size:  4.6 KB

  8. #39008
    A Baby..........

  9. #39009
    ^ HA!!! Tell that to my chiropractor, luv.

  10. #39010
    I can still manage a high kick.

    Even if it takes a few minutes to then get the leg comfortably back in place....

  11. #39011
    Sans, your chiropractor is probably wondering what you've been up to with that back of yours.

  12. #39012
    You all are hilarious!

  13. #39013
    No, we’re just older than you…


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