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  1. #1

    Unhappy Help! What is this?

    Name:  The Supremes at The Carr'e Theatre - Lost Footages_.png
Views: 2591
Size:  3.1 KB

    I accessed the Motown Forum and it appeared to me!
    When I speak of the Supremes, problems happen? Users want to leave the Soulful Detroit because of my comments?

    Last edited by Weslley Francisco; 01-07-2015 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Did anyone address you directly in private message or in response to one of your posts and say that you were causing a problem?

    If not, what are you worried about.

    Problems only happen if you attack a SDF member or if you attack one Supreme to build up your favorite Supreme. If you are not doing that, then you should have no concern.

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