Oh my goodness... This Lions vs Commanders game is INSANE right now. It's too bad we've seen neither hide nor hair from Jai this season because he would be losing his mind watching this and I'd love to hear from him. Ralph, this must have you on the edge of your seat, but the rest of the world is grateful for what we're watching. Best half of football all season.
I agree, Jerry. In the end 5 turnovers?? Yikes!!! But a friend predicted this very upset.
And I already have given him his props. He called Commanders since a week ago. I am so sorry, Ralph. You know how much I wanted the Lions to go all the way.
In the other game I am sick & tired of these penalties on roughing the passer for only minimal contact. What is it with these refs & Mahomes? Even Troy Aikman commenting about this.
Let's hope the games today are as good as yesterday. Even Houston did better than I expected. [there was no blowout].
Moe and Jerry......The Lions just didn't have it yesterday. Naturally I'm heartbroken, especially for the great Detroit fans who thought a Super Bowl was in their future.
Tough break, Ralph. Even though I'm interested in seeing how far the kid can go, I wasn't rooting against the Lions. Their fans deserve a chance to see them go to the big dance and the sooner, the better. They didn't play on all phases last night. Goff didn't seem right after he was sent to the medical tent on that hard "block" after the interception. Let's hope Campbell can rally them up for another good season in 2025.
And yeah, Moe... I thought that Tom Brady got some weak calls from the referees, but every playoff game with Mahomes has him benefitting from the benefit of the doubt on personal fouls. That touchdown drive-extending roughing the passer penalty was a joke and I kind of tuned out after that because I saw where it was headed. He seems like a nice enough guy, but the controversy is irritating to me. He doesn't need help from the officials to win.
What got me, Jerry is that Washington got away with, what was obviously a cheap shot head butt to Goff allowing Washington to score. Not that it would have mattered in the end, but you are right. Goff was not the same after he got clocked.
That's what you get for not having Patrick Mahomes, who apparently can't be lightly touched without it being a penalty. I'm now a Chiefs hater because they call penalties of his opponents that they used to only call when folks were playing Tom Brady. Mahomes, like Brady, is good already so he doesn't need the league to help him.
A LOT of negative opinions about how "touchy" Mahomes is. Troy Aikman for one.
I think he called in he "flops."
We did have some good games this weekend. Ravens had 3 turnovers & then that Andrews drop at the end that would've tied the game. I think the weather affected 2 of those games.
The Philly/Washington game should really be a good one. I wish R&B would show himself. I'll bet he's really excited!! And it's Bills/KC take 2 [with drama queen Mahomes].
And tonight we have Ohio State/Notre Dame college championship.
I'm going to watch the championship game with Mom tonight. She's more of a Buckeyes fan than I am, so I'm rooting for them to see her happy. And I feel bad for Mark Andrews, who had a fumble after a potentially game-breaking catch and then dropped the game-tying conversion. That's a terrible way for the season to come to an end. I also feel bad for Jarod Goff, who played a nigh-historically efficient season only to have several turnovers when it was his time to shine. When things go wrong, sports are as heartbreaking an endeavor as they are exhilarating in victory. Take it from a Falcons fan, who knows the agony of defeat.
Jerry, I totally agree with what you said. Mark Andrews is a very good TE. And was Goff really the same after that one hit?
And so Ohio State wins another National Championship. Your mom must be happy!!
Mom is happy. She said she would have fallen asleep if I wasn't there to watch it with her. Personally, I'm just happy that I had something to focus on besides the devil's ascension to his throne yesterday. Most people I know are Buckeye fans, so I'm happy for them and also happy that Michigan fans are unhappy right now. Facebook should be interesting today.
There's a lot of Ohio State fans here in my community [transplants], so they were very happy. Someone asked if anyone had tickets to the championship that they didn't want to use. Really? But college football is much bigger here because of being in the SEC. You see people here in orange for Tennessee before any pro team [Titans included].
I bet those Buckeyes fans had to temper their excitement when OSU blew out Tennessee in the first round of the CFP. Probably walked around with crap-eating grins without actually rubbing it in too hard. Meanwhile, a lot of OSU fans are trying to navigate their dislike for the coach with the fact that *yes* he is actually a good coach and also a fine man off the field. This was a crazy season right up to the very end.
Those Buckeye fans were not exactly welcome anywhere here.....haha. Some neighbor in our community has a backyard statue of Brutus Buckeye that is now dressed to the nines in OSU red! I think the most vicious rivalry is with either Alabama or Georgia here. Saturdays are crazy here in season!
So on to the pros. I see where Mahomes did say he "maybe shouldn't have flopped." Big deal now that it's done.
Who ya got for Sunday?
Chiefs vs Philly in the Super Bowl again. Hopefully, the officials won't cheat like they did the last time. That seems to be a recurring theme for the Chiefs, doesn't it? They're a good enough team without the help, so why does it seem like only their opponents have a case for unfair officiating? Except for that game a couple years ago when one of their receivers lined up offsides on the play that would have resulted in another late game comeback and they lost the game because of it.
I'll have to join the Mafia Sunday. They deserve it. And I agree with Philly.
Outside of one person I know everyone else is so anti KC.....they want to see someone else win the Super Bowl.
Being a Dolphins homer, I can't root for Buffalo. Nope. Nah. Forget that. I'd rather the Chiefs lose in the Super Bowl because their fan base is already puffed up and I don't want to think the Bills are better, especially if they win. My dislike for the Chiefs won't increase if they win again, just like I didn't hate Brady for the extra rings. I'd rather focus on one villain than two, I guess.
I hope the winner of the NFC game wins in two weeks.
You feel about Buffalo the same as Pittsburgh feels about Cleveland....
Let's hope for some good games today.
My hit and run post.
Fly Eagles Fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK Philly, it's up to you!!!!!!!!
Yeah, if they show up like they did yesterday, they'll win. The Chiefs will have their hands full, even with the officials putting their fat thumbs on the scale like they did the last time these two teams played in the Super Bowl. BTW: How interesting is it that Jalen Hurts is playing in his second Super Bowl in his first five seasons? And he was a second round pick for the Iggles.
I have no love for Philly, but I'm a fan for exactly two weeks.
Randy Moss is back on ESPN. He looks good!!
I'm glad to hear he's looking good. I pray for his complete healing. I really want the Eagles to win, but I'm probably only checking in on the game from time to time. I'm bummed out on the NFL right now and since I don't have a dog in the fight, I'm not as interested as I might otherwise be.
Fly Eagles Fly...Congrats!
Enjoyed the game but didn't care for halftime show.
Eagles came to play!!!!!!! They were not going to be denied. Good for them!!!!
And Kenny Pickett, the "ex-Steeler first round draft pick" gets a Super Bowl Ring!!
Talk about revenge.......
I agree, Ms M........didn't care for the halftime show, either.
The half-time show was a joke like it has come to be for Super Bowl Sunday. Bring back the bands.
I missed it all. But, they could have had Duke Ellington playing at halftime and there would have been just as many people complaining about it as are griping about yesterday's show. There's no accounting for taste.
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. You can't compare Sir Duke to what was dished at half time.
Just making a point, Ralph. Art is a subjective medium and there's no accounting for taste. I would have had the same reaction to a death metal band playing that I had to Kendrick Lamar, but that doesn't invalidate the millions of fans who would have been glued to the screen to see their favorite artist playing their favorite songs. Doesn't make me right or them wrong to have different opinions.
But seeing as you know that pushing a fader up on channel #4 [out of 48 channels] up by 2 dBs can make a mid song a hit, you know this as well as anybody on this forum.
Ralph: There was a lot of political subtext shot through that performance, visually and lyrically, that I'm sure you'd appreciate. It was a huge middle finger to 45-47 and everything he stands for. The American flag rent in two made up of Black bodies, for instance, hit me right in the gut, given the state of things in the U.S. right now. For my money, it was a masterstroke. The cat doesn't have a Pulitzer Prize in music for nothing. This article teases out some of the major themes:
I really did try and listen to the guy but there seemed to be so much distraction with all the dancers jumping all over. Maybe I'm just too old school to appreciate today's music, but I really prefer it that way.
Sans, I guess the visuals went over my head. I kept listening for music that I couldn't find.
Kendrick’s brand of hip hop sets him apart because it’s not about partying and frivolous stuff, but interior struggles and social problems. The beats are secondary. The secret is in the lyrics, which admittedly are very rapid-fire and hard to absorb at first listen, but are subtly coded and razor-sharp. And the whole PlayStation/Squid Games/Game Over motif, as regards the state of the country, was chef’s kiss—especially in front of the Occupant-in-Chief.