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10-12-2012, 07:27 PM
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Privacy PolicyLMJ HIStory and MissionPartners & LinksThanks & CreditsLegendary MJ BannerFriday October 12th 2012 Prince promoting the J5 Collection and travelling with his uncles to Japan next month

Michael’s oldest son, Prince, takes another step into the public eye this week with his first commercial endorsement. Prince Jackson, 14, revealed in an interview that while he can’t sing or dance like his father, he wants to be a television and movie actor. He has previously said he wanted to be a director.

Katherine Jackson’s lawyer said steps are being taken to “make sure that going forward everything with the children is done by the book.” Prince isn’t doing it for the money, but as a favor for his uncles, the four surviving original members of the Jackson 5 group that featured his father. None of the marketing materials for the jackets includes Prince’s name or image, but he did join Jackie, Marlon and Tito Jackson recently when they autographed 1,000 replicas of Michael Jackson’s Beat It and Thriller leather jackets. Jermaine Jackson also signed the jackets, which go on sale Thursday through Amazon.com.

The J5 Collection, which is based on the styles of the Jackson 5, will introduce Michael Jackson’s style “to a new generation,” Prince Jackson told CNN. He might wear them to “dress up parties,” he said. “It’s not casual, but it’s nice to wear to events.”

Prince said he’s hoping to travel with Jackie, Tito and Marlon Jackson when they perform shows in Japan next month. The plan is to have Prince introduce his uncles on stage, Marlon Jackson said. Perry Sanders, the lawyer for Katherine Jackson, said Prince has indicated he is determined to make his own money, even though he will inherit many millions from his father’s Estate. Taking care to make the right decisions about what deals to accept and what to reject is crucial to protecting his brand as the eldest son of the King of Pop, he said.

His uncles asked Prince to support the Thriller and Beat It jacket sales, a line that is authorized by the executors of the Michael Jackson Estate. ”These limited quantity collector’s items are exact replicas of the iconic originals and were created by the original designer of the jackets,” according to a news release. Michael Jackson debuted the red Beat It and red and black Thriller jackets, designed by Marc Laurent, in 1983. The Jackson brothers signed 500 of each jacket, which will sell for $2,350.

Policy statement : Michael Jackson always tried to give his children a private life. Since his death this has changed under the supervision of his family. Because we want to respect Michael’s wishes also after him passing away we will only publish pictures of his children when they go public voluntary. We will never publish pictures of them made in secret and/or by paparazzi.