View Full Version : Are members allowed to offer items for sale?


09-02-2013, 01:27 PM
I've written to the owner asking if this is okay but have not heard back. Can anyone let me know if it's okay to post Motown items for sale?

Or, can I post a thread with my email stating that I have items for sale?

I want to offer to this group because of their love of Motown before I go to the trouble of setting up an ebay account as I only have four items.


09-02-2013, 03:39 PM
I've written to the owner asking if this is okay but have not heard back. Can anyone let me know if it's okay to post Motown items for sale?

Or, can I post a thread with my email stating that I have items for sale? Ralph, the moderator, would be the one to ask.
I want to offer to this group because of their love of Motown before I go to the trouble of setting up an ebay account as I only have four items.


Spamming is not permitted here, but having a little markletplace section isn't a bad idea at all.